tired of acne...!!
By drdivu
@drdivu (1011)
November 3, 2009 7:38am CST
I have tried everything in these 10years but these acne dont seem to go..!!
I have used medicines and herbal stuff but in vain...
I have used:
- amla, lime and glycerine
- erythromycin
- steam and face cleaning
- benzoyl peroxide and adaplene gel
- curd and haldi powder and besan
- aloe vera gel from market and also from plant...
do u anything which can reduce or cure these acne..???
I dont take fried or spicy or pickles since 10years but its all in vain...I m losing hope on getting a clean face ever...
would be obliged for help rendered...
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17 responses
@angelsmummy (1696)
3 Nov 09
Try to cut anything oily out of your diet as it gets into your skin and causes spots. Most people dont realise that. Also dont use any moisteriser or foundation than is oil based as that will cause pores to become clogged and more oily which will create more spots. I hope this helps, you should notice an improvement after about 1 week. I used to suffer quite bad and I follow these rules and I havent had a spot now since I was 18 so thats 3 years ago! Good luck!
@drdivu (1011)
• India
3 Nov 09
hi..thank u...
I dont take spicy and oily foods at all since last 10yrs..along with no pickles..!! I do drink 2litres of water but that too is not cold...I wash my face properly 4times with medicated face wash but still the problem persists..!!
but I will surely into all the help rendered by u..
@froggieslover (3069)
• United States
3 Nov 09
I know what you mean about acne...it drives me insane as well. I don't have it too bad but every now and again I will break out really bad and nothing seems to help. My husband never gets it and it ticks me off and he told me that he never washes his face with soap that is, he just washes it with plain water so I started doing the same and it did seem to help but I still have times where I still get them. Here is an article that I just read a few weeks back myself I think it has some good points that I have started but I can't say yet that it works as it hasn't been long enough. I also don't pop them as I know a guy from my childhood that used to do that and his face was scary so I have always been to afraid to pop them...I hope this article helps:
Wash your face. You should wash your face twice daily, morning and evening, with a mild soap that is especially formulated for acne. Wash your face in a circular motion, don’t scrub, since scrubbing may break the pimples and cause it to spread. After washing, apply a lotion containing benzoyl peroxide. This will keep the skin from becoming oily, and will keep down bacteria.
Do not pop. This can cause the infected tissue to go deeper into the skin causing more pimples to occur, which is what you want to prevent. Popping them can also cause scarring. If you notice pimples appearing before an important event, do not try to take care of them by popping. Perhaps you can see a dermatologist and he/she can give you medication that will clear it up.
Be careful where you put your face. Keep your fingers away, and do not rest your face against things that may carry infection, such as telephone receivers or things other people have handled. Do not rub your pimples. Always wash your hands before applying medicine, makeup, or anything to your face. Keeping your skin clean is of utmost importance.
Keep your hair clean and cut so that it will stay out of your face, to prevent oils from being transferred onto your skin. Remove makeup before going to bed, and buy makeup that is marked “nonacnegenic.” Don’t use makeup that looks or smells different than it did when you purchased it.
Be careful in the sun. Protect your skin from the sun’s rays by using sunscreen. Remember, not only does the sun cause extra sebum to be produced, which makes acne worse, it can cause wrinkles as you age, and give greater risks for skin cancer.
Keep your face clean. Even though it may take extra time to wash it twice daily, washing your skin will help, not only with acne, but will keep it looking healthy.
If you get a bad case of acne, you may need to see a dermatoligist. Trained skin specialists can help you. There are treatments to help clear up acne, and can, in some cases, clear up scars. These specialists can help find the treatments that are right for you.
Some foods, such as chocolate, sweets, and greasy foods, seem to worsen acne. Eat few of these foods. Keep your skin clean, get plenty of rest and sleep, and protect yourself from the sun.
How to prevent acne? Take care of your skin, and be careful about keeping your hands and skin clean. Cleanliness is of great importance for your health.
We all know how embarrassing and painful acne can be, so what can you do about it? More to the point, how do you get rid of acne quickly? There are many factors which can contribute to acne- stress, an unhealthy diet, clogged pores, hormone changes, lack of rest- and even improper face washing!
First things first, it’s important to drink a lot of water throughout the day. Drinking water will help flush toxins from your body and will help your skin look, feel and BE healthier.
A very good way to get rid of acne quickly is to cleanse your skin 3-5 times daily with a cleanser specifically meant to treat acne. If it irritates your skin, look for acne cleansers or treatments made specially for sensitive skin.
Regular exercise is a great way to help your body be at optimum health and reduces stress- this will indirectly help improve acne, severity of outbreaks and frequency of outbreaks.
For quick overnight treatments to clear up skin blemishes and outbreaks, apply a very small amount of toothpaste to the affected area at night- this will help to reduce redness, swelling and irritation.
Spot-treating blemishes with a mixture of three tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon powder overnight and then rinsing thoroughly with warm water in the morning for a few weeks can also help get rid of acne quickly.
Overall, the key is to maintain optimum health, reduce toxins in your body, practice good skin-care habits, and reduce your stress levels. There are several products out there specifically to treat acne, prevent acne scars and other skin blemishes, most of them are effective for short-term usage- but good health is the best prevention and treatment.
In everyone’s efforts in the how to get rid of acne department, there are a few simple rules and techniques that one must follow.
Drink water. Drink as much water as is recommended on a daily basis and then drink even more. Water will help flush your body of toxins that are a key element in your search in how to get rid of acne.
Your diet plays a very important role in the control of acne and your efforts to get rid of acne. Eat as many as four to six servings of fruits everyday. This will also help your body rid the toxins that play a part in the acne development on your skin.
Exercise on a daily basis is one of the primary cures in your quest to get rid of acne. Exercise will increase your metabolism and will assist in flushing out the toxins in your system.
As easy at it seems to be to help in your quest to get rid of acne, the one thing that you do not want to do is to squeeze or pick at your blemish. This is a sure fire method of irritating the blemish and will only make it harder to finally eliminate the acne location.
Every time you exert your sweat glands via exercise or daily routines of just excessive walking and or running, wash and cleanse your face with a very mild, non abrasive facial soap. Do not over scrub and do not scrub so hard as to leave your face red. A mild washing after any type of exertion will help in your battle to get rid of acne.
When starting a new regime to get rid of acne, there will always be certain guidelines that you must follow to achieve the results that you are striving to attain. Many people will start using a new acne cream or treatment system and get discouraged because after a mere three days have not seen results. Lasting results generally do not happen over night. Here are 3 things you must do to maximize the effects of your acne treatment.
Stick To It.
Rome was not built in a day, and neither will your clear skin. If the acne treatment system specifically says on the label to apply twice a day, seven nights a week. How in the world do you expect to get great results with slathering the cream on your face once every other day? If you expect this to work, you are in for a rude awakening because these are very unrealistic expectations.
Do Not Over Treat.
This acne treatment tip is the exact opposite of the first. If the treatment system clearly states to use once a day three times a week. Do not even dream of applying twice a day, every single night. This will just irritate and dry out your skin causing it to become flaky. Flaky broken out dry skin is not very attractive on anyone.
Do Not Rub Skin Dry.
Rubbing your skin can irritate it as well as make you look approximately ten years older then your actually are. when drying skin after a wash, be gentle. You are stuck in this skin until the day that you die, take care of it, nurture it. Do not rub and irritate your skin just to get out of the bathroom quicker. Be sure to pat your skin dry after using your acne treatment.
If you follow these tips, you’ll find it easier to achieve results. Be sure to read around the site to learn more about how to get rid of acne.
Because acne is such a big problem for so many people, it’s only natural that the market is literally teeming with products claiming to cure it. But unfortunately, most of those products don’t work, such that many teenagers struggling to find a cure, actually outgrow their acne before they manage to find one. Here are some helpful tips to find the best acne treatments.
It should be no surprise that the number one acne treatment is a good, healthy diet without too many oily, fatty foods. Eating foods rich in fats helps to contribute to oily skin and hair, which is the direct cause of clogged pores.
However, acne isn’t caused solely by poor nutrition. It can also be caused by genetics, hormones, and allergies.
Other methods of curing acne include essential oils, such as Tea Tree Oil, Bergamot Oil, Clove Oil, Lavender Oil, and Rosewood Oil. These would be applied directly to the face and may be helpful in treating mild to moderate acne.
If you are on the search for a natural acne treatment, you may be surprised with the information you are about to read. Apple cider vinegar has worked wonders for both men and women alike. Apple cider vinegar is known as a cure all, if consumed properly it will help you lose weight, it will strengthen and elongate your hair, as well as get rid of your acne.
Apple cider vinegar is likely something that you have got way in the back of your cabinet but have never even thought about using for as an acne treatment. Well I have good news and bad news for you, the good news is that apple cider vinegar will most certainly help rid you of unwanted pimples and breakouts, but the bad news is that it has a very pungent and lingering odor. If the bad news has still not scared you away, then read on for exactly how to use apple cider vinegar as a natural acne treatment.
You will need a bottle of apple cider vinegar (of course), a clean face towel, a pack of cotton balls and your usual facial cleanser. Fist you will have to wash your face as you usually would, w
@taface412 (3175)
• United States
28 Nov 09
Have you tried using fish oil or cod oil capsules. They are not only great for the heart and cholesterol, but good for the skin as well. I know I have some major scalp issues in the winter and I have noticed whie taking them it helps not only my skin but my scalp.
Also there are hair, skin and nails vitmains that might help you. They are overthe counter.
@mrnischalgurung (424)
• India
14 Jan 10
There is no need to be tired of acne. If you handle it well and treat it well, you'll be able to get over it. Just try these simple steps:
1) Make your Coffee Intake Less- Coffee may encourage acne and zits to pop up; so it's a good idea to limit how much you drink as a precautionary measure.
2) Have a better diet - Your skin, like anything in the human body, benefits from a good diet. Make sure you get a good intake of micronutrients from fruit and vegetables.
3) Keep your skin clean by cleansing it - Especially during stressful times as this makes your acne condition flare up. Try to clean your pores at least twice a day with an anti-bacterial face wash.
4)Decrease the amount your smoke or just bring it an end - Smoking is statistically proven in studies to worsen the effects of acne.
5) Introduce Acne Products Gradually - When you first choose an acne product, only use the cleanser initially or your body may 'react' to the sudden use of more than one product all at once. If you don't do this, you may aggravate your acne condition for a number of days.
6) Shampoo More Regularly - If you have acne along your hairline or on your forehead. This type of acne is due to a build up of fatty acids.
7) Exercise Regularly - Exercise reduces stress and increases oxygen to the skin, which may help reduce acne.
For more details you can refer to http://www.bukisa.com/articles/196199_acne-pimples-cure-rememdy-and-prevention-tips
@cycle6060 (118)
• India
16 Nov 09
Crush 2 aspirin tablets mix with a little water apply on the pimples and wash after 15 minutes, you can do this at least twice a week. check out http://usefulinfo-acne.blogspot.com for more tips.
@carpenter5 (6782)
• United States
4 Nov 09
Here's the facts. Chocolate, grease, soda, sugar etc.. do not cause acne. It is hereditary and in your genes caused from over active pores. I have known people with perfectly clear skin that ate french fries and chocolate every single day and didn't get one pimple.
Have you been to the doctor? It took my son going to the doctor and getting an oral steroid that he took every day for 6 months.
You can also make a paste from corn meal just a bit of water. The cornmeal will draw out the dirt and oil, This works best on deep blackheads across the chin, nose and forehead.
Do you have a good skin cleansing regiment? Every day, morning and night? What about during the day? Oil and dirt can be removed with squares of tissue paper patted gently on the face. Not kleenex. Simple, thin tissue paper like you would wrap a gift in, will soak it up without ruining a woman's makeup! Don't rub, just blot.
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
4 Nov 09
I used to have lots of acne when I was a teenager. Then I started to change my eating habits. I stay away from peanuts, seafood, foods that are too spicy and drinking lots of plain water. It helps, and the acne slowly subsides. Oh yeah, I also use a cleanser. Both men and women need good cleanser to purify the skin. Try this, it might help since it worked for me.
@weasel81 (2496)
• Australia
3 Nov 09
i know where your coming from, i go through patches now but i thinks it's caused more from stress than anything. i used to have acne when i was a teenager, it was worse then. i couldn't use any of the products you get in the supermarket for it, like clearer sel it just made things worse. ended up going to the doctor and went on rocatane, better of on it during winter cause it drys out the skin and you have to be careful with sun exposer. it solved my problem for a few yrs, been on it 3 times in total but i'm happy with my skin now. i do expoliate, clense and tone when i feel like it and do mud masks.
i don't think i'd be recomending proactive, it seems like once your on it. it only masks the problem, not get rid of it. plus you also have to watch being out in the sun.
best of luck, and i hope you get the results you want.
@zeethegr8 (785)
• India
3 Nov 09
Even I have acne but it only occurs during summers when its unbearably hot! But during winters its absolutely fine. Here are my remedies hope this helps, if not you should consult a good dermatologist for help.
1. drink lots of water. water helps purify blood.
2. always take a hot water body bath. DO NOT USE SOAP! throw away those soap bars. use shower gels etc.
3. take steam regularly if you have acne on your face.
4. eat an orange or watermelon every day.
5. avoid spicy and oily food.
6. use himalaya neem face wash. dont use any face scrubs.
7. sleep well for about 6-8 hours daily.
8. Exercise regularly, atleast break a sweat as sweating helps a lot. It reduces excess and impure body salt.
@callistos (20)
• Italy
4 Nov 09
Often the cause of acne is hormones...you should take a hormon tratment whit a doctor
@Niah1976 (739)
• Paranaque, Philippines
3 Nov 09
Hi there! Don't lose hope.
1. I think you should drink plenty of water.
2. Always make sure ur hands are clean when touching your face.
3. Take vitamin C
4. Never touch your pimples because it will just become even worse.
5. Use a herbal soap. Just choose what suits you.
So good luck to you. And wish you a clear face real soon!!!
@doormouse (4599)
3 Nov 09
my son has teenage spots,and he use FreeDerm which works quite well,so does antibacterial handwash
@conradlorie (6)
• United States
3 Nov 09
Keep your hands and hair away from your face at all times. The doctor can provide you with tetricycline to treat the infection from inside also cream to dry face out. A balanced diet with no greasy foods will also help.