If you could, would you choose immortality?

@dloveli (4366)
United States
November 12, 2009 4:12am CST
Everyone knows how much I love vampire movies. What if it were true? What if you could be immortal? Would you? Would you want to live forever? I honestly think I would. If it were like the vampire on the show ANGEL. He is a good vampire. He doesnt drink people blood. He drinks pigs blood. I have no desire to die. If I could live and be a good person I would want to be immortal. How about you?
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54 responses
• United States
13 Nov 09
No! Reasons: 1. Let's say that this planet explodes in 1 000 000 000 000 years, so, if i'm immortal, I will be in the space with nothing to do. 2. If it's God Willing that we die to be with Him... That's the true immortality. 3. I don't want to be in secret all my life, if I appear in public with 586 yeas, all the scientists will examine me.
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
13 Nov 09
We are forgetting one thing. If its immortality, there are ways of ending that as well. NOTHING is forever! If it was because of a vampire, then you use a steak and end it. There is a way at becoming mortal. If things get too tough you just use the spell or wooden stake and call it a day. dl
@junmae (1586)
• Philippines
13 Nov 09
I like to be immortal and live forever but i believe that we just borrowed our body from our creator and we have to give it back in he right time and we have to take a rest from our long journey.
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
13 Nov 09
Good point Junmae. You have a point there. Having faith is a great gift. By following your faith you may be rewarded in the end. Thanks for sharing dl
• United States
15 Nov 09
I don't want to die either and I don't think a lot of people want to die. But it is a real good question to ask. I think as long as you didn't have to kill people maybe. But how often do you see nice vampires? And if everyone turned into a vampire how long do you think food would last for them?
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
15 Nov 09
Franny thats the point! You and I can start a pack of friendly vamps. Although I must say you do have some important points. I wouldnt want to have everybody immortal. Just a few of us ALL MyLotters. lol We'd need you Strawberrybaby. dl
• United States
15 Nov 09
LOL Don't we all wish it worked that way? Be some good vampires like on Twilight the movie? I love that movie. Have you seen it yet? That movie is way different then a lot of the vampire movies I have seen. They don't look like they have vampire teeth they look normal until you get bit.
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
16 Nov 09
When I was young I had romantic notions about immortality. Now I know better.
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
16 Nov 09
It is very clear that you're a realist. I am unfortunately a dreamer. When I am not satisfied, I make up an alterior scenario. It helps me deal. I am glad you have at least experienced the notion to dream. Everyone should do it at least once in their lives. Happy MyLotting dl
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
19 Nov 09
There is nothing wrong with being a dreamer as long as you can keep at least one foot planted firmly on the ground. Life is about balance.
• Philippines
12 Nov 09
I don't think I would want to live forever.. It would just take away the "you would only live once" or "life is too short so don't waste it".. I think if I would be immortal, I would honestly be bored , and I won't enjoy my life that much because I know I have all the time in the world for everything else.
@dloveli (4366)
• United States
12 Nov 09
Good points. I think with technology always changing it wouldnt be as boring as you may think. It may be kind of hard if your friends arent immortal. THat would make it boring. dl
• Philippines
17 Nov 09
yeah, I guess you're right.. you're friends and loved one should be immortal too.. but won't you get bored with each other having known each other for a couple hundred or even thousand years already? LOL. anyway, if I can have someone like edward from twilight ( the one in the book and not in the movie. hehe).. maybe that could change my mind. LOL
• China
12 Nov 09
hi,dloveli!the issue you advanced is very interesting.I think I won't refuse a chance to live a longer life,even be immortal.but one thing more,I wish to be immortal young and health,not old and weak. people's lives have been growing longer and longer with the development of science and society.so I don't think it is impossible for human to live over a hundred years in the future not very far.but being immortal,I don't believe it belongs to this millennium. have a nice day!
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
12 Nov 09
Thanks CathyLee! I am so in love with living that I would jump at the chance. However, I have been thinking and I would want my children to be immortal as well. If not I wouldnt stay around the ones I love. Its more detailed than I thought it would be. I think the movies make it seem so easy. What about money someone asked. We would be able to work forever if needed. SO im with you on this one. I just hope my loved ones could come too. dl
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• China
13 Nov 09
hi,dloveli! I agee with you so much.I believe there is nothing more happy than sharing life with family and friends.It's love that makes our lives so precious.and without the people i love,even if I were immortal,I would find a n eternal life boring,just like a jail. and thank you so much for your giving me "a best response".In fact,it is the first one I've received since I've joined in mylot.I feel very happy! have a nice day!
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
14 Nov 09
I think it would be great too except that the people you love will all die and you will have to watch that and carry the pain with you. So it would be a very lonely existence. I've only seen a few episodes of Angel but my daughter has each series on DVD and she is going to lend t to me. I enjoyed those episodes that I did see.
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
15 Nov 09
Hey MS. TICKLE! How are you today? You know after I started this discussion, that was the only thing that I thought about. If it was a vampire thing like INTERVIEW WITH A VAMPIRE, they made that little child a vampire and after about 30 years of them buying her dolls she yearned to experience adult things. If I was turned into a vampire, I would wait until my loved ones were of age and then they could make their own choice. I have a lot of free time on my hands now that I am unemployed. I think I may have taken this too far. lol. As far as angel goes, I didnt even think about it being on DVD. I just started to watch the show after David Boreanz was already on bones. Im a late bloomer what can I say.I am going to ask my sweet heart for an early xmas present. who knows maybe I'll get lucky. thanks for the info Tickle. Happy MyLotting. dl
@AmbiePam (96293)
• United States
13 Nov 09
Well, if I have to drink ANY blood I would not choose immortality. lol Knowing that Heaven awaits I don't think I would choose immortality. I'd like to go to a place with no pain and earth isn't it. Plus, if we don't die, what facade do we keep? Are we to forever look very old as we live forever, or do we retain the feautures of a young person?
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
13 Nov 09
I think you realized that all choices come with sacrifices. I dont think I would like to drink blood either. I dont know what I would do if I had to do it. The idea of heaven isnt a bad one. So if you didnt choose immortality I could understand why. dl
• United States
12 Dec 09
I have always loved to watch vampire movies even way back when I was a teenager. I always wondered what it would be like to be a vampire and live for all of those hundreds of years. It surely would be amazing if we could do that if we wanted.
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
13 Dec 09
If only we could Sweetbaby... If only....Happy MyLotting my friend.
• Philippines
13 Nov 09
hello dloveli, well, this is the first time that i found out that you like vampire movies. although I also like vampire movies,the favorite movie of mine regarding vampires is blade because he's a "day walker". I don'tmind living forever as long I can hang out with the sun on my face, with out me burning in it.
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
13 Nov 09
OMG LetranKnight! I love the blade trilogy. That is what got me started. That and my boyfriend. He would watch it everytime any one of the movies came on. I would definitely have to become a day walker as well. I dont want my skin all white and pasty for lack of sunlight. I want immortality with all the amenities. Whats the sense of being immortal and having barriers. Skys the limit in my immortality. I choose you to have unlimited immortality as well. Congrats. dl
• Puerto Rico
14 Nov 09
Our souls are immortal. And our soluls are our real "we". Our body is only the case that houses the soul. When we finish with our learning in this world we'll move on to a more exciting one. It's in the Bible and it is in the stories of all those that have had the oportinity to come back. That is why we need to learn to overcome what we call "problems", which are but a quiz or a test to verify if we are maturing, the more you face and solve them, the easier they'll become, and when your time comes to transcend, the better off you will be in the next life where you'll exist above and apart from the material world.
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
15 Nov 09
I am fully aware of the plans of my higher power. The question in my discussion was regarding immortality thru offering. Meaning that if a vampire or a mystical being offered you the chance to become immortal right now would you? I wasnt trying to touch on anyone's religous beliefs. SOrry If I gave you the wrong Idea. dl
• Saudi Arabia
15 Nov 09
hi!i do not think being immortal is best choice to enjoy life ! when we become old,we are so different from the youth with white hair,disease.some people will dispose you for your disability or the deaf ear! our value is measured by the meaning of life and contribution to the sociaty and how much you could help others ,if you fail to do aboove things ,i think you do not deserve living and not necessary to exist! soo longer life is good ,but you must do something not to do nothing !
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
15 Nov 09
Good points but I think that's reaching just a bit. I mean its not likely to happen and if it did Im sure we wouldnt have that much time to think it out. If we did, I would like to have you in my corner. Happy MyLotter. dl
• Philippines
13 Nov 09
Amen! I also would love to be immortal! I also love Vampire movies and read books about them... It would really be cool to have all those additional superhuman powers too!!! Woohooo!!! Imagining it makes me really happy!!! ^^,
@dloveli (4366)
• United States
13 Nov 09
I love your enthusiasm! Would you like a partner? Batman and Robin. Cake and ice cream, peanut butter and jelly and Okane and dloveli. IMMORTALITY!!!! I want to play too... Unless you're a loner. dl
• China
13 Nov 09
well, if i could , i would do that. because i wanna see the changes of the world year by year and i also wanna i can keep young forever, but that is a dream. hehehehe
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
13 Nov 09
Is it a dream lynnzheng? How do we know for sure? We dont. All we know for sure is that we are here. What others are doing can remain a mystery for hundreds of years. Then one day a archeologist will find something that they think says different. Must wait and see. WHO KNOWS? dl
• India
12 Nov 09
No, I don’t want to be immortal…I would be tired of doing the same things over and over again with no end or freedom in sight. And then think… I would have nobody of my own still alive. All my friends and family would be gone, I am not rich to sustain myself for eternity and I would be such a big misfit for everybody around me.
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
12 Nov 09
You know that is what Ive been thinking. It is not like the movies. You would have to bite a rich person. That puts immortality in a different playing field. I am not a killer. I dont want to ever have to hurt someone against their will.Immortal or not I am a good person. dl
@youless (112838)
• Guangzhou, China
13 Nov 09
I don't think I will like to have the immortality. It sounds nice, but when I think if I keep on seeing my loved people pass by, it will be so hurtful for me. So it doesn't mean a lot for me if I can have the immortality. I love China
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
13 Nov 09
Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts. I thought about the same thing when i was creating this discussion. I wouldnt want my loved ones dying around me. If I was immortal I would want to give them the choice of immortality as well. dl
@udnisak (609)
• Australia
13 Nov 09
yeah why not.. i would like to choose immortality if i can.. some people say choosing immortality is a sin as your life will be the same and all.. however if i am immortal i will be able to do lots of things in my life time... i might be able to travel all the places i want to..even the most dangerous places in the world.. and also i will be able to witness the future by my own eyes..
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
13 Nov 09
When I chose this topic it was all in fun. How can immortality be a sin if you are not doing evil? I dont want to get into a religous debate but you do have some good points. Its funny how making one decision ripples out to affect many other decisions. This is a good example of how our decisions affect everyone even if we dont intend them to. dl
• India
12 Nov 09
I would hate to live forever unless I can live with my family and that too at an age twenty years younger.I vampire of course can regain youth by drinking blood but that kind of an existence does not seem to be very appealing ,there has to be some other process to preserve youth or return to it and stay there permanently.
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
12 Nov 09
My sentiments exactly. If I was a vampire, I would want to make my family immortal. It that my choice to make? I dont know. I watched interview with a vampire and they made that young girl a vampire and she never grew up. She hated them for it. I think I would wait until they are old enough to make the choice for themselves. It just goes to show there are no easier solutions. dl
@rjvb26 (2518)
• Philippines
12 Nov 09
For me i don't want to be immortal, why? cause yeah maybe i am good but i will see lots of people everyday who suffer from the consequences that human beings created. I will live a life full of misery seeing every centuries and years of sufferings of people. Seeing this world suffers and becomes much worse every year that comes. Yes i can say i can be a good person by myself but i cannot tell if others will also be like me. Seeing such innocent people suffers is such a pain in my chest specially if i know they belong to my family. I cannot control the world even if i am immortal, people have different kind of thinking, there will still be blood shed and conflicts. We do not know what will happen next, if there will be a very big disaster, what you think will happen? I will see lots of people die on that event, they die because of some people who abuses the nature and me cannot do anything, maybe i am immortal but i cannot help all of them, still a pain in my heart. So better to be normal and just live life to the fullest right now than to suffer the consequences of seeing unimaginable things happen around the world forever.
@dloveli (4366)
• United States
12 Nov 09
Those are the reasons that I would choose not to be immortal. I would hate to sit by and watch my loved ones die or suffer. I dont think I could take it. If I was to make the choice of immortality, I would hope my loved ones would have the choice as well. If not, I dont think I could do it. dl
@bwindsor (25)
• United States
13 Nov 09
I'm torn actually. Having a history minor makes me want to be immortal so that I could witness history first hand and see how things change and alter over time. However, I think it might get a bit tedious after a while. Once you have done all that you wish to do, there is nothing left but to done things over again. Wouldn't that get old after a while? I can't help but quote from Stardust when thinking along this line though--"I'd imagine it's be quite lonely. Maybe if you had someone to share it with." Therefore, I would have to have a companion to join me on my adventures to keep things from getting old.
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
13 Nov 09
I would be great to know what we know now and become immortal. Then we could see first hand and most importantly help create new history.Being the fact that you are educated in the history field, you alone know the special feelings of discovering a new fact you hadnt known previously about our world and they way our forefathers lived. It excites me just thinking about it. I know I cant compare to a family member but I would love to be your companion on this journey. I was going to say bring your man but I think it may be better to find a new one every twenty years or so. THATS AWESOME!. You can have serious relationships, let them run there course and then another one. It may be fun. For a while at least. dl