Girl power

November 4, 2009 3:57pm CST
I know it's such a 90's phrase and tres spice girls (who I adored!) But do you still have your girl power? I recently discovered that I had lost a great deal of mine, but I am working on getting it back. Do you still have yours? f not, when did you lose it?
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1 response
@Pitgull (1522)
• United States
4 Nov 09
Sometimes you think you've lost it, only to learn that it's been clouded by other stuff. If you had it, it's in there. I moved to Texas, from New York, and was hit by Culture-shock.... I've worked hard to make friends, and really have only one good female friend down here. So yeah, I think I can relate... Sometimes people suck.... but your girls are always your girls--if they're not, they never were... We're still out here, sometimes you just need to sift through the madness to realize you've had the power all along! "listen up take my advice we need 5 for the power of Spice" Gotta love them! :)
4 Nov 09
Oh my god,I listened to that today!! Well said, it's always there, you just can't always get to it!!