Does Christinaity and Roman Catholics believe in invetro babies?

@unique16 (1529)
United States
November 8, 2009 2:42pm CST
Hello, I was wondering with some many actress and have babies in there late 40 and 50's and have it done by invetro semination does Pope acknowelge these babies as God children when they were manufacture by science? These people did not have this baby the normal way does How do Cathlics treat these babies? Have a great day Sincerely Unique16
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5 responses
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
9 Nov 09
Hiunique16, These babies are as much God's children as any other. We are not to treat one person different from another because of the way he or she was born. I would not worry about what any church said and no one would change my mind. Blessings.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
9 Nov 09
Hi again unique16, You are a very thoughtful person, and also very wise. I'm sure that you will come to the right conclusion. Although the Roman Catholic church does not agree with gays and lesbians raising children, many members of the church see nothing wrong with it. All Christians don't condemn gays and lesbians, some in fact allow that to marry within the church. Such people are children of God like all of us and cannot help the fact that they were bore gay. We must not judge anyone and by the way, it has been shown they usually make better patents. Blessings.
@unique16 (1529)
• United States
9 Nov 09
Hi Pose123, I agree with you but about the Gays annd Lesbians who want to have a baby. Lesbian one of the ladies can be artificually inseminated the church rulings do not recognise gays or lesbians what about the baby then? Thank you for response and I agree it is not the baby fault. Let say the child is 12 years and wants to be a Christian what would the church do then when the parents are Gay or Lesbian? These are hard questions and thoughtful responses. Have a great day Sincerely Unique16
• United States
9 Nov 09
Unique - any "church" that turns away someone because of their upbringing is not a church of God. Gay marriage mocks the union of Christ and his church (symbolized in marriage), that is why Christians are against gay marriage. God developed a plan that a child would be raised by a father and a mother. Studies have shown that children are more successful in this type of environment. Anyone who would condemn a child born to a lesbian family or by artificial ensemination is not showing God's love and would be acting out of hate.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
9 Nov 09
I would think that babies no matter how they are conceived are considered human. I do not know that much about Roman Catholicism but the babies are not responsible for how they were created. I would think if it were the case of a woman's husband able to produce sp*rm and the woman having no uterus, and the embryo having to be inserted into the woman's womb that it would be their own child, but if the woman used someone else's sperm then it would have to be as if she sinned. But it is no fault of the infant and no doubt, the husband of the woman who wanted to be pregnant and he was unable to give her children, would have adopted the baby anyway.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
10 Nov 09
I do think that the couple have to be married to each other and that they be a man and a woman. *(A few years ago we would not have had to go through this fadderal, but what the h!!, the world is going to h!! in a handbasket.) I do believe there should be checks and balances and that those who have to go through the procedure be given the same scrutiny if the sperm is to come from other then the husband and that it be considered an adoption. Lesbians and homosexuals should be excluded because what happens if one of the women decides to leave that lifestyle or one of the homosexuals decide that he has dissatisfied with his way of living and decides to go straight. What happens is that an evil judge will decide that the baby be given to the lesbian or homosexual should either see the baby regularly or get full custody and so the other parent has to run and hide. So to avoid such evilness, it is best that the parents be of opposite gender. And it is best for the baby to be raised by married people of opposite gender. (Yes more words added because of some stupid law some immoral loving judges wanted). And that the only way that a lesbian or a homosexual can go through the process is if they are married to someone of opposite gender and the child would be raised in a two parent home.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
10 Nov 09
As for the baby. The child whose 'parents' are lesbians or homosexuals is not at fault and one cannot regard him or her as sub human, but the child should be considered the child of the lesbian who married a man, or the homosexual who married a woman. And in the other case, if that center was too careless to find out what the lifestyle of the applicant was, it would be the same as a child of a single mother until as such time that mother marries a man and he adopts the child.
@tdemex (3540)
• United States
8 Nov 09
• United States
10 Nov 09
Techniques that entail the dissociation of Husband and wife, by the envolvement of a person other than the couple - a donation of a sperm, etc - are not approved by the Pope and the Catholic Church. These infringe the child's right to be born of a father and mother known to him and bound to each other by marriage. A child is not something owed to one person, but is a gift. The gift of marriage is a human person. A child may not be considered a piece of property, and idea which results from "a right to a child" attitude. When a woman and husband cannot bear children, they can adopt abandoned children, as that child was created out of love (even though is no longer with birth parents), for an adopted child is a gift to those who cannot bear fruit from their marriage.
@unique16 (1529)
• United States
10 Nov 09
Hi Sweetchariot, Thank you for response. I always wonder about this with advancment of medical prodecures it makes me think and wonder. My catholic church does talk about these issues and I always wonder why. I do not hear our Pope talking about it in the sermans over in Italy or in Catholic schools. But can these babies be batise would a priest do that. I understand what you say and unmarried couples are going to church etc. and paying there dues to the church. So what happens to these children if they cannot be batise or recongize by the Roman Catholic chruch? Just wondering... this is such a gray area in Chruch rullings etc.. Thank you for your response and I agree about adoption too. Have a great day Sincerely Unique16
• United States
10 Nov 09
If a baby is conceived by means outside of the mother and father, the church will not hold that against the baby. All Babies are considered a creation from God, therefore, they can still be baptized and raised in the Catholic Faith. It is not the sin of the child that brought him into this life, it is the immoral actions of the parents. The child will never be held responsible for those actions, and will be considered a child of God always.
• United States
18 Nov 09
I am a christian, not a catholic. but I believe we serve a compassionate understanding, merciful, and gracious God. If someone was not able to have children then I believe that God would encourage this! And I cant see why anyone would reject such a beautiful procedure, natural or not.
@unique16 (1529)
• United States
18 Nov 09
Hello Jesikarena, Thank you for your comment. I was just wondering about different religions and how they view this issue. There are so many religions out there etc. Thanks and have a great day Sincrely Unique16