Stop with the 2012 thread NONSENSE...
By xfahctor
@xfahctor (14118)
Lancaster, New Hampshire
November 5, 2009 12:08pm CST has no basis in astronomical facts.
Ok, so after responding to yet ANOTHER thread on the supposed "predictions" for they 2012, I decided this was nessesary. though it will do nothing to disuade the die hard believers, it may at least bring relief to those who are willing to look at reason. this will also do nothing for those who don't look up a topic before they start a thread on it, if they did, there would not be 50 some odd threads on 2012.
Lets start with the basic premise that the Mayans predicted an astronomical disaster for that year.....they did NO such thing. Lets start with the premise that the Mayan calender "ends" suddenly in does no such thing. In fact, the calender has a number of dates well beyond 2012. It in fact doesn't end, it does what our calender does, it rolls over. The mayan calender was designed to measure "ages", nuch like ours measures years. When our year runs out, we just go get another calender, saving the world from extinction for another year.
The ancient Mayans have been highly romaticized for their perported "advanced" knowlege of astronomy. While it may have been advanced for it's time, (ie; they knew that those little twinkling things in the sky moved across the sky at regular intervals over the course of time in predictable directions), by todays standards, it's "advancement" ranks right down there with using blood draining to cure plague. Basicly, the ancient Mayans didn't know a THING about astronomy other than what they observed with the naked eye. They saw little things in the sky that moved, thats it. They didn't know the actual size of these various things, what speeds they moved at, the distances or the make up of them. They were all just little twinkling things in the sky.
But I won't go in to too much more on the nuances of Mayan culture and belief, so lets examine some of the so called "science" behind the predictions.[b]Planet
Some have proposed that there is a rogue planet in an eliptical orbit in our solar system, that makes a pass every 3600 years or so. This is utter nonsense. It is also being said that "they" (there's that proverbial "they" again) are hiding this from us and that the only telescope that can see it is at the north pole and under controll by the powers that be. NEITHER is at all true, but lets presume that telescope is in fact under tight control. It would STILL not be the only way to see this planet if it existed. Think for a moment about the sizes and dictances we are dealing with for a moment. This planet is perportedly the size of neptune (though even a small planet wouldn't help the case of the hoax) and is supposedly only 3 years from being in our orbit, on a different plane towards the "south" of our solar system. Were this the case, you could see this thing, with the naked eye in fact, from nearly anywhere on the planet. Even if difficult to view with the naked eye, any modest telesope could pick it out. With a few million amateure astronomers out there in the world all with pretty solid knowlege of whats out there and where it should be, most with pretty hefty equipment available to them, at least ONE would have said... "Hey!, theres a big asss planet out there where there shouldn't be!" It would be PLAINLY visible to EVERYONE, you could not hide something like this.
In addition to all this, if such a planet EVER existed, we would not be here having this conversation today and the planets as they exist today would be in very different places.
we also have the fact that such a planet of that size, and traveling at that speed, would have achieved "escape velocity" and would have been ejected by gravity from our solar system on it's first trip around.
Planetary alignment.
I looked up the planets orbits a while ago, ran a simulation of all the orbits for pretty near the next 10,000 years (took half the day) and I am sorry to report, there is no major alignemnt of them any time soon, unless "soon" to you is over 10,000 years (as far as I went) or so.
Even of this were the case, there is no science whatsoever that says that this is a harmfull thing to our own planet. the gravity would still be marginal, spread out and non effectual to anything in the solar system, if it were,we would not observe the orbits of the planet as we observe them today.
Galactic alignment.
The physical alignment of our solar system to the exact center plane of our galaxy occures roughly every 25 million years and by all acounts, happened a few million years ago. But even this would not have any effect on our planet, there is no basis to suggest that such an event has any effect on our own solar system, as we observe no effect at all on the other hundred million stars on the outer rings of the galaxy with us.
Every year however, because of the simple fact that we rotate on an axis, we can look in the sky at a certain point in the year and it apears to us we are right dead on the center. but again, this is only an illusion of our changing position over the course of our year.
Pole shift
I read a few accounts that state our earth's crust is going to suddenly "slip" and flip upside down, as has perportedly happened before. It has NOt happened bfore in fact. Had this happened, the energy generated would have liquified the surface of the earth and we would not be here today. Also, it CANNOT happen, it is a physical impossibility, it defies nearly every law of planetary physics involved.
Magnetic pole shift.
Yes our magnetic poles reverse and shift from time to time. the change is gradual, and has occured several times while humans were on earth. there is nothihng at all to sugest it is at all detrimental to anyone. It also is not something that occures with any real measurable regularity, even by todays modern measurement abilties. We can only determine it's frequency to with in a few thousand years, so it is doubtfull the Mayans could peg it to a specific day in a specific month in a specific year, not just doubtfull, rediculous.
Solar Storms.
Yep, happen all the time, about every 11 years....more or less....But it seems this comming cycle is not going to be any more than the usual, nor does it seem there is going to be an earth ending storm on a specific date in a specific year.
Black Hole.
the closest black hole to us is about 1600 light years away, quite a long trip even at the impossible light speed. even if we began the trip now (which we haven't) or even if IT began the trip now (which it hasn't) it would take 1600 years at evev light speed to arrive.
So, can we PLEASE stop with the 2012 nonsense already? It makes for great sci-fi movies and conspiricy discussions, but it is not at all based in reality.
PLEASE 2013...hurry up and get here!
On a side note, REAL Mayans are pretty fed up with it what do ACTUAL LIVING Mayans have to say about 2012?
3 people like this
13 responses

@jwfarrimond (4473)
10 Nov 09
No it's been downgraded to a planetoid - one of a large number of similar bodies orbiting at the edge of the solar system. Several of these bodies have been found I believe.

@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
5 Nov 09'll happen when all the planets are going retrograde at the same time.. that's appearing to go backwards.. No, I'm kidding! ha ha! Though I am a bit of an astrologer (that much maligned science- science, when you leave out the craziness). I like to tell people not to panic when a planet goes retro, it doesn't really go backwards! Just looks that way from our orbit, compared to theirs..
- Very interesting post!

@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
5 Nov 09

@merlinsorca (1118)
• United States
5 Nov 09
Of course the end of the world will not come in 2012. I mean, didn't people say that the world would end in Y2K? But it didn't, did it? So, yes, I do agree with all of what you wrote up there. The Mayan calender probably ended at that date simply because they didn't want to waste their time making calenders for the future. . . I mean, people in present day do not make calenders for the year 2100 or 2200 so why would we trust the Ancient Mayans that have ended their calender that the world will end . . .?
I believe that this nonsense is just used as a way to get money, as we see from the movie 2012. If these people really believed that the world would end they should spend their money on some way to prevent it, not on making special effects and paying actors. . .
And about that simulation you ran, could you give me a link to it? I want to play around with it
Whatever evidence there may or may not be, I really hope that the world will not end so quickly. . . Humans still have a lot of progress to make, we still need to boldly go where no one has gone before.

@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
6 Nov 09
Sorry i didn't get back sooner. Here is a sim for you
It isn't very detailed as far as the planets themselves, but it is pretty accurate as far as the orbits go. You will have to zoom out to view all the planets and there is a way to speed up time, I just can't remember how at the moment.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
6 Nov 09
lol, I got a better one. I can't find the one I was looking for again....but this is a better sim than the one i just gave you...the planet sizes are hugely exagerated for pretty graphical effect...but the center to center distances and the relative orbital speeds are acurate, so it is a propper depiction of the orbits over time. Again, zoom out to see all the planets if you need.
@merlinsorca (1118)
• United States
6 Nov 09
Thanks for the link, I will have fun playing around with it! 

@millertime (1394)
• United States
5 Nov 09
xfahctor, that is one heck of a post! Good job on debunking all that stuff, by the way. You KNOW that there is going to be a ton of stuff about 2012 leading up to it though, right? I mean, look at all the hoopla about the millennium, can you imagine the field day they are going to have with 2012? OMG, we've got 3 years to go and already they're going crazy. The closer we get, the more ridiculous it's going to get, but it should be fun to watch. I want to hear what everybody says AFTER that infamous date passes.
Then again, aren't they working on some huge particle collider over in Europe somewhere and there's a possibility that it could open a black hole that would suck up the whole planet? There supposed to fire that thing up along about December 2012 I think. hmmmmmmm......

@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
6 Nov 09
Lol, CERN is a whole other woo woo thing i deal with in another Not so bad here yet anyways. Say, did, you know CERN was designed with some sort of illuinatti symbolism to it's shape? Lol, seriously, that is the stuff I deal with on CERN with some people.....when you encounter something like that, there is almost no point in trying to explain anything else to them.

@jwfarrimond (4473)
10 Nov 09

@irishidid (8687)
• United States
5 Nov 09
Every time someone mentions 2012 I think of the movie with Rod Steiger who kills his wife and children to spare them from the end of the world, then he wakes up the next day with the world very much still existing. I'm thinking it was The Illustrated Man. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong.
"The sky is falling", "Polar bears are being forced to live in their natural habitat", "The climate is changing. If this keeps up, it might snow in winter!"
"The humanity!"
Okay, I'm done. 

@deedeehall (1144)
• United States
5 Nov 09
very well put my friend .by the way you have a lot of knowledge.
@maezee (41988)
• United States
5 Nov 09
Wow, it sounds as though you have the answer to everything. I agree with you in that it's all a hoax, and people are probably just getting excited and/or nervous over absolutely nothing, and I do also agree that there have been WAY too many posts concerning it. *shrugs*. I usually just ignore them. At first I was responding to them..But it kind of gets redundant when you're answering the same thing over and over and over again (like those "How does MyLot work?" questions. Eventually you just get tired of it.
@tambrerocks (123)
• United States
6 Nov 09
It is supposed to represent the beginning of a new era and an end to the world as we know it. That does not mean it will be destroyed. However, I would not doubt it will be destroyed by us at some date in time. With that said, it is a prophecy by more than just the Mayans, so if they cannot predict the future than neither can you.