The school holidays

@maximax8 (31047)
United Kingdom
October 28, 2009 3:11pm CST
It is half term this week where I live. All the children are off school this week. My son's playgroup had a stay and play session this week. It was excellent because many of my son's friends were there. Some of them he hasn't seen anymore because they have gone to into the schooling system. School can start as early as 4 years old in my home country. How do your kids enjoy the summer holidays?
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6 responses
• Philippines
29 Oct 09
Well, kids here in my country begin their summer holiday between the month of april and may where their is no classes. Then, the school usually begin by June up to march. The kids here start to go to school at preparatory levels at the age of 3 years. old for 2 years schooling. Then, kindergarten at the age of 4 to 6 years old. Then, the elementary graders start at the age of 7 to 12 years. old. Mostly enjoy the summer holidays with their family by going to the amusement parks, museum, parks and beaches. This is the way their enjoy their summer vacation.
@jugsjugs (12967)
29 Oct 09
I have six children four of which are in schools,one who is in sixth form and the other who is now working.This week it is also school holidays here and my children are now getting bored.I find that they try to keep theirselves amussed,if they are not interupted by their brothers.There is nothing much todo here for the children and with it being so cold they tend to want to stay indoors.
@bhanusb (5709)
• India
29 Oct 09
Our children are now waiting for winter vacation. Mid term examination will start the last week of November. The vacation will start in the second week of December. So our children are now passing busy time.
@xannebull (1793)
• Philippines
29 Oct 09
today it's first semestral break of my kids, so my kids spent their school break playing outside the house with their friends, they can wake up anytime in the morning since there's no school. summer holidays here in the philippines is on the month of april-may.
@doormouse (4599)
28 Oct 09
my kids are a pain in the holidays,my oldest is either at the skate park or hanging out with his mates,or pestering me for money to go to the cinema,my youngest is constantly moaning he's bored or causing arguements in the house between him and his siblings(he has behaviour problems),and my daughter just mopes around moaning she's got nothing to do and there's nothing good to watch on tv
• Singapore
28 Oct 09
My kids love holidays because there is no school. I shall give them some rountine during the holidays to provide some structure and stability in their life. I ask them to do their homework first in the morning. If there is no home work, I shall give them some assessment books. After that, I shall give them play time for half an hour to one hour. In the afternoon, they have nap time. When they wake up, I shall give half an hour educational DVD. It needs to be fun and eduational that motivate them to learn. In the evening, assign some housework for them that they can accoplished. Bonding time for family e.g. reading stories, lego, playing time with the families. I plan to give them outdoor trip for learning and excursion weekly. For instance, I bring them to the farm, New Water Center, library, zoo etc. It is fun and I enjoy the time with my children. A lot of laughters and good memory for the holdiays. Sylvia