Cope with stress in parenting

October 29, 2009 11:10pm CST
As a parent, we face a lots of ups and down in parenting. How do we cope with stress in parenting? How do we take care of ourselves as parents? I would like to receive your input. We learn from one another. Sylvia
1 response
@se7enthbird (8307)
• Philippines
30 Oct 09
welcome to the wonderful world of mylot sylvia. me and my wife is married for 7 years and we have a three year old son which pictures appears as my avatar. yes we all have stress with our daily lives plus kids. but i can say having only 1 childdoes not stressed us that much. and my wife is a stay at home wife and and hands on mom. i can say that it would be more stressful if we both work and leave the child with a nanny, for sometimes the nanny adds stress har har har. we get stress when our child is sick
• Singapore
30 Oct 09
Thanks for your response. It is good that your wife takes good care of the children. It is really blessing to have 3 wonderful children. when children are taken care of by nanny, we have to do a lot of co-ordination work and monitoring work in the best interest of our children. I agree that we are stressed when the children are sick. The sleepless night to check on our children to make sure that they are alright. A lot of prayers to help us to feel better and get support.
• Philippines
30 Oct 09
indeed you're both right.. Only when we worry about our children that stresses us but other than that, guiding and caring for them is an enjoyable and challenging task..
• Philippines
30 Oct 09
sylvia you got it all wrong, we dont have three children we only have one child, and he is three years old. har har har read it again. but its okay make sure you read it first properly before commenting so other wont think you are not paying attention with their response. wish you good luck with mylot.