Which is the season you like .

November 3, 2009 11:39pm CST
Is it summer, or is it the rainy season or is it winter. As far as I am concerned, my city is always hot, hotter and hottest. We do not have any winter or cold season, and as far as monsoon is concerned, it rains just for a few days in a year,so there is not much of rainy season also. How about you, which is the season you love.
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24 responses
• United States
4 Nov 09
My favorite season is fall. I love watching the leaves fall and change colors. I remember when I was younger I used to make leaf collages. I also remember loving to jump in leaf piles. My mom and dad used to get mad at us when we did this. At my grandparents house my grandparents used to think it was cute. In my life I have noticed that the things we did as kids that got us into trouble, but when our kids do something to get into trouble we think it is cute.
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• India
4 Nov 09
Well said randy, that when our kids or grand children does something to get into trouble we think it is cute. More than the children, it is true to grand children.We can do anything in our grand parents house and get away with it. This makes me wonder as a parent we always are quite strict with our children, but as a grandparent, we are the opposite.
@Slurpiee (97)
• United States
4 Nov 09
I like the fall. It's when it actually starts to cool off some here. The leaves start changing colors, and although they make a mess of my yard, I love seeing my kid play in them. The temperature is pretty mild during the fall here. Never too hot nor too cold. Kind of just right for me. =)
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@youless (112358)
• Guangzhou, China
5 Nov 09
I like summer because I like the sunshine. I can have more outdoor activities in summer. I can go to swim and son on and it is lots of fun. I love China
• India
5 Nov 09
Thanks for the response youless.
@picjim (3002)
• India
4 Nov 09
I love the period after winter and the period just before winter.The climate is neither too hot or cold.It also doesn't rain then .This appears ideal for out door activity.Its too hot in summer and a bit chill in winters so the period I've described is ideal for me.
• India
4 Nov 09
So what is the out door activities you do during this time.
@picjim (3002)
• India
5 Nov 09
My wife and kids love to visit places with scenic beauty.The weather appears ideal at such times.I would love to visit the seaside and enjoy the natural beauty.When i was young i was a reasonably good cricketer and enjoyed playing in such weather.
• India
4 Nov 09
I love the winter season the most . Because in this season the nights are long and days are short. no much humidity or sun. Always the temperature would be chill and i love to slle at that time.
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• United Arab Emirates
21 Mar 10
I love the dry season with haze or hamattan
• United Arab Emirates
21 Mar 10
It's very chill, dry and sweet for going out
• Australia
4 Nov 09
I live in Queensland, Australia, where the motto is "Beautiful one day, perfect the next". Our climate is supposed to be one of the best in the world and has no extremes of temperature. It would be easier for me to say which season I do NOT like. As most people, I love Spring. I also love autumn and winter. In winter I seldom have to wear more than a light linen jacket, but might require a little more some nights. I much prefer the cold weather. Summer? Well, we don't have extremely high temperatures, but we DO have very high humidity - and THAT is what I don't like. The temps might only be in the high 30sC (100F) but the humidity can be 90% or more. I do NOT like having perspiration continually dripping from my hair down my neck, and from my head, eyes, nose and chin. I don't like being wet all over! So, to answer in the negative: I do NOT like summer, but the rest of the year is great.
• India
4 Nov 09
Thanks for the nice response cloudwatcher. Nice to hear that you have climate which is good through out the year.I have heard much about Australia, its people and its beaches. Got to visit it one of these days. Of course even in my city the humidity is quite high, and in summers people sweat a lot.
@amit2506 (233)
• India
4 Nov 09
I like rainy and winter seasons the most and I hate summer season. I use to play football in rainy season any enjoy very much. Winter seson I stay in home in front of heater and enjoy the season and the sun bath in the morning is so cool.
• India
5 Nov 09
Well amit, I am also like you. I also hate summer season, and love rainy and winter season. Thanks for the response.
@mssnow (9484)
• United States
4 Nov 09
We have all four seasons. My favorite is summer. Because I like warm days. Second is spring because of the newness. Flower and trees blooming and babies being born. Then fall because of the beautiful colors. I do like winter if i don't have to get out in it. Love to watch the snow fall.
• India
5 Nov 09
With a name like snow, you have to love snow..Thanks for the response.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
4 Nov 09
Hi rameshkumaar, I live in Canada and here we have four seasons but my favourite is Spring because new life is appearing all around us after the cold days of Winter. It speaks to me of new life and of hope. I like Summer as well because it is warm and Autumn has many beautiful colours. I don't like Winter much anymore but when I was young I enjoyed the snow and ice just as many young people do today. As I said earlier though, Spring is still my favourite. Blessings.
• India
5 Nov 09
Thanks for the response Pose123. Yes youngsters will love snow and ice. It is an unfortunate fact that I have never seen snow or enjoyed playing in snow in real life. My knowledge about snow is only from comics and Hollywood movies.
@sumanadep (1228)
• India
4 Nov 09
I like the summer season...many reasons for this...It always has a bright morning...I like Mangoes and it is available in summer...children enjoy their vocations and like playing with them whenever I get some time...
• India
4 Nov 09
A very good response sumanadep. Yes during summers,children will be available, of course, ripe Mangoes .Thanks for the response.
• United States
4 Nov 09
I hate summer here it gets sooo hot you cant even breathe inside or out and its so uncomfortable I like it when it is just right outside not too hot or not too cold.I also like the rain if I am at home I love the rain!!!!!!!!!!1
• India
5 Nov 09
Ah one more person, who hates summer.I also love rain.Thanks for the response.
• United States
4 Nov 09
I personally like spring, I live in Louisiana so our springs are really nice(no snow) and I can enjoy all the activities I love to do which includes horse back riding. The flowers bloom and with the exception of some outdoor allergies I absolutely love spring.
• India
5 Nov 09
Wow, horse back riding, you are very lucky. I can just imagine, horse riding in spring, with the wind blowing and green trees on the side of the road. I can see that you are new to Mylot, and let me take this opportunity to welcome you to mylot and wish you all the best here. Happy myLotting.
@solared (1207)
• United States
4 Nov 09
I like winter, because I like snow, and getting cozy, and the fact I don't have to worry about not being tan, and wearing sleeves. Never snows much in Georgia though...
• India
5 Nov 09
I have never seen snow, except in Comics and in Holly wood movies. You people are lucky.Thanks for the response.
@eshaan (6188)
• India
19 Jan 10
at my place all the seasons are severe...in winter its too cold...now we use 3-4 blankets...still feel cold..in summer its too hot...and rainy days are fluctuating these days earlier it used to rain in fixed days..but now it rains almost in all months...all irregularities are due to pollution etc...so seasons have great impact here...days become too short due to inactive hours in winter...
• Philippines
5 Nov 09
I love summer wherein I can go to the beach and swim all I want because I love the beach.
@bodhisatya (2384)
• India
4 Nov 09
I love winter, infact the snowy winter. it is fun to eat as everything remains fresh, it is absolute fun to go for a long trip as you won't sweat out and get tired easily. It is very romantic, to snuggle inside a blanket with your loved one! my appetite goes up in the winter and my exercise regime becomes rigorous too.
• India
4 Nov 09
Yes I also love the winter season, and the reasons which you have given for liking winter is also wonderful. It is unfortunate that we do not enjoy winters like that. Thanks for the response.
@xyniece (77)
• Philippines
4 Nov 09
our country does not have winter or cold season..we only have summer and rainy season.during summer,our place is very hot and it is ideal going to the beach.
• India
4 Nov 09
I always thought my town Chennai, is the only one which has no winter or cold season, but it seems Philippines is also like that. Of course we also enjoy going to the beach.Thanks for the response.
@yan_blue8 (1437)
• Philippines
4 Nov 09
Hi there ramesh! In my country, there is no winter, fall, and autumn too. My city is always hot, hotter and hottest just like yours. But the season i like the most would be the summer. I like it when there's a sun and it always ends up going to a beach.
• India
4 Nov 09
Thanks for the response yan. This is a surprise, I always thought that only my city,Chennai is like that. Yes we also have a nice beach, which is named as Marina Beach. I live very near to the beach, and everyday in the morning I always take a walk there.
• United States
11 Nov 09
I would have to say the fall. It's not too warm like the summer can be, or too cold like the winters always are, it doesn't rain as much as spring, and it's beautiful here in my hometown during the fall season. We're not called the City of Maples for nothing! Next year I'll have to return here just to take some pictures of the beautiful nature.