Is the marriage worth saving?

October 29, 2009 1:13pm CST
I've been married for 8 years to a guy who's family never warmed up to me. I did everything to win them over. God knows I've always tried to reach them but they used to ignore me. But then they even treat my kids badly and it started to affect my feelings. Sometimes I'm hesitating if the marriage is worth saving. How do I deal with this?
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28 responses
@jenrettn (43)
• United States
29 Oct 09
Have you talk to your husband to see why his family is treating you that way. My feeling is that when a guy loves his wife he will not tolerate anyone disrespecting her. Also, there is no reason the kids should be treated badly. Talk to your husband and get his take on the situation and what he feels the next step should be.
• Philippines
29 Oct 09
Yes, I've talked to him already he knows everything because I told him. He already tried to talk to his family but the result were not good. So he used to ignore the fact. Maybe he just trying to let the time fix it.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
29 Oct 09
not good, I think he needs to tell his family that if they don't treat you and your children with respect, he won't have anything to do with them.
• United States
29 Oct 09
I agree with Dawnald. If he has already talked to his family and nothing has changed, give them the opinion to be in your families life or not. You have to make them face the fact that your not going to put up with the way they treat you.
@allknowing (141857)
• India
30 Oct 09
There are countless couples who make it on their own sometimes because they have migrated to another country or the situation is such that interaction with family other than nucleus does not become feasible. You should be more concerned with your children and your husband and fortify that relationship, develop contacts with those who are at close proximity i.e. your neighhours, colleagues and ofcourse friends. Your spare time could be used for your own family and try and be as independent as possible. Distance makes the heart grow fonder. Keep a distance from your inlaws and they will surely miss you. Good Luck.
• Philippines
30 Oct 09
We are living in distance now and I hope it will work. I hope they will miss us.
@allknowing (141857)
• India
31 Oct 09
It surely will work. All of us assume a lot of things. It does not have to be that in-laws should like us. Many a time they dont. We should take it in our stride and this situation is very common. All the best to you.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
29 Oct 09
Is it just his family or is it your husband too? What kind of support are you getting from him? How is their neglect of the children affecting him? I think the answers to those questions would make it a lot easier to determine if the marriage is worth saving.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
29 Oct 09
It's great that he treats you well. But I think he needs to make a stand with his family and tell them that they have to treat you well and your children too. And if they don't, he needs to take steps to let them know he's serious. Because their treatment is not only hurting you, but your children as well. They don't need to be around relatives who aren't kind to them.
• Philippines
29 Oct 09
It's just his family. My husband are very supportive in the things I wanna do. He treat me so good and making me feel so special each day. It affecting him so much and I can still remember how much he cried when he realize it.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
30 Oct 09
I went out with a man whose family made feel quite worthless, especially his mother so I can appreciate what you are going through. In our case he made a choice between me and his mother because, believe it or not, it came down to that; needless to say, he chose his mother... I am now married to another man and his family loves me and it took some getting used to; in-laws that were actually nice to me! How does your husband react when his family is less than civil towards you? What broke me and my ex up was also the fact that he never, ever stood up for me when it came to his family. My advice would be to talk to your husband and if he is prepared to help you in regards to his family you have some hope but if he refuses or ignores the problem you may have to think again. I hope you work this out and I wish you all the best.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
31 Oct 09
It's a difficult situation for you. If your husband is prepared to stand up for you that's a good sign. It may help to talk to him again. I hope you work it out...
• Philippines
30 Oct 09
My husband feels very sorry about it. He told me that he will stand up for me and the kids no matter what. And won't let anybody to hurt me physically but his family hurt me emotionally and it hurts more. He tried to talk to his family before but end up nothing. So he just keep in silence and told me to ignore them as long as they don't hurt me physically.
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@junmae (1586)
• Philippines
30 Oct 09
They are so mean. My mom is like the situation as yours, my dad's parents even make a way just to separate my mom to my dad. but in the end my dad choose my mom and us than his parents that's why we live very far away from them because my dad knows that they can ruined my mothers life. i suggest that tell it to your husband, if he didnt believe you then i think its about time that you will return him to his family.
@agv0419 (3021)
• Philippines
30 Oct 09
It is hard to please the in laws sometimes I think in the future you going to get well too if not I suggest treat them well even if they ignore you. If you love each other I don't see any reasons why you end up your marriage. Don't let yourself be affected by them.
• Philippines
30 Oct 09
Yeah, we live far from them now.
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
30 Oct 09
Just remember that you married the guy and not his family. This type of situation is very common especially if they're very close to each other, I think they just feel that you took your husband's attention away from them. Just accept it as it is, if you're in the same household or reside near your husband's family, it is best that you transfer to place farther away and limit your visit. Don't blame your marriage because of what's happening now, and don't let you husband choose between you and his family either, the mere fact that he's very supportive is enough reason that you should make the marriage work. As you grow older, your in laws resentment towards you will disappear especially if you prove to them that you're willing to stick it with your husband no matter what. Remember that you have your own family now and it is your duty to make it work. Cheers!
• Philippines
30 Oct 09
Exactly! That's what I put in my mind I married this guy and not his family. And I transfered to a farther place. Me and my kids visited them sometime but just feeling left out after. Until now I'm still trying to win them over but felt tired sometime.
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
31 Oct 09
You're not alone, there are a lot out there with situations just like yours what's worse is their husband tend to side more with his family than his wife, I guess you're lucky. In this case, it's you who needs to adjust so you need more patient, the less contact you have with them the less stressful it is for you. Cheers!
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
30 Oct 09
Your complaints are directed to his family and not really to him so why are you asking if the marriage is worth saving? There will always be a time when in-laws won't warm up to you, it's not your obligation to make them like you. Just be civil enough and don't push yourself to be liked by them. The most important thing here is the partnership of you and your husband.
• Philippines
30 Oct 09
Because most of the time I want him to speak up for our side but sometime he just keep silence.
• Philippines
30 Oct 09
For me, for as long as your husband is by your side, loves you nevertheless, and provides you with the care and support you need, I think no in-laws can break such bond. It's not them whom you're living with but your husband. It would be unfair for him if he'd loves you despite his family's disapproval only to learn that you're not willing to fight for your relationship. My mom had a similar situation as you are in right now. Before, my aunts and uncles were indifferent from her and even with us. To avoid such feelings of hatred and hurt, we, our family except my dad because it's his family, chose to stay away. What would be the use of reaching out to them if they don't wanted to? We had this in mind ever since that incident happened and they never heard from us. The sad thing is, our dad did not supported my mom, never stood by her side and had always said that blood is thicker than water. We still feel the pain of such words but what can we do. We cannot force ourselves to someone who does not want us. Then came the time that they'd realize their missing my dad's family and had always requested our presence in every gathering held. My mom told us that we should go because they are our relatives and whatever we do, nothing can change that fact. Now we're communicating with them in the most civil way we can. We don't want to continue begging for their affection. We we're somehow trained to maintain self respect. I hope you've learned from what I had imparted to you. I'd say it again, if your husband is with you through all this, then you're lucky. We've gone through it without the support of my dad and we did survive. You can as well.
• Philippines
30 Oct 09
You're right. We build this relationship for so long so I should fight and stand up for this marriage.
@buping (952)
• China
30 Oct 09
hi there, i do not know what tips i can give to you. as your parents in law does not warm up to you and you have did something to win their love, so you have to ask yourself a question that have you did every effor you can to wim their welcome? the way you acted was wrong? if not, i think you can move out, far away from his families, to have your happy family with your kids.
• Philippines
30 Oct 09
Yeah, the best thing I did was being far from them now.
• India
30 Oct 09
if u love ur husband n he loves u why care about others live ur life.don't put other stuffs affect ur life
• Philippines
30 Oct 09
It's a good thing to do.
@anning (88)
• China
30 Oct 09
do your husband live together with his family? a man sometimes have to consider lots of things .if you are not happy with his family ,you and your husband can rent a house outside.
• Philippines
30 Oct 09
We live together with his family before but now we live on our own.
• United States
31 Oct 09
From reading the other responses in this post, absolutely girl.. fight for your marriage!!! As long as your husband is in your corner and defends you and respects you, then stay with him!! Ultimately you are not married to the other members of the family. I realize it would make for a much more comfortable situation, but it sounds like the love is there between the 2 of you. Persevere through this! Stay strong and love will conquer the situation! God Bless.
• Philippines
1 Nov 09
Yes, I have to stand and fight for this marriage. As long as we have each other's love nothing more to think about of the people around us.
@Rizt1982 (44)
• Indonesia
30 Oct 09
yes it does
• Philippines
30 Oct 09
@maxie7 (23)
• Romania
30 Oct 09
Hey dear! That is a bad situation. You just have to think if you really love your husband. And I guess you do, if you already did those things to get along with his family. If you do, then why should you break such a relationship? To regret it later? You should try this.. just go to them, to his parents, and have a threesome discussion. Ask them why they can't accept you, what should you do so that they will stop acting like jackasses. If this won't work, and they simply don't accept you for no reason, just stop thinking about it. You shoul concentrate on the mariage and don't care about them anymore.
• Philippines
30 Oct 09
For a few times we've talked already but it fails. Sometime I just tried to ignore this feeling.
• United States
29 Oct 09
The question is, do you love your husband? If the answer is yes, stay married. You must talk this out with him. Good luck dear.
• Philippines
30 Oct 09
Yes I love him so much.
@jbrooks0127 (2324)
• United States
30 Oct 09
Family, especially in-laws, can cause a great deal of problems in a marriage as your has. However I think that as long as your spouse is on your side and let's his family know that you come first there should be no reason to walk away. If however he does not defend you or try to straighten them out and especially if he gives you the feeling he may cannot stand up to them it may be a time to seriously consider leaving. This would assume that you have had a nice long talk with him about how you feel and nothing was resolved. From my perspective, your spouse always comes first. I was married to a woman that my family was fairly cool to. Part of it was because she felt so uncomfortable with then that we spent very little time with them before she would want to leave. Regardless, she came first and I tried my best to be the go between. Not an easy place to be. The question to ask yourself is where is my husband on this and do I come first? If you can answer yes to that you need to sit down and work this out with him. He must help you understand where the problem is so that perhaps it can be worked out. I wish you well.
• Philippines
30 Oct 09
My answer is yes. I really do hope it can be worked out. many thanks.
@mizcash (685)
• Canada
30 Oct 09
The big question is how does your husband feel about how they treat you. has he spoken to you about it and spoke to his family. If he treats you right and is happy with you then, your marriage is worth saving. You don't live with these people and I hope you have your own family and friends to lean. Forget them.
• Philippines
30 Oct 09
He feels very sorry about what is happening around.
• Malaysia
3 Nov 09
My cousin went through a lot before he is married to his wife. The grandmother of his wife would never agree they got married as she looked down on my cousin. He was never welcome when she was around and he had tried many times to win her blessings to marry her granddaughter. However, the mother was very supportive and approved of their marriage. When they got married, the grandmother has decided to break all connections with the granddaughter. She was devastated, but she has made a decision to stick with her husband no matter what and hope that one day her grandmother will open her heart to accept them. I am sorry to hear about your situation, but if we look deeper, your husband is a victim here, just like my cousin's wife above except that he's not being forced to choose between you and his family. If your relationship with your husband isn't the main problem, your marriage does worth saving. The real problem is his family, so, just keep away from them to avoid anymore hard feelings. God bless!
• United States
29 Oct 09
From reading all the posts here, I would have to agree with everyone and put both your feet down. That means give them a choice, they change their attitudes and disrespect or they have no relationship with any of you. But that also means your husband will not have much of a relationship with his family. If he treats you well and loves both you and your kids than I believe that the marriage is worth saving. But the relationshp with his family is not. Have they always treated him this way too? What about his siblings? Have you discovered why this is happening? Do they think your husband married the wrong person or what? But it sounds like you are a rational and mature person so I don't know why they wouldn't like you. This is my philosophy: Life is a period of time, and any person, place or thing that wastes time and makes you not cherish life is not worth your time. So cherish your husband and family and try to have as little contact with his family as you can.
• Philippines
30 Oct 09
Yes, I discovered why they don't like me because they don't want my husband to get married that time. They want him to work for them and to comply the obligation which is not really for him. Sometime I feel pity for my husband because he is caught right in middle.
@lenny03 (26)
• Indonesia
30 Oct 09
I think, if you have done any thing to reach them, don't spent your time again for do it. You must have a principle that you can do many thing without them, you can work, your life goes on and they can influence your life. As long as your behave didn't hurt them. Don't hurt them, do a good things to them and God knows it. Be strong. You are a strong woman, that can do many thing without their support. Go away..
• Philippines
30 Oct 09
Yes, maybe it's time for me to give up. My behaviour doesn't hurt any of them. I know and God knows I did everything nothing more to prove. Thanks.