my kitty is hurt

United States
November 9, 2009 12:03pm CST
I don't know what Tootsie (very anti social & not declawed) did but she's not using her front left paw at all. I saw her doing this last night. Hubby says give her a few days maybe it's just a lil sprain. I dunno I hope that it's something she can get over on her own. I can't afford a vet bill for them to tell me she'll be fine on her own KWIM? I don't have pet insurnace either. I'd hate to think it was a break as that's one repair I don't think I could afford.... pets are as expensive as people are. She's running around right now and used her paw a few steps and is trying to claw up the furniture a smidge but otherwise has her paw up. Any opinions on what could be wrong? What I could do for her here at home?
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9 responses
• United States
9 Nov 09
have your husband help corral her and examine that pad. could be something as simple as something stuck to the of my cats did the same thing with a little piece of duct tape stuck to it. other possibilities are a splinter,thumbtack,hanging on shed claw or even a sprain. foot/ankle will usually swell in case of sprain/abcess.
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• United States
9 Nov 09
something sticky is often the culpit. they hate that feeling,and i can't say i blame them. my brother and sister cats got into it here the one day (she hates him) and in just the time it took me to get a cup of coffee,the calico had bit and pushed her brother off a bureau.he ended up with a sprain/abcess and if you'd have seen his foot.. oh my god,it looked like a clown shoe.3 times normal.
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• United States
9 Nov 09
Hmm.... I suppose something sticky annoys me if I step in it I'd imagine they don't care for that feeling either. Yeah no swelling, nothing like a clown foot on her. She looks like a prissy woman would be with her hand tilted just so waiting for someone to kiss her paw.
• United States
9 Nov 09
Thanks for the good ideas. I don't know what she could of done. I do know on Saturday or Friday ish the kitties were all running around the house like lil elephants and I think some of it was cause Boots was on the prowl for some love'n . I dunno if he hurt her... he was 16lbs at his last vet appt & she's half his size. There's no swelling that I can tell. Great observation that it would of been swollen... to be a sprain. I felt both front paws and not that I know what I'm feeling for exactly but they seem to be the same size. I'm hoping it's nothing like a piece of tape or something weird.
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@AndieBee (27)
• United States
10 Nov 09
If at all possible I would remove whatever is stuck in her paw. She could develop a nasty and expensive infection if you don't. At the very least, I'd clean up around it as best I could with peroxide several times a day to try and stave off infection.
• United States
10 Nov 09
I"m worried about infection too. It's hard to remove anything on this cat.... hard to do anything with her she's oh how can I say pretty anti-social and would claw you before she'd let you hold her. I'm even thinking if we take her to the vet they'd have to sedate her to look at her paw... she won't have any of it I'm sure.
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
10 Nov 09
I see by some of your other responses you got some good advice and some good ideas on what her problem could be. I wish you both the best and that she gets better soon. I know hw it is to have a pet that has something wrong and not being able to afford the vet bill.
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• United States
10 Nov 09
Tell me about it! But I know this will need to get taken care of.
@ElicBxn (63517)
• United States
10 Nov 09
I would suggest you keep her inside, so she doesn't go out and perhaps reinjure it, and make her rest and stay off it. Now, if it is just a sprain, that's should do it. Even if its a break, having her stay off it, so she's not jumping and landing on it will help her to recover from even a break.
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• United States
10 Nov 09
Nope I dont' think it's a break (see prev post) there is something in her paw. Dh is hoping she can get it out on her own....
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
9 Nov 09
Your husband is probably right, she may have sprained it or maybe hurt one of her claws kind of like we stub our toes. Give it a few days. Animals usually heal up very quickly, especially with sprains and soreness. If she seems to be in pain, give her a tiny bit of aspirin in some cheese. Tylenol is poisonous to animals but aspirin is a good pain reliever for them.
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• United States
9 Nov 09
I"m hoping she'll be fine as well. Or have something simple like Scarlett said that's bugg'n her. I know when our dog started doing something like that. $600 later he had GROWING PAINS! The vet was stunned that it's typical of a German Shepherd not a Basset. I know she (cat) doesn't have growing pains @ 2yrs old but yeash... that was a pricey bill for that dog & for nothing to show for it beyond some huge pain pills.
@jugsjugs (12967)
10 Nov 09
Just like with us as we are we can pull and strain or even walk and hurt our feet,legs so do not worry too much.Give it a few days like your husband says as she may get better very soon with no help.Good luck.
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• United States
10 Nov 09
I did catch her a few hrs ago and she does have something jammed in her foot. Hubby wants to wait a few days and see if she can work it out of her paw herself. **crossing fingers** otherwise it's off to the vet.
@rg0205 (2636)
• Hong Kong
9 Nov 09
She could have sprained it or maybe she stepped on something? Does she have any open cuts? It's hard to determine, really. If she doesn't go back to normal in a few days then I think it's probably something more than a sprain. I hate to say it, but the best way to find out is through a vet and it's not good to just guess. I would say give her antibiotics if it's an infection but I wouldn't know if she did have one considering I'm not a vet myself. I do own 11 cats and one of them has had similar experience but that was just a sprain, luckily. I do know there are some animal shelters that offer cheaper vet services and vet clinics that provide special arrangements for families under financial stress. Maybe there is one in your local community.
• United States
9 Nov 09
I couldn't tell if there were any open cuts, as she's a black cat w/ only a patch of white on her belly.
@rg0205 (2636)
• Hong Kong
9 Nov 09
It's difficult and dangerous to draw up conclusions. I really do suggest you find a way to get her to a vet in case she doesnt get better.
• United States
9 Nov 09
We will find a way to get her treatment if necessary. But I would like to see what other things we could look at before we take her in.
@AndieBee (27)
• United States
2 Dec 09
Hello there! I just wanted to come back and see if Tootsie's paw is okay. :o)
• Italy
10 Nov 09
One time I had a cat that went on form a few weeks without using one paw, I checked on him almost everyday, there was no sign of injusy, no bleeding, not pain, also I could handle his paw without any problem, it was clear it wasn't giving him pain. I didn't take him to the vet because I really didn't see a problem, there wasn't external injury, but not internal either! Anyways, I didn't take him to the vet and one day a few weeks later he was walking normally like nothing happened! I'll never quite understand what was the problem with his paw, but it went away by itself.