Do you beloieve that people that people have landed on the moon or merely a hoax

@werdan88 (272)
October 31, 2009 4:23am CST
DO you think that Neil Armstrong and his gang really landed on the money or is merely a hoax
1 response
• United States
31 Oct 09
Well I was about to say that it was not a hoax due to the fact I had a person, that I figured knew what they were talking about, tell me that they have seen the flag with a telescope from a mountain top. I never questioned it until now. Before I typed this post, I figured to keep me from looking stupid, I'd better make sure the flag is even visible from Earth. Turns out, it can not be. Makes sense, because if it could then there would be no doubt. So that leaves me thinking that maybe it was a hoax and propaganda for the president to claim that he accomplished his goals. I also could never understand why they never sent anyone back up there in all these years. If it was so important, wouldn't they have done multiple trips? Now that my mind is all screwed up for the day, I am going to go contemplate all the aspects of life and the universe that I once thought I understood...