Are you smart or intelligent?

@zandi458 (28102)
October 29, 2009 6:53am CST
Sometimes being smart just isn't enough. We are the products of our parents and we carry their genes that determines the level of our intelligence. My parents are simple folks that possess average intelligence but with sheer determination they have shown me the way to survive in this rat race world. In this age we are living intelligence is so critically important to determining our fate. Think about the vast number of challenges we face in today's world. We've still got all the old age problems to deal with - problems of the heart, problems of love and war and honor and duty. Those problems have always been with us and will continue right on to the end of time. Have you come across people who's got a string of letters after their names and almost as many degrees and yet absolutely no common sense? I'm not disparaging the learned people or belittling academics, what I am saying is that it's sometimes possible to educate yourself right into a state of idiocy! Would you be able to "figure out" the right thing to do isn't always tied to 'book smarts' and the ability to see the 'truth' isn't necessarily related to the amount of knowledge you possess. Yes, it certainly helps to be 'smart' in life. But being smart isn't always enough. You have to have wisdom, too.
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25 responses
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
30 Oct 09
I appreciate your discussion zandi. I think that wisdom is so much more important most of the time. Wisdom can help us to deal with the myriad of event that occur in every day life where having a high IQ is not going to help; I’m not disparaging high intelligence either but I think wisdom is very valuable. My grandmother used to live next door to a young man and his mother. The young guy was about eighteen and had a very high IQ and he was told he was genius material. Upon meeting this young lad I realised that socially he had a really difficult time relating to society in general. He could not converse and would be stumped doing simple things like going to the shops and working how much change he should have been given. To look at him in a social situation anyone who did not know him would have thought he was mentally retarded. It goes to show that life is all about balance. Intelligence is important but so is wisdom, a balance of both would be perfect.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
30 Oct 09
Mentally retarded? it is funny but true. They have weird characters that is hard for anyone to understand them well. You remind me of my son who is highly intelligent and his friends considered him nerd much to his annoyance. He is only 27 and attained much success in his career. He is a geo-phycist and his career bring him around the world. He is quite reserved and do not have many friends. A bit anti-social. I detected his uniqueness since he was a boy. When ever I have gatherings at home, he refused to mix with anybody but would rather stay in one corner and read. As a kid, he always complained of boredom as we stayed in a village then and entertainment was nil. His only entertainment was comic books and internet/tv games. Only now he is picking up the other skill..socializing, living in the real world as he is staying in another town and is forced to apply more commonsense to survive as a lone ranger in a place surrounded by unfamiliar faces..
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
30 Oct 09
I think he improved a lot from the exposure to the outside world. He has just come back from a one month stint in Houston and yesterday he called me up saying he has bought something for me from the States. Yes..quite proud of his achievements but looks like the present scenario has changed. He expect me to listen to him and this has made me a little uncomfortable as I always consider him as kid that I can order around anytime. Not anymore...I seems to have lost all my powerful stings.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
30 Oct 09
I am sure your son is developing a good sense of balance with his intelligence and social skills. Moving away from home is a good way to learn and find the authentic self as one has to fend for oneself and his travelling would have broadened his mind, I'm sure. You must be very proud of him...
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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
29 Oct 09
Hi Zandi, I don't think one precludes the other at all. I know I am intelligent and educated to degree level, but more fully educated through reading, but academically I'm only intelligent in the areas which interest me and if something such as physics doesn't interest me then I have no intelligence in that field. Smart we all need, to be smart about people, how to survive, how to organise ones life, smart enough to know how to get done the things we can't do ourselves.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
29 Oct 09
Hi thea, I do see you as a very brilliant lady and that compose of intelligence and smartness. You are a class above and that can be seen from the discussions you started here which I think people of average intelligence would not be able to comprehend the deep topics that you present. If you don't see me in your discussions it doesn't mean that I don't support you but it is not within my mental capacity to understand the subject of your discussions. Rather than giving a non-sensical views I rather not respond and save me from embarrassment.
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
29 Oct 09
Hi Zandhi, thank you for those lovely words. I think though that most of my discussions are quite light hearted as I don't like controversy so stick to the middle ground though I do churn out the odd serious ones. My body ones have just been for amusement, nothing more.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
29 Oct 09
thea, for your level it might be light but think of those who can't parallel your thoughts or intelligence. Probably you can simplify a bit or stoop to the level of the ordinary jo so that many can participate as I think you are not short of fans here. . I don't mean to say they are not intelligent, they are, but just the communication barrier that hinders many from attempting to respond. Remember majority of the active mylotters are people from non english speaking countries. Unless you have certain targeted people that you have in mind.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
29 Oct 09
YEs I have seen a lot of letters strung out behind a name and most dont have common sence to clear up the problem To much book smarts and not enough common sence
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
30 Oct 09
always have
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
29 Oct 09
Having multiple degrees do not make a person an all rounder or super intelligent. He need to educate himself with practically everything in life because life has become very complicated and it needs commonsense to tackle some of life issues.
• United States
29 Oct 09
Common sense is soooo important i think. Being book smart is an advantage many people have been lucky to get but if they don't have common sense along w/it they are in trouble. My stepfather would have been a perfect example. Bless his heart, he was a professor at the college here but had not one iota of common sense. I think it very sad when people are like that.I'll take common sense over bood sense any day.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
29 Oct 09
Learned people are so wrapped up with their books which deprived them the use of commonsense in their dealings. Books are based on facts and figures while a lot of commonsense is needed to be street-smarts.
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• United States
29 Oct 09
I felt very sorry for my step-father when he was living. It was very sad to me to see they way he was.
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• India
7 Dec 09
Hello my friend zandi458 Ji, Nice to bring yousuch discussion, wch is the need of the hour. Everyone has to be smarter than other, at the same time, if one could haveaddition IQ, it would add another feather. Just imagine in CAT / GATE examination, 99% has no value, it goes 99.9%. So present children have to co-up withtodays requirement by being smarter tahn oteghrs, at the same time Intelligent. You ay contact at following for anysupport and guide lines. General Information: Customer Support: May God bless YOu and have graet time.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
29 Dec 09
Today's children are not only smart but are also intelligent. Thanks for the link and surely I check that out.
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• India
30 Dec 09
Lord Ganesha - Lord Ganesha is leading God among all Gods and must be worshipped first on all occasions, HE will solve all human p5roblems, if remembered whole heratedly.
Hello my friend zandi458 Ji, So nice of you. It is need of the hour. He/She who is smarterand intelligent will only win the race. In some cases, even imtelligency will overtake smartness and win the race. As it was a case with Lord Ganesha encircling seven times around the universe on his chariot mouse. He encircled around his parents Lord Shiva and Goddess mother Parvati and proved taht he was much more intelligent than his brother kartikaye and became No. 1 God for us. Wishing you a very happy Chrismas and New Year-2010. May God bless You and have a great time.
@kawalnarang (1095)
• Trinidad And Tobago
15 Nov 09
Similar case here,, I did not get good in school,, but followed my dad,, doing the daily work with dedication ,,and he said TIME IS MONEY,,,and keep myself clean ,I feel to keep it in mind
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
16 Nov 09
I think success in life depend solely on individuals. No one can deny that education is the key to attain success in life. But there are many success stories of people who are illiterate but are multi billionairs. These rags to riches stories are fine examples of people who have strong determination in life. They have more than what book smart can offer.
@Bluepatch (2476)
• Trinidad And Tobago
29 Oct 09
The better end product of whatever kind of mind you have is the ability to grasp things properly. I used to know a lot of people who came out of university and could not grasp anything properly at all. In my younger days employers in Trinidad had a very poor view of university graduates. They would come into a job and have a hard time learning how to do the work. Its indeed a lack of common sense. That most necessary ingredient.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
30 Oct 09
How sad of these graduates who can't execute the knowledge acquired to their employers. That may be term as 'book smarts'. In theory they might be good but has poor finishing. Exactly they lack the basic ingredients of commonsense.
@Dday50627 (359)
• United States
30 Oct 09
Just exactly the kind of discussion I have come to expect and appreciate from you. You are right in that there is such a huge difference in smarts and intelligience. To be book smart alone is fine. It will get you jobs that someone else perhaps can not aquire because you have a paper that says you are "smart." But it has been my experience that those that are Booksmart usualy watch as those that are intelligient Do. Many times, once the "smart" is needed to be applied out in the field, it is found lacking. The world doesn't work on a "book" action. Time, temperature, places, people, environment, attitudes and yes, even the manufature of some products dictates how a job must be done. There must be a level of "world smarts" to actually functiuon and accomplish many tasks in todays world. There are simply too many variables in our world today. I am a man of only 8th grade schooling. Unwilling to ever alow that to stop me and the fact that I never ever wanted someone to look at me and say "He is not very well educated" I took the initiative and studied and read and studied more on my own. I Listened to those around me and surrounded myself with people of knowledge and then, I applied to my own self. because of this, this "8th grader" went all the way to the top of management. At the same time, I had the "world smarts" that if life so deemed it needed, I could do most any job to stay employed. Sadly, the world doesn't always appreciate a self educated man or lady, no matter what their skill level is. I fell victim to just such a thing. When the "Next" step in the companyt for me was higher management, those in charged realized that I did NOT have the "paper" saying I was smart. I did not have a college degree and therefore, I was passed over for the very job I was working for. My job, and it happens more than you want to know, was to TRAIN the person they hired for the job. That, was hard. SO yes, I say that there IS a difference in being "smart" and being intelligient. One sometimes begats the other but sometimes, well "take away their books and you have an empty place." Thank you for another fantastic discussion. YOU are one I call intelligent. Always, Darrel
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
31 Oct 09
Thank you for sharing your very touching life story. You might have been overshadowed by someone who has the proper paper qualifications to prove that book smart is mightier than the demand of intelligence in executing the job. Which I think is a grave mistake done by the management to replace you who has more experience in the job. turned out to be a blessing in disguise for you as you diverted your career to something that has brought you popularity and success in another chosen field. Sometimes these early difficulties bring us to a greater height in life. It helped mold you into a better person which am sure you are grateful it happened. All of the things we experienced in life prepare us for the greatness God has in store for us. Even the bad things, the mistakes, the frustrations, the disasters and tragedies can help lead us to our destiny. We have to ultimately say, in the words of one popular country song, "God bless the broken road that lead me straight to you." or something to the tune of "I bless the day I found you" Have a nice day..
@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
30 Oct 09
The "tests" say I am, but for being intelligent, I can sure do some really stupid things, or make some bad choices. Nothing replaces good old common sense! Karen
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
30 Oct 09
You are right Peace. It has been said that God has placed obvious limits on our intelligence but none whatsoever on our stupidity. Certainly there been times in my own life when I've found that to be the case!
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@natnickeep (2336)
• United States
30 Oct 09
Yes smarts and intelligence so are two different things, I agree. People who are supposed to be so educated but have no commone sense what so ever, it is baffling sometimes. I have a 9th grade education and I find myself to be more intelligent then most sometimes. I think people may learn more if they take their nose out of the books for a second to just pay attention to life. How people think, what people do, and not so much how things work or the technical perspective. Everything in life doesn't have to be so technical.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
30 Oct 09
I fully agree with you that people should not bury themselves in books as life is a blend of theory and practical. I can say the practical part of life is one that give a wholesome meaning to our earthly existence.
• India
30 Oct 09
Hi Zandi.. I actually dont think that the intelligence comes as a heriditory gift but i m sure that being smart is a result of one hard work nyways i too have ppl who have a lot of degrees behind them and yet lack common sense that is really irritatting but the weirdest part is when u try educating them about certain facts they are absolutely edement about taking ur advice .. yeah and i do agree that being smart isnt enough always but u should have some basic wisdom..
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
31 Oct 09
Some educated people feel superior and wish not to be led by anyone that don't parallel their educational level. Too bad they are missing out on people who are more experience in life even though they might lack papers to prove their points.
@mielshare (265)
• Philippines
30 Oct 09
I agree with you that intelligence doesn't define the fate of a person. For me intelligence doesn't mean you know many things, intelligence is knowing what to do and how to do things the right way.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
30 Oct 09
Intelligence determine our fate. Some intelligent people are only academically intelligent but lack commonsense which make them no difference from one that has no no letters behind their names.
@usemyname (640)
• Philippines
30 Oct 09
Did you know that there's a thin between a genius and a moron? Research shows that most genius people usually don't succeed since they aren't able to cope with the struggle with everyday life. Average people, on the other hand, have a greater chances of success since they have all the practical knowledge they need to survive in this harsh environment we are living in today.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
30 Oct 09
Unfortunately this is true. This is a real story about a kid who is a genius. At the age of 12 he has completed his high school and was accepted to pursue his degree course. For few years no one heard of him anymore and anything about his academic success. Somehow a reporter managed to track him in his shabby dressing in the market selling poultry. He was interviewed and asked what happened to his academic excellence. He told the media that he prefer to do manual work with his hands for a living rather than the more affluent and respectable career. This is indeed a sad case where intelligence did not find the best interest in a person.
• Philippines
30 Oct 09
being smart is being able to carry out yourself. Smart people functions independently in both familiar and unfamiliar situations.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
31 Oct 09
They are confident.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
29 Oct 09
Hi Zandi! Perhaps you won't believe if I tell you that same thoughts were travelling in my mind today morning, whether common sense and ability to distinguish is more important than tags/degrees of educational and other qualifications. I feel that common sense and degree of wisdom to be used in practical situation is more important. If an educated person cannot act 'smart' in an odd situation, then his/her various degrees are of no use. People need to be imparted education in moral values and behavior science so that they could live a decent and respectable life. An excellent post!
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
29 Oct 09
Looks like our thoughts are traveling on the same wavelength. Oh can be a mere coincidence. Today, it's not enough to figure out what you want to do for a living, whom you should marry, and where you're going to live. Things like that are not learned in colleges but need the smartness and wisdom of a person and most likely could only be acquired through life experiences. Paper qualifications are only a passport to enter the job market and to identify which field of interest one specializes in.
@shibham (16977)
• India
29 Oct 09
hi zandi. yes i have meet some intellegent person who has a good achademical carrier with more degrees like a tail of name. but they never show any loyality to their surroundings even they have no committment on life. so i think knowledge is different from intelligency and that should be employed for social sake. yes i am neither too much smart nor itelligent. i have both simply by which i can survive or determine. thanks.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
29 Oct 09
Hi shibham, we all have our individual strength be it book-smarts or street-smarts. It will be wonderful if we just push a button and we get all the answers.
@amijor (234)
• Philippines
29 Oct 09
Hi Zandi!! My older sister and brother graduated with high grades and honors in HS and graduated cumlaude in college. I on the other hand only achieved academic recognition when i was on 3rd year HS and first year college. That's pretty much it for me. But as soon as my sister started working and just as I was on my 1st year in college that's when I felt that I'm a bit more intelligent an way smarter than my sister. She's intelligent but she is limited in some subjects . She's good in computing but when it involves complex formulas and analysis, she gives up. That's the reason why she shifted from accountancy to management, she can't handle the analysis. So I guess I'm intelligent and smart at the same time in a way I know myself. I'm good in academics and good in being smart in day to day living and decision making.=)
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
29 Oct 09
kudos to you for having the benefits of being intelligent and smart. Not everyone has the capacity to be armed with both intelligence and smartness.
• China
29 Oct 09
hello ~zandi . i am still a student , and some of the students are very smart and have excellent intelligent , but not all of them do well in their study , i think sometimes , the intelligent is not a dicisive role of wheather one could achieve the success , i think if you are hard working enough and find the method that suit you ,you could be surely achieve the success and become a achiever ~~! in my personal opinion "not smart enouht" is the excuse for those losers , they can not reach the goals is because they are lazy ... have a nice day ~!! my friend ~
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
29 Oct 09
Great input here huangdangwu. You are indeed an intelligent person to see the loopholes between being an intelligent and smart student. Laziness is part of failures to happen in life. They fail to make use of their assets which make them a bunch of non achievers.
• Philippines
29 Oct 09
I think no one can always be smart or intelligent at times. We all have dumb moments. I would like to think of myself as smart and intelligent mostly though. Intelligence is nothing if you are not smart. You wouldn't know how to use your brain right if you were just that :)
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
29 Oct 09
We all have a portion of intelligence in us but it needs a bit of polishing to activate its full potential through studies etc..but smartness is needed to partner intelligence to become a truly worthy person.
• Romania
29 Oct 09
I'M THING, I'M SMART...inteligent, i don't thing so...
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
29 Oct 09
Be positive and you will find your potentials.