If Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Muhammad appeared in front and told you to follow one

November 6, 2009 12:57am CST
If Jesus, Buddha, Krishna and Muhammad appeared in front of you and told you to follow any one of them, whom would you follow?
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11 responses
@cannibal (650)
• India
6 Nov 09
In technicality since we would call all those people prophets or 'Avatars' they are, I reckon actually the same. They are said to have taken birth in different eras to guide humanity. And since times were different for each, in summary each one's life represented a different facet of the same. So, Jesus is the epitome of love and godliness, Buddha of intellectuality, Mohammad of sincerity, devotion and focus of path; and so on. Krishna represented fullness and acceptance of life as it is and living it with utmost enjoyment and glee. Thus, in sum it's not that one prophet lacked in any aspect or two, it's just that it depended on circumstances and on what they all chose to reveal. For me it would be a tough call between Buddha and Krishna. What Buddha did, that is he showed the path of enlightenment by renouncing the life of a prince is utterly unique. His path is also interesting. On the other hand I also like the way Krishna is said to have lived his life. Joy all over. Perfect for today's circumstances. "The future belongs to Krishna." - Osho Rajneesh.
1 person likes this
• United States
22 Nov 09
I know exactly what I would do! I would smile sweetly, give a gentle wave, turn around and walk away leaving ALL of them standing there scratching their heads I wouldnt follow any of 'em I have my own deities and I wont betray them after everything they have done for me
@brokentia (10389)
• United States
27 Nov 09
I saw trying to figure out how to answer...and this I read this. Well said!!!! I can't say it any better!
@samson1967 (7413)
• India
6 Nov 09
All the prophets mentioned by you just said one moral in a nut shell i.e. There is one God, and all of us are his children. But nobody follows those real sayings.
15 May 10
That's not true, Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the only person who can be followed. Jesus and Mohammed were prophets who spoke of God and preached a certain way of life.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
7 Nov 09
I follow no one. All these people are children of God but so is everyone of us. Each on their own path to discover knowledge. We want our children to be able to stand on their own two feet and able to cope with all possibilities in life. God wants the same for His children. If you were God, would you want your children to come to you or to go to someone else to learn about you? Hmmm??? I know which one I will pick. If you want God, go find God!! He is closer than you think!!
• United States
18 Nov 09
Jesus said He is God, so is your choice Jesus then?
• China
20 Nov 09
I will follow no one,to me,If I want to follow something like god,I will follow myself.All these are just imaginations,It means nothing at all,My only belief is myself,If there is really god in this world,If he comes to me,I will just beat him and ask him why he created this world with so many unfairness,so many evile.If I need a god,it might be myself.
• India
18 Sep 10
Hello i am hindu, but i honor all religions, as hindu i will follow Lord Krishna to get mokshya from this life, no rebirths lol.. Thanks for sharing. Welcome always, cheers. Professor. .
• India
6 Nov 09
I would follow no one…God to me is without any incarnation. I might ask them for guidance though (but then that again would lead to another war or words LOL)…hmmmm Buddha I think is the best teacher I can accept to guide me in my path to seek the Ultimate Truth.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
6 Nov 09
Well being a Buddhist already I would obviously go with Buddha but IF however I wasnt already on my path and that were to happen I'd most likely either tell them to bugger off OR make them each try to convince me why I should choose them....LOL and would still end up being a Buddhist LOL
@murderistic (2278)
• United States
7 Nov 09
Wow. If that happened I'd follow Jesus, and then I'd go get my head examined.
@Bearballew (1148)
• United States
18 Nov 09
I would follow Jesus because He is grace based. His salvation is a gift that can never be earned. I have failed in many things, and if I had to work for my reward, even by keeping peace, I would fail. So by Buddha, Krishna and Muhammad's standards I wouldn't make it into their rewards. I'll take the free gift of acceptance based on love and personal relationship with the Founder of the faith. Great topic!
@lazerm (478)
• United States
18 Nov 09
beware! the satanic globalists have a demonic scheme. using the technology of NASA they have a plan called PROJECT BLUEBEAM. this plan may be unleashed when everything collapses; world war 3- economic collapse, race war.when this plan is unleashed, powerful lasers and sattelites will broadcast an image of all major founders in religon; ie Jesus, muhammad, .etc the west will get the image of Jesus - while the middleast will get muhammad.then the images will converge, into one guy- the anti-christ.he will claim that christians and jews had all wrong, and the only way to salvation is through him; then this beast will then try to force every human on earth to take his 666 mark on their right hands or forehead.do not be fooled by this imposter- your soul depends on it.