God forgives but can i forgive Myself?

November 3, 2009 8:06am CST
Im trying to discover Christianity and i am struggling with it! Im wondering what people think of forgiveness as Christians talk alot of this and they talk of God forgiving everyone, but some of the things that ive done in my life i feel i cant even forgive myself! and if thats the case will God forgive me? Dont get me wrong im not a bad person ive just made alot of mistakes but some of which could be seen as unforgiveable, im in the process of turning my life around its difficult but i really want to change things. one of my bigget problems is forgiveness what do people think, do we need to be able to forgive ourelves first?
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7 responses
@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
9 Nov 09
It is harder to forgive oneself and even my friends in Church who did not do the horrible things as I did and did not live a wild life and stayed out all hours, etc. feel guilty is they scold their children, if they lose their temper, etc. We all have things that we feel ashamed of, but God forgive us and HE will give us the understand that HIS blood wiped away all our sins. Even the woman caught in adultery, and the thief of the cross were forgiven. And I am sure that although they would remember what they did, they are assured that God does not hold what they did against them. God grants forgiveness first, and after that, one will forgive oneself.
@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
10 Nov 09
I felt the same way when I realized my sin. I had lived a careless life, and I felt because of what had happened that I had to be a bad girl. But it is when one realizes that one is a sinner, that there is no goodness in one, that opens up one's heart to makes it possible for God to come into one's life. So you are ready. God will forgive you and HE will lead you to the right church as well.
@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
12 Nov 09
It is so wonderful what God can do to a person's life even when that person feels that she is hopeless and cannot change. I thank God for what HE did and I also thank you for that best response.
9 Nov 09
Thanks this is really a good response as it makes sense, where ive been trying to forgive myself first i should let God in and let him forgive me is this right as im just learning about Christianity and im really full of questions and sometimes im not sure whether im acually ready for God As im a constant sinner
1 person likes this
• United States
9 Nov 09
I have done some pretty "big" wrongs in my lifetime. I have found it ver difficut to forgive myself many times. I have to go back to the root of that though. We like to "rank" sins so that some are worse than others. In reality, one is the same as another for if we break one, we still break the law period. I find it easy to forgive the "lesser" sins and more difficult to get over the "bigger" ones. Perhaps there is a lesson in there somewhere. Stop ranking sins and realize that God either cleans us or He doesn't. If He did, then it was a total and complete work and if it's not.. then He didn't do it at all!
9 Nov 09
Your right this makes perfect sense! If you sin you sin, theres no right or wrong sin, good or bad sin, they are just sins period!Thanks for your response.
@Harley009 (1416)
• India
7 Nov 09
God is most forgiving and most merciful. He will forgive everything up on repentance from the heart with a firm believe that we won't repeat that evil anymore. If anybody have done something wrong with you, you can forgive them. If you did something against Gods instructions, you have to ask forgiveness to God. Peace.
7 Nov 09
Sometimes i think that there has got to be things that God doesnt forgive.
@jambi462 (4576)
• United States
4 Nov 09
Yes it is true that god forgives but it also is true that you can forgive yourself. God is everything which means that even you are a part of god so if god forgives you and you are a part of god then you can forgive yourself.
4 Nov 09
Its hard to forgive yourself when others wont give you a chance.
• India
22 Dec 09
God will always forgive our sins..No matter how long and how large is that mistake or sin..Go will forgive..If God forgive us..then we can forgive us too..
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
2 Jul 10
Realising the wrong and not doing the next time is the best way to forgive ourself
• India
3 Dec 09
Yes we should forgive our sins after getting salvation from Jesus. We should forgive oter's sins also. In lord's prayer the God had teached about that. Forgive other's sins as i forgive yours. In Bible Jesus forgave many sinners.