Berean Bible what is the difference from Roman Catholic Church
By unique16
@unique16 (1529)
United States
November 7, 2009 8:07am CST
My daughter has joined youth group on Tuesday nights and been going for the past 3 months. Now she is batised as Roman Catholic and I am Roman Catholic. We are not regular church goers and we sat down the Paster of this Berean type of service. He said they go on what the Bible says... is it crossing the lines to go to there service instead of of Roman Catholic service? Berean is more informal and they only do communion 1 a month and it is the first of the month. Has anyone joined Berean Community or switch over from another religion and how did you feel? I feel what the Bible says should be our rules and how we beleive in God? agree or disagree?
Thanks Unique16
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4 responses
@manong05 (5027)
• Philippines
8 Nov 09
Berean Churches are not the same as the Roman Catholic Church. The Berean group started in England, particularly in Edinburgh in 1773 from there it spread out to Bristol, Scotland and even to London. It all began with the enthusiasm of John
Barclay, a scottish presybeterian minister.
The Berean missionaries took the teachings to many parts of the world and there are even Berean churches here in the Philippines though hardly noticed. Their doctrines have a lot in common with any other Protestant doctrines and it started with a modified form of Calvinism.
They emphasize the authority of the Bible and faith as a way to salvation. They don't see eye to eye with the Roman Catholic church.

@manong05 (5027)
• Philippines
8 Nov 09
You are absolutely correct my friend. People twist the truths in the Bible to suit their thinkings to their own destruction. Reading into the the Bible is different from reading out of it. Some teachings are express declarations and are clear and yet it is unbelievable how different sects come up with different interpretations. Each claiming that what their interpretation is the correct one.
A good principle in interpreting the scriptures is "let the scriptures interpret the scriptures".
@petervero (26)
• India
8 Nov 09
I have no interest in starting any argument. Just that I wonder how people of different denominations in any-catholic/baptist/jew/ etc think about the commandments of God in the Holy Bible. not to change the commandment of God in anyway and there is the sabath which was originally saturday and we observe sunday... and there is not to worship or idolise God in any manner except worshiping him in truth and spirit and there is controversies around commandment concerning this and practice too.
@unique16 (1529)
• United States
8 Nov 09
Thanks for help here to understand this. I never knew the history and that was cool to learn. Yes, you are correct they do not see eye to eye in the Roman Catholic church on some things but in other areas it they do. Yes, Berean way they emphasize the authority of the Bible and faith as a way to salvation. I also like that do not have a Pope or Bishops where they have to listen to them to make decisions. Berean looks to Bible for direction and the community in which they live, work and play to help determine there speech for sermon for the day. Most Roman Catholic church they
do not relate to there local community. I do not see them going into the baddest part of town trying to help kids in need. Sure they open there doors when there is Hurricane or flood etc...
I am still learning and making decisions but for now I am questioning my oringinal faith that I was batized into without me making that decision... my parents made that decision for me... I do no think this is wise...if that is case why not have them make the decison on who I marry etc...
Right now Berean church seem the right way for me.
Have a great day
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
7 Nov 09
Hi unique, I have no knowledge of the Berean Community, is it a part of the Roman Catholic Church? The problem I see in following the teachings of the Bible is that everyone sees it differently. There are at least 34,000 different denominations within Christianity, and all claim to be following the teachings of the Bible. A great many of them will tell you that they are the one true church. My advice is to read the Bible for yourself but don't take it literally, remember that it was written for a time far different from ours and that it's almost certain that changes have been made to it. Above all stay away from any church that teaches fear more then love, because anyone who teaches fear or tries to frighten people is not following the teachings of Christ. There is no one true church but most have some good in them. Blessings.
@unique16 (1529)
• United States
7 Nov 09
Hi Pose123.
Thank you for response to this question. I agree I need to take this slow and make sure they do not rush me in making my decision. I did not know there are 34,000 different denominations. Yes, the Bible is like a story like the Mocking Bird where one person will interpret a sentence one way and another person will interpret it different way. I like the youth group for my daughter they do many things to bring the Bible in realistic ways for them to under verse by verse etc. I just want to make sure she believe in something is bigger than all of us out there. That there is hope for all us to better place. Yes, I agree with you fear not the right way to teach about faith etc.
Thank for you honest opinion.
Have a great afternoon
@coolcoder (2018)
• United States
8 Nov 09
There is no one true church but most have some good in them. Blessings.
I disagree with you. I believe that the Roman Catholic Church is the one true church. All of these denominations who have no real spiritual authority to interpret the Bible (the Catholic Church has the Magisterium and 2000 years of Tradition (not 'tradition' with a small 't') which interpret the Scriptures) come directly from the Protestant Revolution. They broke away from the Pope and started interpreting the Scriptures for themselves, which turned out to be a horrible mess. That's why you have hundreds of denominations claiming to be THE true Church of Christ, even though all of their interpretations of Scripture are completely different. This is what happened when Luther, Zwingli, Calvin, and other "reformers" rebelled against the Catholic Church and threw away her God-given authority to interpret scripture.
To answer your question (, the Berean Church is not a part of the Roman Catholic Church.
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@hlbeal (6)
• United States
8 Nov 09
Are you doubting your faith? There are adult and youth groups within the Catholic faith that could serve you and your daughter as well. You said you were not regular church goers. God loves you no matter what, but you know, "Catholics can always come home." I am struggling with this as well. One out of three of our grown children regularly goes to church. My husband, who converted to Catholicism after we were married for 20 years, wonders what we did wrong. I have talked to the lady that helped him prepare for the conversion and her words of wisdom were, "You can only plant the seeds and nourish them, don't worry they will be fine in their Catholic faith."
@zafarseelro (2)
• Pakistan
8 Nov 09
Dear friend unique16!
First i want to apologize may be any mistake ! Because Bible,Quran,Geeta and any other Holly Books . These Holly Books are written or revealed upon Special & Holly Personalities who always stop to do from crime and from any negative activity..
They leads to live with peace.
They told to help others
They also told about every person have own rights
The religion is One! of any humanity but way to worship is different..
It is not big issue to pray in Mandir, Church, or in Masjid and we can be
good friends of any Muslim,Hindu,Christen or any other .
Every Holly book tell about good things and stop from bad things and Person can Pray every where he likes....and choose to make friendship to every person whom he/she likes either who is from every religion ..
I am very Sorry If i made any mistake Plz suggest me
@unique16 (1529)
• United States
8 Nov 09
You are ok. Your response is good. it is just for me right now I am questiong my faith. A gut feeling is telling me Berean is the better choice for me. I am trying to fined peace and happiness within me and not from someone else. There are so many things that happened over my life that I am trying to fine asters for and if there are answers for them. Yes, I agree with you there are so many religions and so many kinds of people. I appreciate your thoughts and help here. I just have to go with my gut on this one right.
have a great day