My missing paycheck

United States
October 28, 2009 7:01pm CST
I get paid with direct deposit. For the almost ten years I have been with the same job, my pay has gone into my account like clockwork. So, today was payday, and I was down to fumes in my gas tank and absolutely no food, not even a piece of bread. I got up and checked my bank balance, and no paycheck! I drove to work in a panic, figuring the boss would write me a paper check. No, none of us got paid. My bank (Chase) has made some sort of error and didn't pay ANY company that was supposed to be paid today. Now, that's not the worst of it. Mt boss said he didn't understand why I was so upset by a simple computer error. I not-so-calmly explained that my family would be eating broth for dinner, assuming I could get back home without running out of gas. He said it was my own fault for "cutting my budget so close." After feeling several blood vessels, I told him that since he knows how much I get paid, he should know that close is the only way I can cut it. He took a $20 out and tossed it on my desk. I said thanks. What a jerk!
15 responses
• India
29 Oct 09
Hi, firemom, it is your mistake. Have you not read the proverb save for the rainy day. It is always better to keep some money for emergencies. I wonder why you are so angry with your boss. At least the man had given you $20. Is this how you show your appreciation for somebody who has helped you in an emergency. If you think that your pay is quite low, why are you staying in that job for the last ten years. You could have switched over to some other well paying job. I do not have any sympathies for people who do not watch their expenses.
• United States
29 Oct 09 are a JERK!!!!
• United States
29 Oct 09
Thank you both for your support. I was just about to say the same thing, but you both said it much better. Rameshkumaar57, I believe you fit the same mold as my boss. You have obviously never truly struggled to make ends meet. You are also an obvious narcissist, concerned only with your own life and of the opinion that anyone who does not live as you do is somehow a lesser human being. I will not waste my time explaining my circumstances to someone who so onviously lacks the capacity to understand, or care, but you should remember something - here in the US we have a very popular saying, "what goes around, comes around." Someday you will be in a bad situation, whether it be financial or health related, and I would bet you will have a hard time understanding why no one cares. The rest of will know the answer to that question, so feel free to ask when the time comes, and it will.
• United States
30 Oct 09
Rameshkumaar, Have you tried putting yourself in firemom's shoes? Your comment was very rude not to mention very hurtful. The United States is having a resession right now and many people are either being laid off or have taken cuts in pay. Jobs are hard to find and I ought to know because I have a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education and can not find work. I have been putting in applications in left and right in all professions. I know how firemom feels about not geting her pay check on time. If it had happened to me I would have been fuming as well. Her boss only gave the money just to get her off his back. Her boss does not care because he probably has never known what it feels like to struggle and worry about where their next meal is coming from and whether they can afford to pay their bills. Many people in the US are feeling the pain of struggling and the recession myself included. My husband's boss cheats him out of pay and has cut back his hours.
• United States
29 Oct 09
Wow, I would be fuming! Something similar happened at my old company. Our mileage checks were nearly three months late and backed up and the CEO said that perhaps we all need some budget counseling so this is not an issue. Yeah, if I was a CEO and making her salary I would not be worried about running out of gas in my Mercedes. You have every right to be angry. And, I would file a complaint with Chase as well.
• United States
29 Oct 09
OMG...what is WRONG with people....lets see they dont manage to pay you for 3 months and YOU need budget counseling??? WTF??...maybe THEY need budget counseling so they have enough to pay the people that work for them!!! Geeesh!!!
• United States
30 Oct 09
I know! That is what I was thinking. They have a lot more issues than I could imagine and thankfully I no longer work there. I was appalled when that was said and immediately was ready to leave the agency. Fortunately an opportunity presented itself and I was able to keep the job I love but do it under a different agency. It is funny how life works out sometimes. I know the old company is not doing well in the state. They are loosing contracts left and right and it looks like they are going to go under if they don't change there ways.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
29 Oct 09
Some people are just wrapped up in their own little world that they don't see a few feet in front of them. To him it might have been just a computer error, but he should have seen that it is your right to be upset because you are depending on your paycheck. The sad thing is, he think he can wash his hands about all this by giving you $20! Hang in there firemom31!
• United States
29 Oct 09
Yea, it was actually very humiliating, but I took it because I needed it to feed my family.
• United States
29 Oct 09
I am sorry that you have a jerk for a boss. I know how you feel because my husband has a jerk of a boss as well. My husband's boss cheated him out of pay and used the excused that since my husband did not give a valid reason for working 45 minutes late my husband's boss was not going to pay him. Now it is getting to the point that my husband does not trust his boss and is afraid that every pay day he will get short changed. My husband does keep copies of his time card and once he quits his job we will be going to the labor board to fight this along with some overtime pay he never received. Normally, we would fight it now, but this is our only source of income. I am afraid if my husband fights it now his boss will make his life a living nightmare.
• United States
29 Oct 09
It's terrible when we have no options. I hope your husband goes to the labor board the very minute he finds another job.
• United States
29 Oct 09
That really sucks! I think Chase should pay you interest or a late charge like they do us. As for your boss...there is no accounting for ignorance.
• United States
29 Oct 09
Great idea! Maybe I will go to Chase and tell them I am charging them a $35 overdraft fee. That's what they would do to me if I didn't have money in my account when it is supposed to be.
• United States
29 Oct 09
This is absolutely ridiculous! The bank should pay a fee to all those effected by this. One thing I don't understand is how places can charge all of these fees but individuals can't. And your boss is an ignorant man, he does not know your life story or how you spend your money. He sounds like a rich snob to me. I guess the recession isn't effecting him!
• United States
29 Oct 09
No, he's not hurting. He owns the company, has three new vehicles (big gas guzzlers), and spends more at the bar on Friday night than I make in a week.
• Canada
29 Oct 09
I would have been insulted, personally, to have a $20 tossed on my desk... but that's just me. I'm sorry for what happened to you, firemom31. Your boss had NO right to make even a single comment about your budget. It's none of his business. If you do you job, you get paid... end of story. My daughter recently got her first job. It's only a couple of hours a week but she works at her college's Info Center, answering phones, booking conferences rooms, fielding questions, etc. She does lunchtime replacement for the regular staff. Anyway, she worked about five weeks before she ever saw a paycheck. She kept asking why she wasn't getting paid and all she got were excuses. "You didn't get your timesheet approved." (she put it in the folder they told her to leave it in for signature). "Oh Fran didn't get the timesheets on time for this pay period" (so the person that approves them didn't forward them on to the next person for inputting). Then, we she finally got caught up and paid, the amount was wrong - apparently "Fran" didn't input all of the hours worked from the backlog of sheets. Fortunately, my daughter's not shy and she really stuck up for herself on it. Fran was mad because "a student was questioning how she was doing her job" but what was she supposed to do? She put in her time, she worked hard and did a good job (according to the person who trained her) but received no pay? I'm sure if any of the full-time employees involved didn't get paid, they would have read someone the riot act. Because she's "just a student," I guess they figure she can wait as long as they decide for her money? If nothing else, she's learning some strong lessons about things that happen in the workplace.
• United States
29 Oct 09
You have every right to be mad. I would be mad too if I was in your shoes. You work for them everyday and you go to work on time so they need to pay you on time. They would be mad if you didn't show up for work....same as you should be mad if your paycheck doesn't show up in your account. Some families can't help but live paycheck to paycheck and you have to have gas to get home and back to work again tomorrow and you have to feed your family. I hope they get it fixed and that you have your paycheck by tomorrow.
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
29 Oct 09
you are right, he does sound like a jerk. he probably has NO idea how you live. we are in the same boat and my hubby's brother and sister tell him they are having money issues too (both work full time plus their spouses do too) the thing is they spend money recklessly and my hubby has been out of a job since august. they have no clue what its like to only have $3 to your name!
@snowy22315 (186060)
• United States
29 Oct 09
That would be really frustrating. I hate to be expecting money and not get it when i think I am going to. My boyfriend's check did not come today and we were expecting it to. I hope it comes tomorrow, because I am going to need some money to pay the mortage. It is going to be due next month of course.
@weasel81 (2496)
• Australia
30 Oct 09
don't blame you for being upset. it's really annoying, when my boss changed from putting cheques in to bank transfer, it took up to 3 days extra to get in my bank account. i'm lucky my centrelink money comes in the same time i get paid, but it took a bit for the bank to approve the money straight away. my boss lets us know if the money is going in at a different time to normal, and if it's not there i will phone and ask where it is if i need money. yeah you can budget, but if something unexpected comes up, there's not much you can do. i'm finally on top of things from having to spend extra on my car, got the credit card to go and outside bill s paid off which makes me happy.
• United States
29 Oct 09
Ummm...I would have told him that he expects you to get the work done on schedule right? And if its not you can bet he will be in your office asking why the heck it isnt done....and in return you expect your paycheck on time!!! Believe me I would have poped a cork glitch or not it should be THEIR problem not yours!!! Thats what is wrong with everything going to computers these days....what happens when the computer goes down? They have a responsibility to pay you when they told you they would pay you when they hired you...not just whenever they get around to it!!
@Jennlk84 (4205)
• United States
29 Oct 09
You have every right to be upset!!! I would've been pretty darn ticked too. Don't bosses realize that you're expecting that paycheck ON pay day. I mean people have things they need to do with it...oh like pay the bills, feed their families, etc. Not everyone is rollin in the dough (like he probably is.) I'm so sorry this happened to you!! I hope it gets figured out soon!
• United States
29 Oct 09
He owns the company and is retired from being an officer in the military. He probably wouldn't even know it if his check didn't go in.
@artistry (4151)
• United States
29 Oct 09
...Hi firemom31, What a bummer. Most people live from paycheck to paycheck, some don't even make it that far. I receive my paycheck at home in the mail, company won't set up direct deposit. I usually mail the check to the bank. One week, I sent three checks to the bank, called to see if the deposit had been credited, nothing, never got to the bank, have no idea to this day what happened to the checks. Had to get a replacement on the salary check, the other two smaller ones were a loss. Crap happens. Take it easy.
@GoGirl149 (152)
• Canada
29 Oct 09
At the company I used to work at, I remember once we got an email saying that due to a technical error, all pays would be deposited one day late. In that case at least we were advised ahead of time. As well, they said that if this would cause problems for anyone to please contact HR. I believe they offered a small loan to those who needed some money to get by. The way your boss handled it was unacceptable. I hope your pay gets deposited soon.