Should this be allowed?

@Pose123 (21635)
November 1, 2009 11:42am CST
I know that I will ruffle some feathers here but I feel that this has to be said. Yesterday, a friend sent me a video that shocked me to the core. A women, I guess a preacher, in some fundamentalist Sect of Christianity, was speaking to a group of young children who were there with their parents. Did she talk about Jesus Christ and his love for children? No, she talked about the devil and how he was always trying to lure children away from God! The looks on the faces of these poor children were horrifying. Many of them could not have been more than five or six years old. Does this woman and the parents of these children have any idea of what they are doing to such young minds? Many say that video games and violence on TV is bad for children, but I can't imagine anything that could be worse then what that woman was teaching those kids. Anyone who knows the Bible knows how Jesus took little children in his arms and blessed them, how he told the adults that they must be like children. Here we have someone pretending to follow Jesus instilling in little children the very opposite of what he taught, they would have nightmares from this. I know it's possible that she may believe that she's doing right but that doesn't make it any better. With the kind of parents that would take their children to witness such a show, what kind of chance do these children have? It's no wonder our youth are turning to a life of crime.
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27 responses
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
3 Nov 09
That's also why many turn from Christianity. It's gotten to be a religion of fear in many areas. " Come here, prey every day , give us your money & MAYBE the devil won't get you!"
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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
4 Nov 09
Through out history fear has been one of the main ways of spreading Christianity. It seems hypocritical to me.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
4 Nov 09
Hi uath, Thanks you for your comment and yes more and more are turn from Christianity for this reason. Fear is a terrible thing and has nothing to do with the teachings of Christ. Blessings.
@Staraven (160)
• United States
4 Nov 09
It's true - the devil *does* try to lure us away from God. However, I think this should be put in as childish a manner as possible while still getting the point across to little children. They'll understand more later. For when they're little, you could simply say that God is the good guy, and He wants to help you...but the devil is the bad guy who is really mean and bossy and tries to make you do bad things. That way it doesn't terrify the children. Psht, the same stuff is practically shown on cartoons. It's bringing it down to their level.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
4 Nov 09
Hi staraven, Thank you for commending but however you look at it scaring children is wrong and fear is not a good teacher. Blessings.
• United States
4 Nov 09
No, but underestimating the enemy's power will weaken the warning of bad people and bad behavior. Which will leave a false security by giving too much trust in people and ways to behave. Remember that there really isn't an actual Satan persona, but evil spirit, that inhabits lost souls, and directs them to the evil intentions of Satan's spirit. Lucifer was an angel in light then, and operates as an angel of darkness now posing as the good guy. It is so hard to uncover the real Satan's disciple from a disciple of God. Satan knows the bible better then the best human on earth, and can even hide in a child's mind, and control them to be evil because they were not taught to be scared of something that is evil, and was not seen as evil because they were not cautious enough to see the truth. Everything gets sugar coated and life is beautiful all the time. Not! This world is the most sinister of all societies before it, and needs to seen that way, making the truth seem everything is just dandy, is just putting your head in the sand, with thinking out of sight, out of mind. Ignorance is the tool of deceit. Satan is so cunning that he has been working inside churches, and polluting the name of God, by spreading jealousy, mistrust, anger, false witness, gossip, and all the rest that is taking on the world. You can not serve two masters, pick one and leave the other alone. I'll be my own judge with my own truth. I do not harm to anyone by my beliefs, so anyone else who have no belief should leave the Christians alone with theirs. And by the way I don't agree with fire and brimstone ministry's either, but they should be told the truth at least.
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@Staraven (160)
• United States
6 Nov 09
Very well thought-out comment (: I agree; I dislike the 'fire and brimstone' type of ministry. That teaches you only to fear, and obey out of fear. I like the type of ministry where you ARE told about the bad, but it does not take complete prevalence in your mind. It's like how we tell children not to stand in the middle of the road because a car might hit them. We're not being harsh to them, simply telling them to watch out, because we care for them.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
2 Nov 09
I do not think it is wrong to not tell children about the Devil, but she went about it the wrong way. She should have said that Jesus came to Earth to save us from Satan and his wiles. And if people put their trust in God and in Jesus Christ, that they will be saved. And the preacher should have said that Satan is the bad angel who makes people do bad things, but if they put their trust in God, and pray to God to protect them, HE will. In other words, for little children, they do not need to know about the evil in this world until they are ready and they were not ready at that time.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
2 Nov 09
Hi suspenseful, Thank you for sharing and we certainly agree that she went about it the wrong way. I feel that fear is not the best way to teach anyone but at least don't scare children so badly that they will have nightmares for years. Blessings.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
2 Nov 09
I do have a two year old grand daughter and there are a lot of my friends who have children and I know that children are very simplistic. They think that if they are good, they will go to heaven if they get very sick and die, so there is no need to really scare them. Now adults on the other hand, the kind that do terrible things and think nothing of it, like murdering and stealing, you can scare them as much as you like.
@coolcoder (2018)
• United States
24 Nov 09
This woman is going about this the wrong way entirely. You don't scare children the way she's scaring children; that's completely uncalled for. I believe that yes, children should be told about the author of all sin, but in a manner that is non-threatening, is age-appropriate, and is tempered by the reassurance that God loves them very, very much and that they're all His children, no matter what.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
24 Nov 09
Hi coolcoder, Thanks for your comment. Blessings.
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@andy77e (5156)
• United States
10 Nov 09
What do you mean "should this be allowed"? Are you suggesting we start up thought police, or start dictating religion to people? We used to have "freedom" here. Is that now obsolete?
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
10 Nov 09
Hi andy, Thank you for your comment but I didn't think anyone would agree with scaring little children. Blessing.
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@andy77e (5156)
• United States
10 Nov 09
Should freedom of religion or speech, only be allowed when someone, or a few people, agree with it?
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@hvedra (1619)
2 Nov 09
I would say that woman knows EXACTLY the effect she is having on those kids. Sadly, any religion can cease to be about the religion and all about power and/or money. The younger you indoctrinate the more power you have over them. Whilst children need to be taught the truth and realities of life they don't need to be bullied into believing.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
2 Nov 09
Hi hvedra, Thank you for commenting and I too think that indoctrination is wrong. It is especially bad to frighten children. Blessings.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
3 Nov 09
Whilst children need to be taught the truth and realities of life they don't need to be bullied into believing. I agree..I think kids should be taught about the realities of life without a doubt (age appropriate of course) and when it comes to religion they shoudl be taught the TRUTH about all religions or as many as possible BUT that means the parents would have to learn the truth themselves that all religions are valid and right and there is no one way etc...and yes bullying the little ones is NOT the way to go! Its just so cruel!
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@srijshm (1165)
• India
2 Nov 09
The simple answer is that this should not be allowed ! Like every other media, it seems that preachers are also concentrating more on negatives than positives. I understand that it is easier to grab peoples attention with fear & negative information but doing good was never considered the easy path. Children need to motivated, encouraged & taught to love. This is what is the need of the hour.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
2 Nov 09
Hi srijshm,Thank you for your comment and I agree with everything you say here. Children especially should not be exposed to this sort of thing. Blessings.
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@Frederick42 (2043)
• Canada
2 Nov 09
Definitely, such things should not be allowed. I consider this to be a criminal act. Such preacheres should be banned from preaching anything. Actually, children should not be taught anything about God. Children should be allowed to observe everything and explore. As they grow up, they can study the various religions and decide for themselves which path is the most ideal for them.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
2 Nov 09
Hi Frederick, Thank you for comment and I feel the same as you. Blessings.
@titansaha (188)
• India
2 Nov 09
Hi Pose123 This discussion makes me once again aware of the dangerous world that we are leaving behind for our children and grand children. I feel tremendously pained at heart and hope that people realize that the children are the blessings of GOD and are entitled to better thoughts rather than depression and violence. At the same time I feel that the makers of such videos should realize how much bad it does to the society. Regards.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
2 Nov 09
Hi titansaha, Thank you for coming here and sharing your views. I feel that more people have to speak out against this as it's children who are suffering. Blessings.
• India
2 Nov 09
That seemed to her way of teaching about Christianity. You are right that people should be teaching about Jesus. Some people like to threaten people with hell in order to make them religious. It is a strange world.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
2 Nov 09
Hi VANILLAREY, Thank you for sharing your thoughts and I agree that it's a strange world. Blessings.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
1 Nov 09
Fear and intimidation are tools of religion to get believers. How can they not see what they are doing to these young children? Most will probably be frightened all their lives. I have a friend who is a christian. He admits that he doesn't believe most of it but says he has to stay a christian for fear he would go to hell if not. So it seems fear does work. Probably works better on young children. This is a great evil in my eyes. They are saying that God needs fear to get people to believe. God can not be happy!! Lessons always come for those who do not understand. My question is: How can they not understand this evil???
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
1 Nov 09
Hi bird, my thoughts exactly, there is not another organization that would get away with this. Teaching children fear is certainly not what Christ had in mind. The scary part is some of those churches have so much power that even governments won't act against them. Blessings.
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@pk1313 (31)
• India
1 Nov 09
This shouldn't be the practice at all.But our system of education is still not that strong to follow these particular glitches of child education. I once heard about the the childhood trauma of an adult fellow who spoke of his feelings after going through the poem "Humpty Dumpty" "Jack and Jill". What had happened to Humpty Dumpty after a great fall, nobody answers. What had happened to Jack after falling and breaking his crown, nobody knows. These lovers of Jesus also are ignorant enough to give this particular aspect a thought.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
1 Nov 09
Hi pk, Thank you for your comment but I keep wondering what can be done? How many more generations of children will have to face this before people wake up to what it's doing? Blessings.
@pk1313 (31)
• India
1 Nov 09
At least this is an achievement from your part to start the discussion, so that many more people can look into it and ponder upon, how grave the situation is.
@gmatthews (154)
• United States
2 Nov 09
I completely agree with you. Unfortunately there is nothing we can do about it. It's really no different than when you see other cultures in other countries branding their children to rid them of evil spirits. It is part of their culture so it is not considered abuse. I personally do not force religion down my childrens throats. I want them to develop their own opinions and be their own person. It's hard, because I often see members of the church as hypocrits, They say one thing and act a totally different way. It's hard to explain that to little ones.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
2 Nov 09
Hi gmatthews,Thank you for commenting but I think more people have to start speaking out, this is one thing that we can do.I like your way of teaching your children as decisions should be made when they are adults. Blessings.
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• United States
1 Nov 09
I think she should have spreaded the love of the Lord first and the rest would follow. A young child needs to learn the love is always there and love over comes evil. it is good to teach right from wrong but sometimes others teach more about evil than about good. I believe she meant well but maybe did not see as a child sees things..we should not be scared of the devil but fight him with the Word of God..
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
1 Nov 09
Hi goldenteardrops, Thank you for commenting but if she meant well, she had herself been misled. I respect the teachings of Jesus but not someone scaring children like that. The church needs to get away from teaching fear if it is to survive. Blessings.
• United States
2 Nov 09
you are right, the only fear as stated in the Bible is the fear of the Lord. perhaps some who preach do not realize until after what they see or say. That is why all should pray before and after and be lead of God to say as he wants said, not the people themselves. thanks and God Bless
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
3 Nov 09
I agree with you!! It's so ironic that she talks about the devil using things and people to hurt chilodren! Obviously she falls right into that category!!
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
3 Nov 09
Hi flowerchilde, Thank you for your comment and I'm pleased that we agree. Frightening children is very wrong. Blessings.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
3 Nov 09
That sort of thing just gets me so upset and riled its not even funny! And once again its a method that just goes to show how many (NOT ALL) Christians try to use fear and threats to con ppl to either join the religion or stay with it...Doing that sort of thing to adults isnt acceptable but its ABUSIVE IMO to do it to children...I think the preachr AND the parents need a good slap upside to be honest with you....Its disgusting behaviour!
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
3 Nov 09
Hi Ravenladyj, Thank you for commenting and we agree that it's discussing behaviour. I think though, that such people should get more then a slap because if religion wasn't involved, their children would be taken from such parents and put in foster care. Are true Christians and other decent people really going to allow this to continue? Is it okay to be a criminal if you hide it under the cloke of religion? Blessings.
@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
2 Nov 09
Pose123, In the first place, I wonder if a video can really be taken into consideration for issues pertaining to the actions of the woman. I just wonder if it could be some enactment for some entertainment and novelty. For what you know, the video might even be doctored. I just would not think that any sane and logical adult would do such a thing to 5-6 year olds. Besides, they would not understand it other than treating it to be some horror story. In addition, I do not think such an exposure will make young children turn to crime as there are other factors like communication breakdown, parenting issues, family dysfunctions and mixing with the wrong company that contributes the rise of juvenile delinquencies.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
2 Nov 09
Hi skysuccess, Thank you for your comment. I believe the video to be the real thing but of course you do have a point, anything is possible. I feel that if children are instilled with fear at such a young age, many will revolt in their teenage years. Blessings.
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• United States
3 Nov 09
Since all we have are your words regarding this video, it's hard to form a judgment either for or against this woman's teachings. Do you know that this woman has never preached the love of Jesus to these children? If Satan is still in the world working his evil ways, shouldn't she warn the children that they need to be on-guard? Isn't it logical that Satan would love to lure children away from God and into his clutches? I don't think there's anything wrong with teaching children the dangers of Satan; but since I've not seen the video, I don't know whether or not this woman's style was appropriate for children.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
4 Nov 09
Hi 6precious, Thanks for your comment. I feel that it's wrong to frighten small children. Blessings.
@bing28 (3795)
• Philippines
4 Nov 09
Children should be taught of beautiful things as what they learned remains in their minds as they grow up. Something for them to picture a beautiful life and be inspired to live. How would they take life if they would learned of horrifying and not good things.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
4 Nov 09
Hi bing, Thank you for commenting and I know you are right. Blessings.
• United States
3 Nov 09
This is where we get into trouble. People don't want to hear about the bad things, just the good. Unfortunately there is evil and it should be stressed to get the real danger out of it. Video games are a form of evil intentions, weather you like it or not. So is sports, a hard nosed sports fan will put family and work and everything else aside into second place with sports. Do you realize how many families and lives are lost because of sports? Video games do the same thing, they take God out of the meaning of life and when you are not thinking of Jesus you are in danger of doing the wrong things while filling your mind with killing and stealing,or whatever the game is feeding your brain. What does videos provide? Only that when you die in the game you have three more lives. Shoot a cop..... Oh well 10 points. Play these games enough they will distort real life. When a split second decision is needed, the false playing field will overshadow how you react to real dangers. If there was no threat of Satan or Hell, you would not have a firewall to keep you from making the wrong decisions in life. These are the facts, since 1960 crimes have risen and Christianity has declined. This is not something to neglect to notice. We all need the fact of Hell to keep us from killing someone who disappoint you. Look at all the kids killing each other and their parents, all from families that don't respect life, and the happiness of others, only using the skills being learned from this evil world that sells this crap, for a profit. It all comes down to one thing, it's more fun being bad, and that's the teaching that Satan instills in your life without God.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
3 Nov 09
Hi itsmychoice, Thanks for commenting but I can't believe you really agree with frightening young children like that, maybe you didn't notice that I said that some looked no older then 5 or 6 years. Personally I think such teaching does far more harm then any of the things you mention. If they want to try to scare adults, it's their choice if they listen or not. Little Children don't have the choice but the majority will rebel in their teenage years and probable end up in prison. I have never thought that it was fun being bad although I'm sure some people do. Let's try to treat children the way that Jesus did. Blessings.