have you seen anyone wearing a mask lately?

@cher913 (25781)
October 30, 2009 6:37pm CST
no, no, not a halloween mask, i am talking about a surgical mask to keep those nasty H1N1 bugs away. today i was in a very large thrift store and it was pretty busy with people looking for halloween paraphenalia and i was sort of surpised to see an asian lady (i am guessing she was chinese - i am in canada) and she was wearing a mask. it made me think of the 1918 flu pandemic because everyone went around with these on their face. i was sort of surprised to be honest. besides this, we have just started handing out vaccines for the flu for critical cases (young kids, pregnant women, chronicly ill people etc) and the wait times are upwards of 4 hours! do you think there is much to do about nothing? that the flu is not that bad? are people over reacting?
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14 responses
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
31 Oct 09
I live in Australia and I haven't seen anyone wearing a mask as yet..well apparantly there is enough vacccines here in Australia for everyone but I won't be getting one...I won't have injections, so I will be giving it a miss....
@vingyan06 (2486)
• Malaysia
31 Oct 09
I am from Malaysia. Few months back the H1N1 ourbreak really make every one here so worry as we see the dealth case increase by day. The pandemic has make the selling of masks business . They are masks for kids too. Many people wear masks. But actually I think only people with sick need to wear mask.
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
13 May 10
Hi, cher913. I think that the Swine Flu is a very serious illness. This mask reminds me of someone having a bad infection. I know a lady that told me that her husband was very sick in the hospital. She never said what he was diagnosed with. But she told me that he was so sick that he had to wear a mask around his face. I wondered what could have caused him to be that ill.
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
13 May 10
But, I have not seen anyone around here lately wearing a mask.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
9 Nov 09
I have been quite a few places and seen quite a few people running around with masks on their faces, and wonder why they don't consider getting the Flu vacinations as well if they are that worried. Personally I am not sure what to make out of things, as I think the Threat of the Flu is real, but for me I just continue to Pray and trust and believe God that even if I do end up getting sick this fall or winter even if it is the Flu it will be a mild case as well.
@suzzy3 (8341)
4 Nov 09
I think people should take precautions that make them feel better.Maybe the lady has a low immune system.In England I have not come across any one wearing a face mask at all.The flu is no joke but we have been told to stay indoors if we feel ill or show any symtoms ,get a flu buddy to leave your shopping outside the door for you.It is the same as normal flu and not to panick,just take precautions ,wash hands.I personally stay away from crowded places but that is just me.Some people do over react.They over react to everything and are genuinly frightened.We are just following our health dept advise live as normal as possible.You could wrap your self up in a bubble and still catch it.Just keep your cold remedies handy and get the vaccine if you have an underlying problem,pregnant ect.
@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
9 Nov 09
Yes, in Malaysia there are still people wearing mask. Those wearing mask here are those down with flu symtoms. By wearing mask, this will avoid them from sneezing to the open air. I heard on the news that a second wavev on H1N1 flu is coming. It is good to take precaution.
• Brunei Darussalam
9 Nov 09
i saw Zorro lately passing by riding to his Stallion Tornado. . chasing some bandits. .
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
31 Oct 09
Ever since the flu came about I have never seen anyone wearing a mask here in the UK, and I live about 25kms from the capital so you'd think I'd see them, but NOT one person have I seen, so what does that say? Maybe it's different dependent on the country, the cultures, the people? They did state that the flu would be more prevalent this time of the year but I don't know whether it's me but it seems to have taken a back seat in the paper and the news and you don't hear about it much. Apart from the vaccine, compared to when it first started you heard about it all the time and it dominated the news, now you only hear snippets about it. So I don't know what to believe in all honesty with you.
@cryw0lf (1302)
• United Kingdom
31 Oct 09
I haven't seen anyone. I think some people really worry about the fact they'd look like a dork if they wore them. (At least the people i've been speaking to). The flu isn't like SO bad. People die from it yes, but... well i don't know, people just need to calm down a little.
@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
31 Oct 09
I think that people are over reacting. The regular season flu is just as bad as this, and it takes just as many lives, and nobody says anything. I have not seen any one wearing a mask here in Tennessee, In the U.S. yet
@jugsjugs (12967)
31 Oct 09
The only people that i have seen wearing a mask is the dentist,but they have always done that.I have not seen anyone else wear one at any other time,i am sure the drs as well as hospital staff will all soon be wearing them as they say there is alot more of the swine flu about now than there was.
@voldrox (7191)
• India
31 Oct 09
Hi cher well i have seen one guy wear a mask like that, but then it wasn't for H1N1, if it was such a case then it could well cause a panic among others, he ways probably wearing it for some laboratory work i guess... i hope.
@much2say (57337)
• Los Angeles, California
31 Oct 09
I am in the US - and I have seen several people wearing a mask - though I don't know if it was because of the flu or just having a cold in general. I was going through the hosptal lobby where they were having a flu vaccine clinic, and I actually saw a couple kids in masks . . . for what - I don't know for sure. Sometimes I feel like telling people with masks to just stay home!! We, as a family have chosen not to get the flu vaccine. With what we hear in the news, I don't know what to think - honestly.
• Philippines
31 Oct 09
mask - face mask
The H1N1 flu scare (or presence?) is not "felt" nowadays as it was 3 or 4 months ago. I saw very few people wearing masks in some places during that time. In July when I felt I was weak and feared it was that virus, I went into the hospital. I saw most of the people wearing masks there. I had the flu then and the hospital doctor told me that I can just rest at home rather than risking myself being contaminated with the other patients having the virus. At that time, they had the whole fourth floor of the hospital dedicated for patients who had even slight fever. I had the fever on and off for 2 weeks ... must have been the H1N1 virus then.
• Chile
31 Oct 09
hi cher913... i`m from chile and we just ended winter time, let me tell u that we used a lot the mask this past winter, it suposed that this flu is very dangerous and it can kill.. this mask won`t prevent u to get the flu, it`s only for people who allready has it to prevent to give it to other people... the stadistics says it killed some people here in my country(chile) but honestly... IT JUST A FLU!!!!! take good care of ur health, eat a lot of oranges, and all the vitamin c u can get... hahaha... well, not all. from my family three kids got it, and u get fever very high and vomits... after the medication everything it`s ok. as u well know take care of chidren, they get it before and they ussualy spred the virus at school and then at home... i hope nothing happend to u or ur family..