It's over...being battered.i have enough of it...

@deemple (191)
November 11, 2009 5:27pm CST
I was so sad for my kids but i can't take it anymore.Battered,tortured, deceived and it I have it.But for the sake of my kids,i ignore those for 26 yrs.My husband and I rarely see each other for more than 10 yrs because of the nature of his job.I haven't remembered we don't fight when he's home.For some reasons,i don't intend to offend him.but he is always in bonding between us and the kids when he's with us.He used to separate himself from the kids.They seem to be playing hide & seek when he's home.He rarely talk.He is always tired.The last time we talked,June 30,when he came home for a convention.I attempted to have a chat with him,but he got mad.Until it resulted to chaos,it leads to being "historical" to each other.he got so mad at me.Embarrassed me in front of my daughter,brother and my sister in-law.He hurt me physically.Threatened to kill me and pushed me to bed and choked me.I broke my thumb.My youngest daughter pacified.She was so petite she can't do anything but scream and cried.My brother in the other room just listen.He never cares,not until my daughter yelled for help.I wasn't scared anymore.i think there's no more room for my fears,it's been preoccupied.I'm used to it.Then there goes the apologies and promises for the 'nth time.I don't believe him anymore.I am firm to my decision.It's enough.I will be 52 on Dec to be dumb.I don't want to be with him anymore.I have to end this crazy,nonsense relationship before something so bad will happen.After all,he is having another woman for more than 4 years now.When i decided on it,my chest pains has reduced until no more.He doesn't give me support but the youngest only.It's quite okay for me.Then he won't hurt me anymore,I wouldn't care if he wont give me money.All I want is freedom.But it remains to be seen.My country is giving value more on crazy,they just don't know what I've been through.If I will apply for legal separation/annulment,I have to spend for it.Where will i get money to pay?No law of divorce here.
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2 responses
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
13 Nov 09
deemple oh for goodness sakes please leave that monster of a husband. if you have family like your mom or dad, or grandparents, any relative that will help you do go them and get financial help,it has to be someone maybe go to your church.tell someone he is beating you and you will not take it anymore. I know you are in the phillipines but surely someone who cares for you can be of help. I am so afraid for you. batterers seldom change but just become more and more violent until they kill the person they have all the power over. If nothing else go to the police, surely someone in your country does care about battered women. wish I could help more, but you need to get away from him, maybe get enough funds to move to the US where we have laws protecting battered women.
@deemple (191)
• Philippines
14 Nov 09
Thanks Hatley...i will not be with him anymore.I will never be a martyr...don't want to die a martyr either...have a nice day and thank you for the words of wisdom.
@JodiLynn (1417)
• United States
11 Nov 09
I am so sorry you and your kids have to live like this, so very very sad. Stay strong, brave your new found freedom with an open heart. let the other woman have him, as he is not worth having to begin with. Your better off without him. Can you make it financially? can the older children help you at all?
@deemple (191)
• Philippines
11 Nov 09
I would admit i find it hard on my finances,i have my college and his support isn't enough at 5thousand pesos a month.i rent,i pay bills.other kids pay it,but till when?Life is so hard for me this time when it comes to finances,but i can sort it out.i am seeking for a job,to the extent of becoming a nanny if ever,i wouldn't care as long as i have job and is like a wheel,sometimes up,sometimes i down.Fine with me dear.all i want is freedom from being abused.