Wondering about the Muslim cutlture...

United States
October 28, 2009 1:47pm CST
I absolutely do not want any bashing here. I am seriously interested in this subject for several reasons. First, and the reason for my second reason, is my friend has recently converted to her fiance's religion so they can get married. My second reason is, because of this I am using the topic for a subject on a paper for my Human Relations class. So here is what I want to know. First of all, from what I understand, being Muslim is more than a religion, its a lifestyle. Is that correct? Second, what, in a nutshell are your religious and personal beliefs (i.e. dating, daily life, etc.)? Third, what do you feel are the main differences between your culture and non-Muslim cultures? and finally... What are some things non-Muslims do and/or say that really bother you? Obviously I'd like an A on my paper, but more than that, I honestly want to know about being Muslim. I think it would help me understand my friend's fiance better, and let him know that I care about what he thinks and feels so he is comfortable with the friendship between myself and my friend. Thanks in advance!
1 response
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
12 Apr 10
sad that you had not even 1 reply to this. i was going to see what people had to say. anyway, did you try just doing research online? you probably came up with a lot that way. i really think muslim is not a bad religion or way of life and only the terrorists have given it a bad name. just like many have given christianity and other religions bad names. like Koresh, and Jim Jones, etc.
• United States
12 Apr 10
I did do research online, but it wasn't as personal as I needed for the paper I was writing. I ended up with two women, one that was Muslim and one converting so she could get married, that let me interview them in my own area. I found out some amazing information and have totally readjusted my opinion of the culture. I agree, there are zealots in every culture and religion. I was glad to have more information, and got an A on my paper!