Do you know what it's like to be without a family? It's hard! real hard!

United Kingdom
October 28, 2009 4:19pm CST
Have you ever lost your parents at such a young age? How have you coped? I lost both my parents when I was young. I have been living alone for many years without family. I'm a pretty nice person, calm, peaceful but I'm pretty sure that I'm also a little hard hearted inside! At times there is so much pain in my heart when I look upon happy families and what they do together! The happiness, the laughter, the hugs, the cuddles, the present giving at Christmas! That's beautiful and it kills me to see all that! I've just had to be strong and cope on my own and that's life. I'm angry tonight and perhaps a little depressed thinking about all this which is why I decided to create this discussion. Are there any others out there in this situation? Andrew
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11 responses
@sandymay16 (1617)
• Philippines
29 Oct 09
Hi, I have a family, an extended one. But living at home right now are myself, my dad, my nephew, my cousins. I lost my mom a year ago and my brother more than ten years ago. My extended family includes my first cousins and my aunts and uncles and other relatives and friends who have touched our lives one way or the other. We're always trying our best to support one another. I know how it's hard for someone to be without family or any family that you like to be included in. I once worked in an orphanage and the kids are always longing for families to love them unconditionally. That's why we at home always take in people who needs some sort of family even for a short time. I hope you can find the family you wish for. It may not be biological but still family.
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@GardenGerty (162761)
• United States
30 Oct 09
MyLot is an amazing place to find support. It does something no other social site seems to do. It feels intimate, even though it is very large. I have found good support and friends here as well.
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• United Kingdom
30 Oct 09
Hi Sandy, it's nice that you have an extended family. I have a couple of really good friends who I am in constant communication with. One of them has actually been a concert pianist in the past and is now teaching everything there is to know about the piano! We get on well anyhow. I'm taking each new day as it comes but with this discussion I just had to release some of those long built up feelings and thoughts! Andrew
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• Philippines
30 Oct 09
I'm glad that there's this site where we can write our feelings. Cheers
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• United States
29 Oct 09
Hey Andrew. I am sorry to hear that you have been without parents for such a long time. I lost my father the first time when I was 11. He joined a cult and was ripped from my life unexpectedly. We reconnected when I was 16 and then he passed away from cancer when I was 17. I am so thankful we were able to reconnect and were able to ammends with each other before his passing. I wish he was with me today. He was an amazing man and had a lot of interesting points of view. Before he was in the cult he was very well liked and well respected. When he resurfaced after a few years he was a changed man for sure, but still very much my father. I miss him terrible and try to only remember the good times before I was 11.
• United Kingdom
30 Oct 09
Hi jody, thanks for your thoughts. I also used to be a member of a cult! They pulled me in when I was at my lowest ebb! I managed to escape but I remember how loving and supportive everyone was and I really did feel at home there. That's a very young age to lose your father but it's good that you were reunited later. I'm more accepting of my situation now. Life has to go on and I have to get as much out of life as possible. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, I appreciate everyone's comments on this subject. Andrew
• Canada
28 Oct 09
I feel for you, Andrew. I lost my father (to a massive heart attack) just days after my 26th birthday (he was 53). My mom passed away, after a lengthy battle with a rare form of cancer, when I was 40 (she was 63). I guess that's not necessarily a "young age" but to have no parents, grandparents, nothing, by the age of 40 wasn't something I expected out of my life. Fortunately, I do have two beautiful daughters (their father and I divorced) and a sister who is married with one child. So, even though the family is awfully small, I do have some. I have no contact at all with any extended family so we're it, the little group of us. I understand your anger and depression. It's rough being alone. I used to imagine what it must be like to sit at a huge table of relatives during the holidays... but I've made peace with it and I'm happy with what I do have. Do you have a large friend base? Are you able to rely on them to get you through holidays and special occasions, which seem to be the hardest times to be alone? If not, are you active in your community? Sometimes, you can fill the void you feel by reaching out and helping others who are in need. Please just remember that, if it ever gets to be too much, you'd be doing yourself a great service to talk to someone and perhaps get a little help. I don't mean to imply that you "need" that - but an objective ear can sometimes be a great comfort. I really do wish you well.
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@sweetie1026 (1718)
• Philippines
30 Oct 09
I know that it must be real hard for you. I did not grow up alone, i have my family with me but for several years now i had been a single parent. I assure you it is also tough bringing up 3 girls alone. I also went through a stage during our separation wherein i felt so depressed, angry and lonely.Sometimes the feeling just engulfs my whole being that i just want to be left alone and cry my heart out. The pain is so great, that i often blame myself for the separation. Until now, there is still this emptiness inside me that hurts from time to time, but most especially it is there during the most special occasions in my life and Christmas and when i see happy families together. I feel sad for my girls and also for me because, honestly i want someone to grow old with. I know my girls feel it too, I have tried to be strong for them as well as for myself. Though we have a little different experience, i can relate to what you feel.All i can say is that, you can overcome that, but we can't help it that these times comes to us once in a while.I hope that you find someone real special to be your partner to start your own family with and be happy with the rest of your life. Good luck, my friend. God Bless!
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• Philippines
2 Nov 09
You are welcome, my friend! It has been nice chatting with you too.Have a great weekend ahead! Take care always!
• United Kingdom
31 Oct 09
It has certainly been hard and I have seen better days but it's really nice to have friends like you and others here to share this information with. I'm trying to remain positive about my life though and I take each day as it comes now. Whether I will ever get married I really don't know but I'm definitely going to remain open minded about this subject. I have varied interests that tend to keep me content and I do those on a daily basis, anything to keep me grounded and sane! Well sweetie, it's been nice chatting with you and thanks for your support. Andrew
@kellyjeanne (1576)
• United States
29 Oct 09
Andrew, I'm so sorry that you lost your parents when you were very young. I, myself had a family, but, because they were severely dysfunctional I decided to cut all ties with them in order to save what little sanity I have left. I know that I'm better off being without my family because of this, but, like you, I too am a bit hard hearted because I never experienced love from them and as a result I'm also very angry inside. I take my medication everyday. For now that's all I can do. I wish all the best for you, Andrew. God bless you! Purrs, Catwoman=^..^= & Mija
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• United States
6 Nov 09
Hi Andrew! That's one thing I really wish I had; a bicycle! I had one while living in Florida and I rode that thing everywhere. I also miss reading. Right now I'm just watching soooooo much T.V. that I don't give myself time enough to read. Have a great day, Andrew! Purrs, Catwoman=^..^= & Mija P.S. You can call me Cat or Catwoman. Everyone does in my apt complex and online :)
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• United Kingdom
6 Nov 09
Ok, Catwoman it is! When I'm reading then I am free! When I am cycling I am even more free! Thanks for your thoughts. Andrew
• United Kingdom
31 Oct 09
Hey kelly, nice to hear from you. I'm also sorry to hear about your situation but it sounds as though you are sticking to a plan that works for you. I too have become accustomed to my way of life. I do my best to get on and do what I can and things are that bad, I tend to do a lot of thinking during the quiet times. I'm a little angry inside myself and I do have my days I must admit. I try to do the things that I enjoy in life like regular cycling and reading and also watching my favourite movies and things like that. Well, that's life. Andrew
31 Oct 09
Hi Andrew. I am sorry to hear you feel this way but it's understandable. It's not always positive having family around. You can have that sense of closeness from friendship as well. It's not all hugs and cuddles and present giving.
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• United Kingdom
31 Oct 09
Hi, how are you? Thanks for your thoughts on this. I have a couple of close friends and I get the sense that we are like family now. Christmas can be a very painful time of year but I manage to get by and I'm like stuck in this routine but I'm grateful for the pleasant moments that I'm able to create for myself. Well, how do you spend Christmas normally? Andrew
31 Oct 09
Also we can see each other this Christmas if you want to : )
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@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
28 Oct 09
I'm so sorry for you. I'm not always close to my family. We're very different people but if push comes to shove I know they will be there or my friends will. I can't imagine what it's like to have no one you're related to. I hope you have great friends who allow you to spend the holidays with them and what not.
• United Kingdom
28 Oct 09
That's ok, I'm learning to adjust to my situation, I've been learning for quite a few years! It's good that there are people that you can turn to. This is one of the reasons I love the Internet so much and My Lot above all! Such is life! At least my cycling gets me out and I can be free! Andrew
@crys7881 (249)
• United States
29 Oct 09
I am so sorry! Both of my parents are still alive but we are not close at all. When I moved out at 18 it was pretty much like I ceased to exsist to them! The only time we talk is if I call them and we only visit if I drive to where they live, it is two hours away and you would think they would be willing to drive to see their grand kids but they don't! I haven't talked to them in about a month (because I haven't called them of course) and sometimes I wonder if they would care if I never called them again. It is sad and depressing knowing that you have no one, but at least yours aren't just ignoring you, they have passed away. I feel like I'm not good enough for my parents to even pick up the phone and call me. I don't like not having someone to call when I need advice or if I have good news. Sometimes they don't answer and when they do they don't ask like they are interested in what I am saying. Thats the part I don't like, not having them to talk to...
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• United Kingdom
31 Oct 09
Hello crys, thanks for your support. I'm so pleased that your parents are still alive but sad that you are not close with them. That sounds like a difficult situation to be in though when you have family members that are not that interested. When my father passed away I received a long letter from the States and it was from my father's brother, we've never met. Anyway, we lost touch after that but recently I have been exchanging emails with him and he has a very big family over there. I'm pleased that I maintain email contact with him. Still crys, you have extended family here on My Lot now and we are all interested in how you get on! Thanks for your thoughts on this. Andrew
@advokatku (4033)
• Indonesia
29 Oct 09
hmh ... sorry, I'm concerned with the life which you run, losing a parent in life really requires a high morale, but you've proved to us all that you are a strong personality. Believe me, the happiness largest of the world's is happiness with family, especially with the parents but does not mean you do not get greater joy is still there as long as the people who loved and watched you with a sense of genuine affection
• United Kingdom
30 Oct 09
Hello advokatku, thanks for saying so. I try to be strong although there are moments when it is very hard. I guess I experienced one of those moments when I decided to create this discussion. I have two very good friends who come to see me and they are actually in the same boat as me so I guess we support eachother. Life is very strange with its twists and turns and we really don't know what is around the corner. I try to remain positive though and I'm hoping that things can only get better. Andrew
30 Oct 09
yes andrew, i know how you feel. at only 7 years or less, my mother broke up with my father. He was busy to work and i must of the time stood alone. I have 25 years and still my heart is suffering because i miss my mom. Sometimes i ask my self... why people with heart suffer more than others?
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• United Kingdom
31 Oct 09
Hello adrian, it seems that the kind hearted people tend to suffer the most. It's good that you are able to share this information here. I have my moments and I find it very hard. I think to myself that it's another day tomorrow and I will try and pick myself up and get on with things. I have my little pleasures and I tend to give myself some quiet time as well and I really need this. It's nice chatting with you and good luck in our situation. Andrew P.S. a big welcome to My Lot by the way!
29 Oct 09
Yes, as a member of a family is just like a People is part of sociaty.What would we become without our community,cave man? Even a cave man needs the supply of the community . as a member in a family,we are offering ourself to make the family nicer and richer.Make other members living confortable.That's our responsibility to the family.Also,family is the support,we are working outside,suffering outside,we need someone to comfort us and be with us at home,so we could feel the warm and happiness. Just like the Declaration of independence says: pursue happiness No one want to be abandoned,be with family heart and soul
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• United Kingdom
30 Oct 09
Hello nishikiki, I have lived alone for many years and I have become so used to my environment now that if it was to suddenly change it would become very uncomfortable. I am working on changing things slowly though. I guess my close friends are my family now and I really appreciate their time when they are with me. My Lot is kind of like my extended family now. Andrew