My cousin has a boyfriend w/ anger problems
By maria120883
@maria120883 (392)
United States
November 5, 2009 8:24pm CST
Hi everyone on mylot!!!!!
My cousin has a big problem. She has a baby with her current boyfriend/living with him. And he has a big problem with anger. He is very jealous all the time. She has never cheated on him but for some reason or other he is always telling her that he knows that she must have cheated on him and he has no proof. She is a very beautiful woman. I think that he must very insecure with himself but he says that he is not. He does crazy things when he gets mad. For example!!!! His parents were at their apt and him and his dad were going to to to the store and my cousin told him that she wanted to go too because she needed to get some food from the store. So his dad said ok well never mind yall go ahead and go and I will stay here. So She and him left together and later on while they were on the freeway he started screamin at her telling her that he wanted to talk to his father and why did she have to tag along that it was the only time that he had to talk to his father alone. "She was driving by the way." So she told him all you had to do was pull me to the side and tell me that and I would have not gone with you it's that simple. So he was so pissed off that he grabbed her purse and starts to throw her stuff in her purse out the window while she was driving.!!!!!!
He had the nerve to grab her prescription glasses off her face and throw those out the window too!!!!!!!! I can't believe she is still with him!! She loves him and has told him that he needs to go to anger management but he says he is not the only one that has the problem that both of them need to go to a psycologist. She tells him that is fine but he still won't go.
What do you think she should do with him? Give him a chance to change? Give him an ultimatum? or what do you think she should do?? Help myh friend out please I want to help her out and I have given her alot of advice but I need someone elses opinion.. please help
a shoulder to cry on
happy mylotting
maria s.
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9 responses
@dodyast3 (1514)
• Indonesia
6 Nov 09
My opinion, there is nothing we can do. Your cousin must deal the problem by herself. Actually, many couples have similar problems, differences and arguments every single day they pass the day together. So it is natural thing happen to a couple. Not all couple have a happy life story, sometime, they need to deal with huge differences among them.
I don't know whether it is the right thing to do or not, but I believe the best for them is to let them to find a solution by themselves. The less family members involves in their problem, the better it will be.
@maria120883 (392)
• United States
6 Nov 09
Yeah it sounds like you are right as well but the thing with it is that she asked me for help and with my opinion. I know it will not be the same because I am not in her shoes but still I want to help her out atleast a little. In the end it is her that is going ot make the decision in what she wants to do with him and to do in her life..
thanks for the advice
maria s.
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@dodyast3 (1514)
• Indonesia
6 Nov 09
By the way, he surely has a problem with his anger. He looks like he cannot control it. But it is not the end of everything. From the story, he didn't hit your cousin. He just threw away her purse and glasses out of the window. That means, he still can control his anger, just a little and didn't do any violence to your cousin. You should see some people can loose control even worst than your cousin's boyfriend. They are beating up her wives very badly.
So I think your cousin has done a good move. Keep talking to him and try to bring him to psycologist or anger management in any possible occasion. Don't force him, try to make him understand, it is for the goodness of both of them and their newborn baby. It takes awhile before he can realize he got a problem. It takes time and patience from your cousin.
This is just what I think, leaving him is not doing good for your cousin, her boyfriend and the baby
@maria120883 (392)
• United States
6 Nov 09
@rg0205 (2636)
• Hong Kong
6 Nov 09
I'm very sorry to hear about this.
First of all, I think your cousin's boyfriend has more than anger management problems. It's psychological, too, because it seems like he is insecure and has low self esteem. These are the common traits of abusers. Yes, he is an abuser.
Second, I don't think your cousin should stay any longer. She can only ask him to get help but that may aggravate the issue. I think she should take her baby and leave. He doesn't want help. You can't force a person to get help if he doesnt want to. You cant help a person who doesnt want to help himself.
The chances of her getting physically abused is very likely. Who is to say he may not even hurt their child one day? He just might.
Your cousin loves him? I really don't know what to say about that...If someone is being abusive to you, how can you love a person like that? Doesn't she love herself to know that she deserves better than that treatment?
Your cousin also has self esteem issues and it's the reason why she's taking all of this crap. They both have issues but the guy is violent towards her.
The only thing I can say is, it's best for her to leave. Ultimatums are as far as they go but considering that the guy has been abusive to her quite a few times before, I doubt that an ultimatum will put an end to it.
So, the question is, when will she leave? Will she wait for things to get really bad before she does?
I hope you can get through to her.
@maria120883 (392)
• United States
6 Nov 09
Just like you said I really hope that I can get through to her. Dont' get me wrong he is a good guy well atleat to what he shows but still he does abuse her as you say in an emotional abuse!! Psychological abuse!! There are different kinds of abuse and she is getting some of them. To my knowledge he hasn't hit her with force to do it on purpose well atleast to my knowledge.
I love my cousin and I don't want to see her hurt and for her to get abused the way that she is getting abused and she does deserve better thanb what she as at the moment.
I guess you are right about the ultimatum thing he will probably change for the moment and then go back to his ways. Like always alot of people do that. Change for a while then go back to how they were and the people that they are abusing just sit there and take the hits again.
My God I hope this doesn't happen to her she doesn't deserve it. i will try to get the message to her of what you said and everyone said here on mylot and let her make the decision for her self I will let everyone know later what she said about this.
Thanks again mylotters!!!!!!
I appreciate the help the comments and the advice of everyone!!!
happy mylotting
maria s.
@rg0205 (2636)
• Hong Kong
6 Nov 09
Thanks for your response.
I can see how much you love your cousin and I can see how the guy can be nice. Coming from me who has been in an emotionally abusive relationship. I can tell from experience that I stayed because I would always think "Well, he can be nice when he's not in one of his moods." but really, as time went on, the emotional abuse really got to me. I felt like there was no one else who would want me so why bother.
Sometimes emotional abuse is worse or just as bad as physical abuse. I wish you and your cousin the best.
@rmorefield (941)
• United States
6 Nov 09
This sounds like more than anger to me. Does he do other strange things, like rant and rave when he gets angry? Does he go through bouts of depression? Are there times when he has insomnia? The reason why I ask these questions is because he sounds like the father of my children, who is bipolar. When we were first dating, he would get angry like that for no reason. I didn't understand it, all I knew is that something was wrong. Most of the time, he was wonderful. Then, for no reason at all, he would fly off the handle. If he is bipolar, there is no way that he will change. The condition can be managed with medication, but he has to take it every day for the rest of his life. It can easily turn violent. It appears that he can control his anger, but in actuality, he can't because he doesn't realize that he is acting in any way other than acceptable. If I were your friend, I would get out now. The problem is, there is nothing that anyone can do to make her. I know that it's hard, but whatever she decides, be her friend. You can't force her to make a decision, but you can support her. That is what she needs. One day, she will come to the right decision on her own. I just hope that it isn't too late. Anger problems can easily and quickly become violent. She needs to think of the baby, if not herself. I did, and it was the hardest thing I have ever done. I still love him with all of my heart, but I know that we can't be together. We can't be together because he won't get help even though his team of doctors has told him that he has a problem that is easily managable (if he wants to manage it). He doesn't believe the doctors when they tell him that he has a problem. So, I have had to get on with my life. We still talk, but I will not allow myself to be alone with him. If he wants to see me, then it is in a public place. I've been there. Your friend shouldn't have to be there alone. I know that it is frustrating, but when you get tired of her crying on your shoulder about the same thing over and over again, take a deep breath and remember that she needs the support that he isn't giving her.

@rmorefield (941)
• United States
6 Nov 09
I truly do pray that everything works out for your friend. I speak from experience when I say how hard it is to take care of someone with this disorder. It is hard on the person who is afflicted, too. They can't help the things that they do. And it isn't that they postpone their treatment, it's that they honestly don't think that there is anything wrong. That is the problem with a manic episode. Once it is over, they feel totally normal and don't think that they need to seek help. It's a viscious cycle.
@maria120883 (392)
• United States
6 Nov 09
Well my cousin kind of thins that might be the problem that he is bipolar. She told him the other day for them to go to a psychologist but he says o because it is too much money and my cousin found the cheapest one. The Psychologist charges 50 bucks an hour. I told her that he is just trying to find an excuse to not go. He says that he wants to go to the church that they have psychologists there for free and that what he wants to do. But by the tkime that he finds a church that he wants to go to it is going to take him for ever. He is just going to be postponing it. I know him and thats true that what he is going to do.
They are better for now but who know tomorrow how the relationshipe will be doing??? Thanks for the advice that you have given me and for sharing your personal story of your own problems to help us out. I really appreciate it. It is very helpful to both of us.
Thanks again
happy mylotting
maria s.

@pradeeptheone (49)
• India
6 Nov 09
This is problem belonging to love with agony,we often come across these,we rather than giving them advice or suggestions its better to leave them to their decision , if she feels she can stay with him no more,then for sure one day they get separated and that fellows will also get one day to know how lovable one he had lost..
@maria120883 (392)
• United States
6 Nov 09
Yeah you never know what you have till you have lost it then you want it back but hopefully by that time that person has changed. In his case he needs to go to a psychologist but doesn't want to. He keeps postponing it and she doesn't know what to do . I tell her to give him an ultimatum!!! If he loves her and wants to have a healthy relationship then he will take her advice but for the moment he doesn't want to. and she is gettin tired of him and I think that sooner or later she will be leaving him thats for sure if he doesn't want to change!!
thanks for the advice
happy mylotting
maria s.
@AlimK1983 (5)
• United States
6 Nov 09
Your cousin needs to leave him right now. He will never change at the moment and things will only get worse. She needs to take the baby and leave. Otherwise, the kid will grow up in a very toxic environment.
@maria120883 (392)
• United States
6 Nov 09
Yeah I am worried about the baby too. She says that he will scream at her when the baby is around and the baby will start to cry and he doesn't want to stop screaming at my cousin. He just keeps going even though my cousin pleads with him to stop because the baby is panicking!!!
Oh she needs to leave him but she loves him and she is trying to help him change and hopefullyu she will convince him to go to a psychologist.
thanks for the comment
happy mylotting
maria s.
@newmanj34 (3)
• United States
6 Nov 09
I have a few different takes on this topic. In my opinion, he will never change. Maybe she should give an ultimatum and then see if that changes things. maybe he'll see that he is just being paranoid. Although I think he won't. If he grabbed her glasses and threw them, well, that is a form of abuse. I believe some bad things are on the road ahead of her if she stays with him. On the ohter hand sounseling usually helps with that sort of thing. Anger management classes or couples counseling. That is about all I have. Hope this helps!!
@maria120883 (392)
• United States
6 Nov 09
I didn't think about it til you said right now that him throwing the glasses out the window is a sign of abuse!!! WOW I'm retarded!!!
i hope that she does listen to me and trys to get some help from someone and that he trys to change or go to a psychologist!!!
In a way I do want her to stay with him and help him out to help himself but at the sametime I want her to leave him and let him change on his own and then if in the olng run they still want to be together then if he has changed then that is fine for them to get together but if not then there is no point to be with him
thanks for your help I am pretty sure that one of your advices he will take thanks again
happy mylotting
maria s.
@tambrerocks (123)
• United States
6 Nov 09
She needs to leave him NOW. He can change from far away and prove to her that he has after at least 9 months. All she is doing is setting herself up for a very unhappy life, and if he is angry, so will be her child, the child will learn it from him. If they both need help I suggest they do it separately and come together after they have themselves together. Really, this could be the most important decision of her life. Tell her to read the statistics on domestic violence and listen to what other women have to say that have been through it and thought they could fix their man. That is from the ones that are still alive.
@maria120883 (392)
• United States
6 Nov 09
Thanks that is what I tell her. That the anger can turn into hitting her. And that is so not what I want him to do to her. He is a very hard working man but he acts differently when other people are there but when we are not there then he acts out. It is not an everyday thing but still when they get angry it can be for a whole week. if she doesn't make a move to hug him or to kiss him then he will not do it. And when he gets angry he just keeps going on and on about it he just can't let it go. I don't want him to hurt her. And I also think she should leave him and if she wants to go back with him she needs to give him time to get better and to go to anger management. She says he hasn't hit her and when they have hit each other is when they are just playing around goofing off. So I don't know.
thanks for the advice
happy mylotting
maria s.
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
14 Dec 09
Couple of questions for you regarding your cousin and boyfriend. The first is, how old are they? From what you say he sounds like he is younger than her but I could be completely wrong here. Young men take longer to mature and it seems that this guy never will, if I'm being honest. You have to experience living with someone like that to know what it is like...and I have. I went to parties with a guy I once lived with and he would remain sober just so he could keep an eye on what I was doing (which was nothing, just having fun as he wasn't able to chill out). Was he younger than me? Yes, he was 19 and I was 23 but I wasn't mature enough to live with him, so it did work both ways, this immaturity thing.
If he's not going to accept the fact he has a problem with anger then I don't think he will change. He obviously doesn't want to change does he? He likes to dominate in a threatening way and I don't like that one bit! I wonder what would've happened if your cousin had mentioned this incident to his father? Probably not a lot!
@raulj1 (111)
• Philippines
13 Dec 09
Anger is an emotional response to a perceived injustice. We all get angry, even God. We express our anger in different ways. Sometimes we keep quiet when angry and other times we boil to resentment. The later response can sometimes lead to violence and irreparable destruction. Physical abused or emotional abused can be avoided if we know how to control over our feelings.
Anger is sometimes a cover up of other negative feelings inside us such us frustration, guilt, depression, discouragement, low self-esteem and other negative feelings.
Here is my personal advice: Try this and tell me if it works.
1. Never be angry at the same time. When your cousin husband is mad, your cousin must stay calm and control her emotion to avoid things get worst. I believe that soft answer turns away anger. What about if, your cousin is the first one who gets angry? That's the problem, because for sure her husband will turns out to be a tiger ready to eat her. So the best things she could do is to remain calm even she is angry.
2. When saying words avoid using "YOU" because it appears to be nagging. Try using the word "I". For example, don't say "You are foolish, because you always hurt me. You are insensitive and always jealous for the things I did not do"
The correct way is "I feel hurt because you are jealous of the things I did not do." In this case you are not appearing to nag and the center of attention is you because you use the word "I".
3. Get help from someone. If her husband don't want to go to a psychologist, for counseling then she need to find someone maybe from the church, a pastor or someone else who have professional knowledge and skills to give counsel. Don't make it appear as a counsel but instead make it appear as a friendly advice. It is best if she can find someone whom her husband trust and already a friend. Let that chosen counselor win the trust and confidence of her husband before giving advice in a conversational way.
4. Try to discover the real cause of his anger and make ways to solve that. For example, if he has low self-esteem and insecure then she need to assure him always that she loves him very much through words and actions. Appreciate him always even the little things he is doing.
5. Attend seminars about marriage together. They will learn many principles to make their relationship strong.
6. Pray together. Pray everyday before going to bed during the night and after waking up in the morning and jumping out of bed. Let them do this and I am very sure that all well because God will be the center of their relationship.