Is the media too politically biased?

United States
November 3, 2009 12:16pm CST
I hear it all the time, this news station only shows left wing stories while this station shows only right wing stories. What's your take on this issue, are news stations biased in the stories they are willing to report? Should news be news and not a political tool?
3 responses
@Fulltank (2882)
• Philippines
4 Nov 09
If your a keen observer, you will be able to knew if a newspaper or a TV network is biased in reporting. Of course, government owned TV and news stations are biased to the government. You can also see news anchor who would become angry to politicians or government officials thus becoming a more personnel battle rather than giving the news straight without any favoritism. For me, I only watched the news in TV shows which I think are not biased in reporting and there are only a handful of them.
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
3 Nov 09
A local newspaper reported that they were equally treating two senate candidates. As I studied what was written in the paper I noticed that more important than the coverage was the placement of the articles. The candidate supported by the paper received better placement. Positive articles were placed on the front page of the section and those not as good were buried in the back pages. The opponent never had a positive article on the front page and negative articles were always on the front page and large headlines. One very positive article was split between three different pages. Their candidate had more pictures and positive pictures - smiling, mixing with people, while the opponent received photos with unfavorable face shots or pictures with less popular people. There are many different ways to slant the news.
@patms1 (521)
• United States
3 Nov 09
Yes, I truly believe that the media is very, very biased. There is only one newspaper in New York that is honest and only one TV station. The newspaper is the New York Post and the TV station is Fox News. All the other papers are so far left they are scary. The worst of the bunch is the NY Times. I was thinking this morning about the new show that's starting tonight called V. Its about beings that come to earth and give the message "do not be afraid. we are here to give you good health and world peace." Sound familiar? I would like to tell these beings that they are to late. We already have beings that want to rule the world and make it fit only for them selfs. They are called liberals.