i want a house of my own, but my family object, should i buy or not?

November 4, 2009 6:41am CST
i am single. i rent flat and live alone. i want to buy one for myself, but my family don't agree. they think that needs a lot of money and could spend me many years to pay for the loan. not having their support, i just feel so frustrated. should i buy one on my own decision or continue to earn momey?
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28 responses
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
4 Nov 09
You are currently living in a flat which you are renting. I think it would make good sense financially if you buy a flat. Then you will be able to decorate it how you wish. You won't have to pay rent but paying a mortgage would let the flat become yours. I am sure your family will get used to the idea of you owning a flat. You are single but one day you might meet a partner. Good luck.
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• China
5 Nov 09
i will decorate my own flat. and i do hope my family will get used to my idea.
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
4 Nov 09
I say, If you want to buy it than you should do it.. if you are making rent payments you can easily make mortgage payments. And the money will not go to waste. If you decide to sell you can make a profit. What would you have if you decide to move from an apt. NOTHING. I have bought a house 6 years ago. My mother did not think I was responsible enought to do it either. But here I am still -6 years later. My dogs all have a large yard to run and play in, and no one can tell me what I can and cant do. I can plant a garden. I have my pets. And no neighbors living upstairs from me banging on the floor and keeping me awake all the time. :)
• China
5 Nov 09
i envy you so much. you have your own yard and your own pets. i like dogs and keep two. but because i have no place to place them, i had to give them away. i miss them so much.
@solson (406)
4 Nov 09
I want to get my own apartment, but my parents do not think i should move out so soon as well. I think that it is up to you and that you are grown up and you need to make your own decisions if you think it is right than do it.
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• China
5 Nov 09
yeah, i think so, too. it's the time i make decisions by myself.
@dodo19 (47305)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
4 Nov 09
To be honest, it should be completely up to you. It is your decision, your life. If you feel that this is something that you can take care of by yourself, if you're ready to take this next step, then look into, research and buy your house. I can really understand how frustrating it can to not have your family's support. My parents never supported my decision to marry my husband, yet we are now married. What I'm really trying to say is that it is your life and your decisions.
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• China
5 Nov 09
May you and your husband live a happy life forever. and i am to find my love one day. god bless!
@May2k8 (18292)
• Indonesia
4 Nov 09
the decision is in your hands, if you can pay for daily necessities and not have a loan that could incriminate you in paying your bills. You would have to really think about it carefully. Life was not always like what we want.
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• China
5 Nov 09
yeah, i always know that it's not a piece of cake. i should be careful
• United States
4 Nov 09
Hello, I believe that this decision should fall primarily on you. I understand that at times it can be frustrating when you don't have the support of family/friends, but if you have the means to purchase a home, go for it. It is a wonderful time to purchase a home in most states. I am a housing and credit counselor and I have seen more people wanting to buy a home now, in this "recession", than ever. I hope you will gain the support of those who matter to you.
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• China
5 Nov 09
well, thanks, i value the suggetion from a counselor.
• Pakistan
5 Nov 09
well.. i think its critical situtaion. in this situtaion first you should try to convince your family as much as possible. because family support is also important. if they are not ready than you have to go which is good for you.
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@mkeanel01 (974)
• Philippines
5 Nov 09
I think you should buy your own house. Having an own house is one of the big accomplishment you'll be having for your life. As for me, I want to buy my own house because it is the way I will be independent.i know a lot of families are bothered because their children are buying their own houses but I think they should be proud of them because it was a big accomplishment for them. So go on. Buy your own house.
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@lindiebiz (1006)
• Canada
5 Nov 09
I think I kind of agree with your parents, buying a house is a huge commitment and it is best to buy a home when you are married.
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
5 Nov 09
If you can afford it then go for it. Your parents can disagree if they will pay part of it but if not then it's just their opinion and what's final is your decision. Cheers!
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@getbrowser (1708)
• China
5 Nov 09
buy a house by yourself - it is really a difficult task to buy a house by yourself.
If I have met such a bad dilemma some day, I may follow the ideas of my family. Now, your parents are standing the opposite position to you, then you make your own decision to buy one by yourself, I have to say that it is such a reckless action. As you have said above, if you buy one, then it could spend me many years to pay for the loan. That is to say, you don't have enough to buy a house. So, if you make a decision in person, it is obvious that you will lose the support from your parents. If you decide to buy one through your own efforts, then you may have to face various stress and troubles because you will spend many years on paying for the loan. Wish you success!
1 person likes this
• China
5 Nov 09
Tell them the reason why you will buy and try for their support.If they still disagree with you,you'd better calm down and take into account again seriously.If I were you,if my parents disagree,I won't action on my own decision.Take care,my friend,maybe you are right.On balance,just be consider it seriously.
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• China
5 Nov 09
hello,xiaotong.yeah,you'are still single now,but in the future not very far away,you will get married and establish your sweet home.So it is very meaningful to own your appartment in a not very long period,because both you and I kown exactly an appartment is a necessary condition of getting married in China nowaday,unless one can manage to persuade her bride to live with him in a place rented.besides,a young man can feel very confident as a house owner,and your familiy and friends will certainly regard you with spacial esteem.Of course it is a extremely stiff mission to afford a new appartment by yourself,without your parents' financial support,so maybe to earn a portion of the sum and to borrow some money from them or other relatives are a feasible way to make your dream come true.Hope you can make it!good luck!
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@rjvb26 (2518)
• Philippines
5 Nov 09
Do you think you can handle the loan? If you think you can, what do you think is the best decision that will make you happy and will be beneficial to your family in the future?
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• China
5 Nov 09
Are you in a big city, like Shanghai or Beijing, if you live in this kind of city, maybe it's good to earn money first, the house price here is really high, and it will spend you so many years to pay the loan, and if you are in a small city, maybe it's good to buy a house, I'm so looking forward to have my own house, rent house makes me feel bad, it seems like I always live in other's house , and can't have my own one.
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@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
4 Nov 09
It depends if you have the money for a down payment or not. If you do and if you feel it would be paying the same or there about of rent then I would go for it. Alot of times people are paying over 1000.00 for a rental when with that money you could be paying a mortgage and you would be living in your home. Yes you will have a loan but if you decide to live there for the rest of your life and that depend on how many years you take a loan out for. You are still young and I think its a great investment. I brought a house 13 years ago for 129,000 thousand I only put about 16,000 dollars down. When I sold it 11 years later I sold the house for $465,000. With that money I was able to buy another house, have a house built and I'm still living offer the money since I can't find a job where I moved to. I think its a great investment. Good luck to you in your decision.
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@Louc74 (620)
5 Nov 09
Hi Xiaotong. I think it should be your decision, but just make sure that it is an informed one. I bought a house, and in the first year, the Bank of England interest rate increased 5 times, meaning that my mortgage - which was comfortable for me to pay when I took it - doubled in the first year. I struggled from then on, and eventually got to the stage where I couldn't afford a social life because I was working simply to pay the bills. I eventually decided to sell it, and what a relief! I had a life again! Lol! So I've gone back to renting. I intend to save as much as I can over the next year, then go to property auction at the end of next year (hopefully!) and buy a property outright. Even if it needs a bit of work, at least it will be truly mine! You've got internet access, so just make sure you know the ins and outs of different mortgage types, the benefits and pitfalls. And be aware that a huge portion will be added on in interest, and you will be paying this for the next 25 years. I know you already know that, but most people don't think about next week, let alone 25 years from now. A lot of people are losing their homes at the moment, and the worlds finances are still in complete turmoil, in spite of what our governments are saying. Good luck, but be careful!
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@artistry (4151)
• United States
5 Nov 09
....Hi xiaotong, I don't know is you are in the states, but if you are you can get an FHA loan for 3% down, there is also an $8,000 credit for first time home purchase. If you are in another country, investigate the programs available for first time home buyers, there should be some. You can also request the seller to pay some of your closing costs. You can deduct some of your payments on the home, such as property taxes on your income tax. If you compare rental vs purchasing over time, you do better over time, because of the appreciation of your home's value. Don't put down a large down payment because it doesn't make a big difference in your monthly payment. Instead make extra payments to your principle to reduce your mortgage by some 10 years if you are diligent. Money is cheap so it is more economical to buy instead of renting. Owning a home is a responsibility, so be sure to have names of good plumbers, etc. to call if you have a problem, if you buy in the future. Termite inspection is a must. Take care. Good luck.
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@Fulltank (2882)
• Philippines
4 Nov 09
Go for it man. Its an investment you wouldn't regret in the future. Be sure to get the best house there is with a good location and nice built. Check also other things such as does the place have good drainage system, high enough to withstand floods, continuous supply of electricity, nice neighborhood, etc.
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@jamzy19 (72)
• United States
5 Nov 09
Hello xiaotong, I strongly agree with the other members who responded to your issue. :) Basically, it's better to get your own place rather than paying the monthly dues for a flat that you won't own in the long run and do note that its a good long term investment ;) Just be wise on picking which house to buy since it will be yours forever unless you're selling it later. Nevertheless, it should be your decision 'coz its your life we're talking here ;)