Santa Claus Is Coming To Town.
By hellcowboy
@hellcowboy (7374)
United States
October 29, 2009 12:00am CST
Christmas is coming up fast and it will be here in less than two months,and it got me to thinking about how when I was a kid we always decorated the tree,and we would go visit family and eat and get presents,and I remember always counting down the twelve days,and counting the days of my Christmas break from school,and my favorite part was how Santa Claus would always bring me presents on Christmas Eve,and I loved it,and I remember I was in the fifth grade I think it was when my parents told me Santa does not exist because my cousin was in the band,and they were going to Disney World to perform,and family got cheaper tickets,so my parents said they would buy me a Nomad and let us go to Florida with the band,but I had to realize that Santa does not exist,it was really shocking and it is hard to believe that all the stories are not true,and at first I would not believe it and I still kind of wish he existed,and I know when me and my wife have kids,we will enjoy playing Santa Claus for them until we feel they are too old to believe in Santa Claus,so my questions are Do you still believe in Santa Claus?If so,Do you know the story of Old St Nick?If not,what age did you stop believing in Santa Claus?Why did you stop believing?Did it hit you hard that he does not exist?Did you want to not believe it?If you have kids what age are you gonna tell them there is not Santa Claus?How will you tell them?Please feel free to respond this discussion,but if you can not respond seriously and nicely then please do not respond,Happy Mylotting.
12 responses
@onlinemoneyjourney (235)
• Australia
29 Oct 09
I loved Christmas as a kid! But I can't remember when I discovered that Santa didn't exist. I must have been real small though - my dad always dressed as Santa. We were raised Christian so Christmas had/has a deeper meaning to us than Santa.
however, in saying that, my children have all believed in Santa. A friend's mother actually told my kids that Santa didn't exist. That annoyed me. My youngest is two years old and he will also be told about Santa until he discovers there is no Santa. But my children know the real reason why Christmas is celebrated.
@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
29 Oct 09
Yeah I know what you mean I remember my father dressed like Santa some of the years and I am glad that your kids believe in Santa,but they should also know the true meaning of Christmas,and when me and my wife have kids,we will make sure they understand that Christmas is about celebrating the birth of our savior Jesus Christ,because that is what Christmas is all about,thanks for responding.
@blessing2u (496)
• Philippines
29 Oct 09
Well, kids easily believe what they are told, or the story they hear from adults. From the day that we have known christmas, I always told my kids that satan claus is not true, he is an impostor, a hoax, and nothing more. Therefore, it is not hard for them to understand the truth. It is also taught in the Bible and in our Church that there is only one who knows when we are awake or when we are asleep.
@onlinemoneyjourney (235)
• Australia
29 Oct 09
Hi. Did you mean to type 'SATAN CLAUS'?
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@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
29 Oct 09
Yeah kids will believe about anything and that is one of the most amazing things about them,and yeah that is good to tell them the truth,and though Santa Claus does not exist there was an Old St Nick that existed which is where the stories came from in the first place,thanks for responding.
@Milykeish (40)
• United States
30 Oct 09
Yay! Christmas is getting closer. I'm so happy. I dont believe in Santa Claus now, but when i was little of course. The age I stop believing that there was no santa claus was at age 8 when my dad fell down the stairs with the gifts haha I still remember that time.
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@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
30 Oct 09
Yeah I know I am also happy that Christmas is so close and I am sure a lot of others are happy as well,and I am sure it was funny,I just hope he was okay and did not break any bones or anything,thanks for responding.
@randylovesdar (4932)
• United States
30 Oct 09
I am reminded of the story "Yes Viginia, There Is A Santa Claus" as long as you believe Santa Claus will always exist. I know that this may seem odd, but my husband and I buy gifts for each other and sign it from Santa. I can not wait to have children of my own so we can tell them about Santa. I also have many family traditions I can not wait to share with my children. My husband and I donate a gift to the angel tree and also to toys for tots. I make homemade gifts as opposed to store bought gifts. Every Thanksgiving night we decorate the house and the tree. We listen to Christmas Music and sing carols.
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@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
30 Oct 09
That sounds really nice,and I agree as long as you believe Santa will always exist even if it is just in your heart,I am glad to hear that you help so many people,and it is awesome that you make gifts,thanks for responding.
@solared (1207)
• United States
30 Oct 09
It all started in 2nd grade, when some kids told me that the Easter Bunny didn't exist then made fun of me.
Then I went home asked mom an then found out about Santa and everything else, course I
Well that Christmas I was involved I laid out presents, an ate cookies an milk, was fun.
Also I felt better knowing some fat guy wasn't watching
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@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
31 Oct 09
I am sorry they made fun of you,and it is always better knowing the truth,and I am glad you felt better,and it is kinda creepy when you thinks some fat guy is watching everything you do lol,thanks for responding.
@sheng143 (55)
• Philippines
30 Oct 09
I believe in santa when i was a little kid. And during cristmas I put a socks outside the door thi8nking that santa will give me a gift. bUt now as i grow older that kind of thoughts is full of craziness. Only little children believed in that.
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@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
31 Oct 09
Yeah children believe in Santa and it is a special part of being a kid,and it is not crazy to hang a sock and hope Santa brings you a gift,thanks for responding.
@sweetgirl_k1 (3972)
• United States
29 Oct 09
I'm not sure how old I was when I quit believing. My mom never told me I just kinda figured it out on my own. I am 6 years older than my brother so even though I knew he was not real I still played along for my brother's sake until he didn't believe anymore. I have a 3 year old and I don't plan on him knowing anytime soon. I will let him believe as long as he will cause I think it's fun playing Santa to him. I love to see his eyes each Christmas morning when he sees that he got what he wanted. This year he started asking for stuff and I've already bought what he wanted and then I'll get extra stuff too before christmas gets here.
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@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
29 Oct 09
I know it is amazing watching a kids eyes light up on Christmas morning and that is something that can never be replaced,and worth more than all the money in the world I am glad you are doing that for your brother,thanks for responding.
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
29 Oct 09
my youngest daughter is 12 and until a couple of years ago she believed in santa claus even though her older sister knew the truth. i made sure her older sister said nothing to her in regards to this. believing in santa is one of the pleasures of youth and kids are only young for a little while these days.
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@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
29 Oct 09
Yeah it is one of the pleasures of being a kid,and I am glad that you made sure your oldest child did not say anything to the younger child,thanks for responding.
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
29 Oct 09
Do you still believe in Santa Claus?If so,Do you know the story of Old St Nick?If not,what age did you stop believing in Santa Claus?Why did you stop believing?Did it hit you hard that he does not exist?Did you want to not believe it?If you have kids what age are you gonna tell them there is not Santa Claus?How will you tell them?
Hi Honey Dew! I think this is a great discussion! I don't believe in Santa Claus anymore. I have heard stories of Old Saint Nick. I don't remember what age I stopped believing in Santa Claus. I don't remember if someone told me, or I just stopped believing in him. It didn't really hit me hard, not if I don't remember it all that well. I think that Santa Claus is real in that everyone with Christmas spirit believes in giving. When we have kids we'll probably tell them around their tenth birthday, so fifth grade like you were told. I think that was when I was told. We will probably put only one gift under the tree from santa, atleast this is my idea, and then tell them Santa thinks their too old to be getting presents from him... though that might not make them stop believing, it might hurt them more, so instead of doing that, we just tell them that Santa Claus isn't real, but that their was a Saint Nick.
@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
29 Oct 09
I agree it is good to have Christmas Spirit and believe in giving to others and helping others,I like the idea,and fifth grade is probably a good time since they would be old enough to understand,it is okay if they still believe in him,but I guess it could hurt them,so I guess it would be better to tell them straight out about the different between Santa and St Nick,thanks for responding,I love you.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
29 Oct 09
I don't remember the age that I learned there was no Santa. However, I will tell you I was quite upset when I learned he was not real. I was so mad at my parents because I felt they had lied to me for all thoses years. I loved the magical time and thought Christmas was the greatest time of year. That was before I learned the truth. My girls learned when their friends at school would tell them the truth. I would play it off for a few years and got away with it. Due to my kids not believing I had the money to buy all these gifts for them. They were not upset like I was when I learned the truth. They took it very well like it wasn't a big deal.
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@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
29 Oct 09
I can understand where you thought you were lied to,and that it really upset you,and I am sure a lot of people think it is the most magical time of year,and I am glad it did not hit your girls as hard as it hit you,thanks for responding.
@LdeL0318 (6400)
• Philippines
29 Oct 09
I cannot remember anything regarding my belief in Santa Clause back when I was a child. Basically poor community doesn't know Santa. We are not too much on it. We had traditional ways of celebrating Christmas and Santa was something from the Westerns. But nowadays, it was different. Basically children here knew Santa and was the first thing in mind when they hear about Christmas.
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@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
29 Oct 09
I am sad to hear that poor communities do not know Santa,and every child should hear about Santa Claus if nothing else then to inspire hope,and teach them to be good little girls and boys,and yeah it does seem that Santa is always the first thing out of a childs mouth when you mention Christmas,thanks for responding.
@usemyname (640)
• Philippines
29 Oct 09
I stopped believing in Santa when I was about 9 years old. The truth behind Santa's existence got me frustrated at first because I thought why do they to pretend someone they're not. But, gifts started pouring in. So, it's still the same thing. But, it left a grim remainder to me that not everything we want in life could be given to us. Anyway, it's a good thing though.
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@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
29 Oct 09
Yeah that is true we can not have everything we want,and we can not believe everything we are told,but gifts will keep being given on Christmas,thanks for responding.