does anybody have same dreams?

November 8, 2009 12:30am CST
I mean... you dream frequently that you get robbed... thats an example... I have lot of them.. I would like to know what kind of dreams you have and if they are frequently...
2 responses
• United States
13 Nov 09
I don't remember most of my dreams. I suffer with night terrors, almost every night, so I tend to block them out and in the morning I don't remember. I do remember a few dreams, and it seems I keep having a dream where I'm in school, just living a normal day [one before I graduated], and suddenly everyone disappears. The things I do after they disappear are different though.
@danitykane (3183)
• Philippines
9 Nov 09
hi shambala, I sometimes dream about me going to another place, flying and some weird dreams that is really funny. But lately the dream that I always have is about work, like as if I was in my office and doing something. I find it funny because even in my dream I'm still working.