Shame on the Republicans
@valentinesdiner (1214)
United States
November 5, 2009 9:26pm CST
I appreciate the importance of standing together, but ALL the republican lawmakers are standing on the sidelines on health care and climate change legislation?
Millions of Americans are thus out of the debate because they would rather make a thin and temporary political point than to try to make lasting change in the legislation before Congress.
Whatever happened to public service? Oh for shame. And I'M a republican!
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12 responses
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
6 Nov 09
The Dems have locked out the Republicans from meetings and debates on bills, they have refused to allow Republican-crafted bills to get to committee or to the floor and generally tried to shut them out of the healthcare reform legislation entirely. They even plan to use a sneaky way of passing their bill without a majority vote. I really don't think it's the Republicans I am ashamed of. It's the many members of Congress who forgot who it is they work for, they think they are working for Pelosi, Reid and Obama. They are supposed to work for the American people.
As far as climate change, the bill is all about working further to collapse the US economy. This will make it easier for them to do whatever they like, cripple businesses and stifle growth. Climate change is not even happening and let's remember that these are the same people who warned us the planet was in an irreversible warming trend that was going to wreak havoc globally. Now that there has been no warming in a decade, they call it climate change instead of global warming because it's getting cooler. Yeah, the climate is changing, but the country is in an economic crisis. Stop thinking we can control the weather and do something you can exercise some control over. Let the economy loose so it can function and grow!
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@pixeltwistr (613)
• United States
6 Nov 09
Unfortunately i think the congressmen along with the american people have forgotten that they are supposed to work FOR us!!!
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
6 Nov 09
I also heard that the Democrats want to have elective abortions attached to the health care bill and also that illegals would also get health care. Not only that, those who are considered not productive the elderly, critically ill, the handicapped, etc. would be given short shift. Right now if there is a generous wealthy person like Bill Gates for instance, or a group of rich people and they hear of a child with severe handicaps, they would pay for that child's operation and or care.
But if this bill comes, that will not happen. There will be a quota on who will and should receive care and then there will be the long waiting lists. They only have to look what is happening in Canada, England, and other European countries that have socialized medicine to see what is happening.
Or do they think that with Obama in charge and Pelosi running the house, that with magic, they will be able to fix everything?

@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
8 Nov 09
I am afraid that the Democrats, that is the far left democrats want abortions to be paid out of federal funds. Now while Bush was in office, abortions were not paid out of federal funds, but now that Obama is in charge, and knowing his bent (thinking children are a punishment) as well as Pelosi being an ultra feminist, they will try to sneak electric abortion into the health care bill. And they will be very sneaky about it.
That is what happened in Canada. They made elective abortions there, necessary, claiming the woman 'might' kill herself if she bore a child, etc.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
10 Nov 09
I believe that. I did hear that they passed the health care bill without the elective abortion in it and that is a good thing, but I do not trust Pelosi or Obama. They will probably appeal the emotions of the ignorant of siting examples of back street abortions done on poor women and getting the weak to cry to get the health care law passed.
I do believe that the medicare or medicaid does need to be improved and those elderly or pensioners should get a cost of living increase. The trouble is, if the situation in the States is the same as in Canada, that only if the cost of living is above a certain amount. And from what you are telling me, the pensioners and elderly as well as the disabled that need that cost of living do not get it, so they have to go to work when they do not have the stamina and live in poverty.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
6 Nov 09
One thing that can be said about the Republicans as opposed to the Democrats, they sure DO stand together, don't they? For the most part they're simply the "Party of NO!!!" I'm not saying they don't have a right to state their opinions but what ever happened to DEBATE? They have these "tea party" protests, organized by GOP members of Congress, then they insist that these protests are "non-partisan"? Then they're funded in part by the head of an organization who also happens to own one of the biggest oil companies in the country!
To those who continue to insist that the Democrats have refused to even allow the GOP a "seat at the table" I say WHAT ABOUT OLYMPIA SNOWE??? Did the Senate Democrats not spend weeks trying to appease her, making many people wonder when SHE was elected as the leader of the nation?
The House Republicans have presented their health care reform bill which happens to cost more than the Democrats' plans and which will leave more people uninsured by the end of ten years than we have now. It's clearly nothing more than a gift to the health insurers.
Shame on them, indeed!!
@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
6 Nov 09
The Republicans have not only submitted bills but also made suggestions. They followed Obama's invitation to show him how to do it better... Must be that the Democrats think it's not better, can't be better, lets best not even look at it.
So what has things boiled down to with the Democrats... producing bills with costs so high it costs over a trillion. Do we need that? Who has the money to pay for that? Or a cost preserving bill under a trillion but... only covers 2% of Americans needing coverage....
For that you claim to be a Republican, you surely didn't pay much attention to what they have been up to. They, too, want affordable coverage for all Americans who want it (keep in mind there are some who simply don't want coverage, crazy,aren't they?). But they want to keep it competitive. They want to introduce cost cutting measures.
As to the climate change legislation. What is more important? Health care or climate change...?
The way our government has been handling things all those pesky climate damaging companies went or are in the process of going to move to countries where there is no or only minimal regulation. In turn we end up importing all the stuff now. Just look at China. They don't care how dirty the air is as long as the yen keeps rolling in. Yep, something has to be done, but the way it has been handled has not been very productive, has it now? We even now start paying for those countries to clean up their act, while they make the money, have the jobs.... Something is definitely wrong with that picture.
@laglen (19759)
• United States
6 Nov 09
First let me say I am disgusted with the RNC also. I am a registered Republican. But in their defense, they have brought forth an alternate bill, and have been voting against the democrats bills. With exception to the rinos. What else should they be doing?
I do believe that now is the time for somebody exceptional to step forward. I do know that there are plenty of things that the republicans could be bringing up but they arent. But the issues you mentioned, they are stepping up.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
6 Nov 09
From what I understand, Republicans have introduced thousands of pieces of legislation for healthcare, but they've been shut out every single time -- only to have Democrats turn around and say that Republicans are refusing to cooperate.
So what I take from it is this: Liberal Democrats want a wholly partisan bill. Their idea of compromise is Republicans giving in and supporting their proposals.
In Politics, I suppose that passes as bipartisan solutions.
I guess it helps to have the most media on your side.
Republicans participate in the healthcare debate; they just don't cave in to things like a trillion in spending, public options, or other government-run aspects.
If that's what you want out of Republicans, then I'd have to say that you really just want more liberal Democrats.
And as far as climate change, I don't blame them one bit. But that's another debate entirely.
@artistry (4151)
• United States
6 Nov 09
... Hi valentinesdiner, Well I am not a Republican, but I find myself disenchanted with all parties. The Republicans submitted a health care bill as I understand it but it only covered a small amount of people and cost more than the bill being voted on now. The Republicans are going to have to decide who will lead them and get a coherent message. They as a party find themselves in much the same place as the Democrats did so many years ago. In addition on a current basis, Rep. Bonaher(sp), who is a leader has to learn the difference between the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, how embarrassing. Michelle Bachman doesn't help the cause either. Take care.
@wlee9696 (595)
• United States
6 Nov 09
Republicans aren't standing on the sidelines. Legislators have been introducing bills in regards to health care but the democrats just throw them out. Republicans are standing against the current democratic introduced bills because their constituents do not want the bill passed,me included!. Climate change is just not as important at this point in time as the economy and all the other things the current administration is trying to sneak into law. Get up and get involved. Tell your leaders what your thoughts are and what laws you support and don't.