mylot referrals !!!

November 4, 2009 4:36am CST
I'm trying to have some referrals on my down line, which may boost my earning at mylot. i got almost 20 referrals member on my down-line. but all are them inactive. any tips ? how can i make them active to mylot ?
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6 responses
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
4 Nov 09
When they joined did they accept the automatic friend request? If they did then yuo can send them a PM welcoming them and telling them that you will help them learn how to use myLot. If they did not accept it then if they made a post somewhere you can comment to them asking them to accept it. If neither of the two are possible then sadly there is no way to contact them at all and you will just have to hope that eventually they might wake up and realise what they are missing here.
• India
4 Nov 09
your tips to make member active on mylot community really appreciable. but maximum referrals are not accept me as a friend, so there is now way to have communication with them to motivate, convenience. i hope mylot authority revise and consider this difficulty. they make any opt to communicate with referrals. it may helpful to make referrals active.
• Philippines
10 Jun 10
Hi, mysdianait, good to see you again respond to a member's concern here. You are like Alice! You're easy to respond to our concerns with regard to MyLotting. Are you part of the admin. team? I have a problem with my referrals. Most of them are from the Philippines. When they join MyLot, they get to see the discussions here are in English language. Once they see that, they back off. How can I encourage them to return to here and participate? I have tried so many times, saying MyLot is not strict with English, but they no longer respond. Hep please, any suggestion?
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
10 Jun 10
Hi magtibaygom. I am nothing more than a simple Lotter just like you and everyone else. I did trip up though when I was first here and then decided to learn how things are supposed to be done here and once I got it right I decided to share. You are not the first to think that I might be part of admin and, if you care to read Alice's discussions, on one of them she confirms that I am not. Sine this discussion was posted myLot have altered things (as you probablt know). Now when we gain a referral they are automatically added to our friend list and we can send them a PM immediately welcoming them and explaining the basics to them too. However, even thoughthey are added to our friend list, the notifier for their started discussions is set to 'off' and we have to alter that ourselves so that we can encourage them and respond on their topics if they start any. If your referrals are mostly from the Philippines and fear that they will not be able to join in, I suggest that you show them this page: where they will see that there are many others from their country. You might like to show them this too: Explain to them that they can earn while practicing their Engish here too.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
4 Nov 09
You are lucky to be able to get 20 referrals but very unlucky that they only become accessories in your list. It is as good as having no referrals at all as those in your list aren't helping you. Maybe you can pm them telling them to buck up and coach them how to go about here. Some people join mylot thinking that they are able to earn comfortably here without sweat.
@vingyan06 (2486)
• Malaysia
4 Nov 09
Try to find out what is the reason they are inactive. It is important how we deliver the message to them when we refer them to Mylot. Some they become inactive suddenly maybe is because for they don't get motivation from you. For those who join mylot to earn money, you can guide them the good tips on how to make money here and perhaps you can let them know alternative way to earn faster which is doing writing tasks.
• India
4 Nov 09
some people join with mylot with the destination of earning money. but who wish to join with mylot community only for money, they feel that are not suitable site really. cause mylot earning is too low and small, but we may feel, its a great honer to mylot user, what about the amount. but they forgot money is nothing at all, much value is learning from here. its a great site to whom, who comes for share their idea, experience, knowledge. its a site, we can increase our power of knowledge, no doubt.
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@owlwings (43910)
• Cambridge, England
4 Nov 09
MyLot is not for everyone. Perhaps your referrals joined thinking that it was a good money-making site, were disappointed and so joined the great ranks of 180,000 sleeping members. If you have their email addresses, you could write to them asking them to come back and join in some discussions (which you would select according to where their interests lie). I have found, though, that many people may join as referrals but very few stay active because they find that it's not for them.
• India
4 Nov 09
you are right. every one guess mylot is the platform, which are very easier to earn money. but after joined with mylot, they may get wrong and feels that's really very difficult job. but i like to have any tips from you, which will be supportive to make them active with mylot.
4 Nov 09
First of all well done on getting that many referrals in the first place! As others have said hopefully they will accept the automatic friends request and then you can send them a PM asking if you can help them out at all. Unfortunately there does seem to be a lot of people who sign up for the site and then for some reason or other decide not to post at all. Just the way things go sometimes.
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
6 Mar 10
It's hard to convince an inactive member to become active again. The best thing is to catch a new member in the beginning when he signs up. It's a thing that mylot has fixed. Good luck for recruiting further referrals.
@neildc (17239)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
29 Mar 10
i found referrals are really helpful to boosts our earnings. but sometimes i feel they are nothing. i have several referrals too but all of them are inactive. so i make myself busy all the time for me to do it myself and work and earn more without the help of referrals.