Marriage makes you happy or sad?

November 4, 2009 10:51pm CST
I married three years ago, the marital relationship is getting worse and worse. At the first year of marriage,I have almost no fighting with my wife, but slowly started to steadily increase family conflicts, mutual understanding and tolerance fewer and complaints increased. Now, almost everyday, all time in a row. I do not know how long my marriage can be hold on. Really I want to completely change the status.How can I do? I do not know how about your marriage, how to deal with the family conflicts?
1 response
• Singapore
5 Nov 09
i think it will be a lie if i say that my marriage is all bed of roses. it's not! every couple do quarrel..that's normal. But it's not healthy if it's everyday. Is it because of lack of communications that resulted in all the rows? Set a date with your wife, just the two of you. Go for a nice dinner and talk it out, in a nice tone. Dont be defensive, but just listen to her part of the story. Then, try to compromise. Hopefully that will help.