Muslims are assaulted and insulted almost everywhere

November 7, 2009 7:25am CST
It is a pity, real tragedy. While the children of true religion, which is, Islam, are attemtping be very peaceful and treat other like their own brothers and been respectfulm is it not tragedy that they being assaulted and insulted? Peoples is speaking ill of prophet, peoples is bashing Al Quran, peoples is making fun of mosque. Surely such people wil have a price to pay. On tht day, thre will be no use regretting.
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18 responses
• United States
10 Nov 09
It is a pity when any particular group is treated in this fashion, but I don't believe Islam or the Muslims are treated any more abominably than the Christians or the Jews. And the difference in Judaism, Christianity and Islam is that the Jews and Christians left the dark ages years ago and Islam is still there. In other words, Christians and Jews don't think nonbelievers need to be killed if they don't accept the faith. Maybe Muslims would be treated better if they left nonbelievers alone and let God take whatever action He deems necessary for their beliefs.
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@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
11 Nov 09
very good post, +rep
@wmraul (2552)
• Bucharest, Romania
7 Nov 09
Surely such people wil have a price to pay. On tht day, thre will be no use regretting And what exactly is this ? An attempt being peacefull ?
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@murderistic (2278)
• United States
7 Nov 09
I think it is discrimination and it is uncalled for. People demonize Muslims because of the hateful acts of a few terrorists, and then more join them because they are hated by the world. It's a vicious cycle that needs to end.
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• United States
7 Nov 09
I have to agree with Lamb and Raven above what makes Islam any better than any other religion in the world that claims to be the "true" religion? they are only true to those that believe and false to everyone else you talk about muslims being insulted and yet you come with an insulting tone towards every religion in the world muslims are not the only people of faith to be persacuted for their beliefs you know
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@Louc74 (620)
7 Nov 09
I have to agree with most comments, Terribleman. Your first insult toward EVERY other religion is the "true religion" comment. Then you bleat about being assaulted and insulted, before making a threat to everyone who doesn't believe what you say? That's how to alienate people, not befriend them. I judge people how I find them, and if I come across people who obviously have such hatred toward others, as you do, I make a rapid decision to avoid them usually. How can you whine about being picked on, when you're the one making the insults and threats. Have a word with yourself!
• Bahrain
8 Nov 09
I totally agree. I noticed that some 'muslims' have such a threatening tone, but I also noticed they come from a very specific place (which am not gonna name so I don't get bashed, but it's obvious from their tone). So in short, you shouldn't base your assumptions on the aggressiveness of a single person or several of the same group. It's different from country to country, even if it's the same religion the people are different, some are very peaceful and accepting, like the people in the persian gulf for example, but some grew up in harsh and cruel environments so end up having quite the rude tongue, or at least don't know how to communicate properly with others.
@coolcoder (2018)
• United States
8 Nov 09
I agree wholeheartedly with this, Louc. The best way to get people to not consider a particular faith--in this case, it's Islam--is to insult all of the other religions of the world. It's the same with Christianity. Try spewing out something like "Everyone who doesn't speak in tongues or pray with their arms waving in the air" and see how far you get with making new converts.
@coolcoder (2018)
• United States
8 Nov 09
Ugh...I can't type tonight. That should be "Everyone who doesn't speak in tongues or pray with their arms waving in the air is going to hell."
• United States
8 Nov 09
It's nothing new, seems throughout time at one point or another there's always been someone to protest or demonstrate against the Ummah. 9/11 Made things a lot more complicated as well. A large majority of people can't hear the words Muslim, Quran or Mosque without thinking of 9/11 or a middle eastern man with an assault rifle and a Quran shouting about infidels. The main fuel to most of it is ignorance, the media and of course intolerance. I find a lot of the individuals that preach the most against us; do not know the slightest thing about us. The best thing we can do is practice patience with people like this, even when they carry things to the extreme. And hope and pray that one day they will see the errors of their ways. Either way, no matter what they do or say to us in the mean time; they can never come between us and Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
8 Nov 09
Then again, when there are terrorist attacks across the world, people of what religion and claiming what kind of inspiration are the one's responsible? The media does more than enough to be politically correct about Muslims. Muslims constantly get angry when they think someone is framing them in a bad light.
@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
10 Nov 09
I didn't claim all Muslims were terrorists, just that almost all terrorists are Muslims, which is true. You don't really see any other religious causes for bombings anymore, especially at the rate Islam does. And if Islam is a religion of peace, why was Muhammad the only religious founder to have killed people?
• Italy
10 Nov 09
I clearly admit being a muslim that all this happening to us because of ourselves. We never follow our religion nor obey the orders of Allah and always claim that i am a good muslim. Please show out the world by your attitude by your practices instead of such long long emotional discussions and dialogues. Dont go for society or family or a group of muslims, only try to be a true muslim by urself. We all need to correct ourselves and the society will be good automatically. Examine your self, your social behavior your style of living and using money in daily life how much we follow Islam in all these issues.
@awapak (1275)
• Pakistan
10 Nov 09
I really agree with you but this has to happen till the arrival of Hazrat Isa(Jesus)(pbuh)to Muslims at Damascus,Syria.This was predicted by our Prophet Muhammad(pbuh)that all the nations of world will join hands to attack Muslims and they will take shelter in only Arab areas.Jesus will support this true religion and the holy Quran and then people of this world will understand the significance of Islam,resulting into mass conversions.The main problem is that we are not faithful to our Allah Almighty and true religion.Our religion is universal which gives complete political,social,economic,moral,legal and religious systems but we are copying other nations in these fields......There is no unity among us.Why do not we join together,make bigger states and implement our own Islamic system there?Why we want to remain dependent on other states for defence and technology?......We know UNO will never provide justice to us rather it will always support the aggressors or attackers,why we should rely on it?.......There are many things which we can do but not doing ourselves.....
@shanemre (357)
• Saudi Arabia
7 Nov 09
I agree, I have heared from my ears and saw from my eyes how muslims are generalized by many. But we have to consider also that these issues have its roots. Some muslims who are practing Islam the wrong way are the roots of it. When people see someone who is doing something bad, and this person is claiming to be a muslim, then that's when people think that all muslims are bad and Islam is teaching its people these wrong doings.
• Bahrain
8 Nov 09
what about the christian and whatever radicals that go off patronizing and sometimes even terrorizing people "in the name of jesus"? I don't see muslims generalizing christians as terrorists. I'm a muslim, and I can honestly tell you that the roots of this generalization isn't in those loose in the head, its' roots lie in the fact that people don't even bother looking at and searching for the truth rather than believing whatever lies the media feeds them with. There are so many foreigners in my country, from hindus and buddhists to christians and catholics, even jews, and we're all living in peace side by side, as friends and even family. Why? How? Because these people made the initiative step of seeing the truth with their own eyes, and saw how peaceful and accepting we are, and changed their twisted views about us that they were brainwashed with all their lives.
@ifa225 (14459)
• Indonesia
20 May 10
no one should make any people or any religion as a game. what they did is just for them self. everyone have to pay for what they done.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
9 Nov 09
Don't say that my friend. Because you heat up the angers of Muslim around the globe. You are mistakenly wrong with your articles my friend. Because it's true that Muslim is insulted every where? Here in our country people is equalized in living there is no such opinion that you bare here. They are questioning Al Quran, because this is always the basis of those terrorist in attacking innocents civilians. I think you don't agree with those barbaric actions of those extremist Islam. Because Muslim is always say Islam is a peaceful people and don't like war. But what we see is contrary to those words of most Muslim. That is why some people see Muslim as bad and traumatically think they are blowing up themselves. That is fear of those people that is why we don't blame them because of some disgruntled Muslim destroyed Muslim reputation all over the world. This may not be happen if Muslim community did something to make Muslim image good to the popular public. But what I see is that they don't do anything to stop those beliefs and use Al Quran as their concept of killing innocent people... I think Muslim community must acts together to pursue what they say "Muslim is peaceful people". For most of the community of the world erase their perception and fears about Muslim... Don't think that Muslim are assaulted and insulted, my friend. Because in reality most Muslim assaulted civilians that live in peace. They are not insulted this your perception because of what your fellow Muslim did to others...Be positive to make this world peace not for wars. Just intelligently understand the real concept of your Al Quran and compare it to the real words of God. Because I know you. What other people believe in God. You most fervently believe in God also(Allah in the old testament terms...Have a nice day!
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
7 Nov 09
Everyone is an unique child of God. I can never bunch people into groups. The silence muslims might be loving, kind, and treat others like brothers. Wonderful. I find most muslims I do hear from, are demanding to take my freedom of speech. They are insisting they know it all where God is concerned yet none speak of God's love. It always comes down to threats and intimidation. How does it go? You do as I say or you will burn in hell, pay a price and regret the day you were born. Everyday people of the world are getting wise. More and more they are going to question. Fear and intimidation will never win with thinking people. I know you do not believe this but Everything you do in life will come back to you in time. This is not God's way of punishment but to teach. It shows you exactly what you are doing. So what do you give the world? Give love and kindness to everyone you meet. Help those you can and encourage those you can't. Start today and you will see the world and people change before your eyes. God grants everyone freedom so allow that of others. Your choices are yours to freely make. Share what love you might find in your heart! I wish you true vision and happiness!!
• India
8 Nov 09
I agree with you bird123. If Muslims can change their attitude and respect others, I don't think this would ever have cropped up. Love your enemies. Do good to those that persecute you. These are the principles taught by most religions. Regretfully, Islam teaches to kill. I've not read the Koran, but seeing what they do, makes me realise this. I am a Christian and let me make it clear. Personally, I have nothing again anyone. Religion is very personal and every religion thinks theirs is the only true religion. If Islam learns to propogate their faith and not force anyone, then things would lighten up for the Muslims.
• India
8 Nov 09
You are Right my brother,one day will surely come,the judgment day.when every one have to pay for their deeds.
@ericpapasit (1274)
• Philippines
29 Apr 10
@Terribleman, don't you worry. In the last days the unholy will be punished, any form of malign and every sins will not go unpunished, right? We all will face the judgment... the right thing that you can is uphold the teaching of the Qur'an to hold your peace because if you continue to react in declaring Islam is the truth then it will not work and people may think that Islam is no better than any religion that claims to be true, if you consider Islam the only holy then it is a crime to compare it to an unholy.
@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
7 Nov 09
Islam is the true religion? Whatever. I can say whatever I want is the correct religion, how do I prove myself rigt? And it is VERY clear the violence committed by muslims. Look at Fort Hood this week where a Muslim shot many people. The idea of islamophobia or descrimination against muslims is fictitious. It is not a problem. I make fun of a local mosque because it was known to have visitors that later blew up trains on 7/7....
@manong05 (5027)
• Philippines
8 Nov 09
People are doing the same to Christianity, laughs at the Bible, mocks the idea of God and ridicule Christian beliefs. Most Muslims I know are peace loving people and they only concentrate on their day to day jobs and are very friendly. Unfortunately there are some who are extremists and fanatics, they are the ones giving Islam a bad name and they do not represent Islam in the true sense. Nearly all religions have their own share of extremists who make other people misunderstand the true essence of their religion.
@AndieBee (27)
• United States
7 Nov 09
Since the beginning of time, the question of which is the "true religion" has existed. I do agree that it's shameful that all Muslims are being assaulted and insulted. The actions of a minority group of fanatics acting in the name of Islam should not dictate how every Muslim is treated. However, human nature will always prevail and unfortunately the majority of your religion will be persecuted. Personally I have no opposition to the practice of ANY religion as long as the followers do so of their own free will and no others are harmed in their practice. I have absolutely NO respect for any person who attacks innocents unprovoked, who murders claiming their God "ordered" it, or who harms any other human being in the name of their chosen religion. Please take note I did not say I have no respect for the religion, but that I have no respect for a person or persons who willfully and wantonly acts heinously under the guise of said religion.
@The1one1 (105)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
7 Nov 09
Well, it is because radical islam, and terrorists