Guys what you think about pigflu?

November 9, 2009 1:04pm CST
In europa its spreading pretty fast everywere and people are dieing. Its scary. They make here in finland injection against pigflu, but my hubby sayed that he read from some newspaper that is not good, that injection. I donno what to think.. Woud you take that injection?
2 responses
@diamania (7011)
• Netherlands
9 Nov 09
There's no hair on my entire body that even considers taking that vaccine. There's so much proof they're putting chemical substances in them that pose a potential lethal threat. And I haven't even mentioned the allegations that it would contain microchips that are capable of monitoring almost every thing we do. No, for me there's no way I am going to have someone inject me with chemical rubbish... No no no... I prefer dying from the flu to being injected...
• Finland
13 Nov 09
actually me also i don`t want that injection. You never know what might happen
@Bearballew (1148)
• United States
9 Nov 09
Swine flu? H1N1? I heard last week that it is waining where I live. I didn't believe the hype the first three times about it. I know people are dying, but people die of regular Influenza as well..along with pnemonia, bronchitis. Most people that do die wait too long to treat it, or have other health issues that make their immune system low to begin with. They scared us with Influenze B, SARS... even SMALLPOX they tried to bring back and scare us. I don't like media and government that scares people. Educate = yes. Scare = no. I didn't and WON'T take the vaccination. It wasn't properly tested. If nurses in NY won't take it... then I'm not going to.