Are you keen to get a new laptop?

@maximax8 (31047)
United Kingdom
October 31, 2009 7:05am CST
How long have you had your current laptop for? I have had mine for two years. What operating system does your laptop run on? Mine runs on Windows Vista. Do you have any problems with your laptop? My laptop isn't good at typing anymore. I would love to buy a new laptop that runs Windows 7. How about you?
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28 responses
• United States
15 Jan 10
I've had my laptop for three months and use Vista. Everything is working just fine.
@Phlamingho (7825)
• Denmark
13 Nov 09
I have a cheap Toshiba laptop in my bedroom - running XP home. It's not too good any more - it's the keyboard as well. PLus it's starting to get a little slowed down by all the upgrades. I have a DELL laptop as well, it's a work laptop, I would never by DELL myself. It's was a very powerful machine 2 years ago, but now it's getting a little old. All working though :) Also running XP (Pro).
@libra811 (10)
• China
8 Nov 09
I have my laptop for about one years,and it works well. Now i use XP,and it is suitable for me. Becasue I work on R&D,so i install linux OS in VMware
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
10 Nov 09
i buy my laptop 2 month ago. i use windows XP. ya, i get new problems with my laptops. if i never charge with electricty only with battery, the desktop is not bright but if i charged with electricty, the desktop is more bright. is anyone know about this problems?
• Philippines
11 Nov 09
As long as my laptop (old or new) can run new operating systems and all applications run without a hitch, purchasing isn't necessary for me. Being on a tight budget and using my laptop and the internet to generate income, it wouldn't cross my mind anytime soon.
• India
8 Nov 09
I have Compaq presario Laptop cq60 which runs Windows vista,Enterprice edition.Everything is Ok but if i work on it for more than one hour it gets heated.What is the problem i dont know,if you know please respond.
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
8 Nov 09
I got mine about 2 years ago. Mine runs on Windows Vista, I haven't had any problems with it. I honestly don't know about Windows 7, have to wait awhile or for my husband to upgrade his laptop to see how it is. He upgrades every so often, I have a feeling it's coming though. Wait until after Thanksgiving, they should have huge sales on them.
@youless (112358)
• Guangzhou, China
3 Nov 09
I think I have used my current laptop for two years. Since it works well and I am satisfied with it. It is not slow anyway. So I don't have a plan to buy a new one. I don't want to waste more money in this aspect because I already have computers at home. I love China
• United States
1 Nov 09
i have dell windows xp--is it the key board i've replaced @$15.00 it was worth it--cant afford a new one mines going on year 3
@xannebull (1793)
• Philippines
1 Nov 09
i dreamed of buying a pink laptop which is just so thin and light, i just like the pink color, it's so feminine...
@tigeraunt (6326)
• Philippines
1 Nov 09
dear maxi, i am using a table computer right now. and i am so much eager to have my own laptop which i am saving for, hopefully early next year. ann
• India
8 Nov 09
Like yours, mine too is about two years old. Though my laptop is fine condition and is in good shape. I would love to get a new one. this is for two reasons. 1. My wife wants one for her personal use. 2. Right now, my Operating system is Windows XP and I want to use Windows 7. By the way, how is the new OS Windows 7???
• India
2 Nov 09
I bought my laptop on 1st January if 2009. I am in no hurry ti buy a new one and I have my laptop running on XP as I like it and because I can run different games on it. I also used Windows 7 RC1 for a long while and liked it.
• Philippines
2 Nov 09
I had my laptop for more than three years now. An HP Compaq Presario V5000. It was previously on the XP Home Edition (came bundled with the laptop) but I shifted to Ubuntu a year back because my hard drive got busted (over usage) including the recovery partition. I'm thinking of giving this laptop to my dad for his personal use back at home. However, I'm not buying a new one since my company issued to me a laptop for office use. It's a Dell Latitude D620, comparable performance to my HP laptop. The downside though is that the HDD is only 50GB. Not enough for the likes of me who listens to lots of music while working. =D I'm trying to have the HDD upgraded to 160GB or 200GB (crossed fingers) by next year.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
31 Oct 09
No I like my Laptop, I have had mine over a Year now, I would like to try the Windows 7 but I will just get the Program and load it I have Windows Vista on here to, actually as I crashed my Laptop a few Days ago, I had to take it to the Shop for them to put me a new Operating of Vista on and things have been updated, so I am having a couple of Problems right now with a few Programs and hope to sort them soon But apart from that I like my Laptop and will not get a new one unless I really had to and then I would have to save the money
@cheongyc (5072)
• Malaysia
31 Oct 09
I am using a company laptop, for work related routine purposes. The brand is HP and its operating system is Windows XP. I didn't want to migrate to Vista because I am already got used to it. This laptop is almost two years old now, and is still functioning well. However, the hard disk space become lower and lower due to increasing data in the storage. The IT department is going to replace it with a newer model by middle of next years. So, I am anticipating a laptop with better performance by that time. I have two desktop at home, but both of them already broke down since early this year. I plan to buy a personal laptop for online trading purpose.
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
1 Nov 09
Yes, I want one!!! I want one very badly because the next time I get stuck in bed with some illness which I hope doesn't happen for a long time, I resolve to stay more sane than I was when I hurt my knee. I think seriously, if I wouldn't have been able to get up within about a week of when I was able to, I would lost my mind. It hurt to get up, but it was better for my soul that I did. I think having a laptop would make the whole bedrest thing more bearable because I could talk to my friends and do my work--the two most important things in my universe.
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
1 Nov 09
Yes, I want one!!! I want one very badly because the next time I get stuck in bed with some illness which I hope doesn't happen for a long time, I resolve to stay more sane than I was when I hurt my knee. I think seriously, if I wouldn't have been able to get up within about a week of when I was able to, I would lost my mind. It hurt to get up, but it was better for my soul that I did. I think having a laptop would make the whole bedrest thing more bearable because I could talk to my friends and do my work--the two most important things in my universe.
@ShepherdSpy (8544)
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
31 Oct 09
I've yet to invest in a laptop or notebook or netbook machine..I've been put off them so far as I haven't heard great things as yet about how long they can stay away from being plugged in! If I was travelling,taking for example my last trip to the US,I'd like one to be up and running for the bus Journey to the airport (Say 2 hours) then once I got checked in with say at least 2 more hours to kill waiting for the boarding call,then once on the plane for the 7 hour flight,say 4 hours of use allowing for having it turned off for t/o and landing,and maybe an in flight movie I'd want to watch..I don't think there's many laptops with a 9 hour battery life! Would also depend on what I'd be using it for..around the house,I'd have the wireless hub..out and about,I'd rarely need a computer,as I'd be driving,and I seldom visit wifi enabled burger chains or bar franchises to have a need for a computer along..Do You use yours for work or some productive use,or like me,just websurfing?
• United States
31 Oct 09
I've had mine about 3 months, its running Windows Vista and I must say I like Vista. I'd like to get Windows 7, but only because its newer, because I don't have problems with Vista. As far as problems, I did have a virus, but that wasn't the hardware fault, it was my antivirus program. I really don't want a new laptop, I love my current one.