Do you like sad ending movies?? Which do you prefer: sad ending or happy ending?

November 12, 2009 9:30am CST
Or do you prefer happy ending movies? I always hated sad ending movies because I feel like that's not how it supposed to turn out; especially when our heroes died. I know that it's sometimes would be unrealistic to make a movie having a happy ending, but I just hate it when things weren't right. Some happy ending movies, on the other hand, are too typical, I think. I mean you can guess how the story would ends since the beginning of the movie. Those movies go like a cinderrela story where in the end the problems are solved and they live happily ever after. So I don't know. Which one is better? A sad ending one, or the happy ending one?
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35 responses
• India
12 Nov 09
Hi friend, i like happy ending movies at first and now there are many sad ending movies. I like some of those movies. Now i like story based ending movies. whether it is happy or sad ending.
• Indonesia
12 Nov 09
Hi, I too love movies based on true story because it's more realistic and actually happened, eventhough most of them end sadly..
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
15 Nov 09
Of course I prefer happy endings. Movies are for entertainment and make us feel good. But sad ending does not cheer us. It makes us even sadder. So I think most of the people will like happy endings.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
13 Nov 09
My dear if ever I'd watch a movie, I want to end up happy and feeling good. This is the reason why I prefer feel-good movies. I don't want tragic movies and this is the reason I am not watching the movie "Titanic" although I think almost everybody has already watched this one. Because I know it will only break my heart to see those dying people there. Well, I want happy ending always. I don't like sad ending. This is actually not being realistic. I know that life is not always ending in a happy note. Nevertheless, movies are just man-made so I can always choose to watch those ones that end happily. This is not like real life when you can't really choose, sometimes circumstances will not end as happily as you desire. I believe if I will spend time sitting in a movie for 2 hours or more I should rather make sure I'd go out of the movie house feeling buoyant and happy rather than sad and burdened. So my dear I want happy ending always After all I know my life will have a happy ending too by God's wonderful grace.
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• Indonesia
13 Nov 09
Your response is nicely done. I'm selective too in choosing which movies I'd like to watch. If they have terrible scenes of violence and people dying, I'd rather avoid it to prevent my heart broken..
• Australia
13 Nov 09
It all depends on the movie. Historical and true life movies often end on a sad note but still leave one happy and even encouraged and inspired about the whole. If it is a mystery drama, I do NOT like an unfinished story - one that leaves you wondering, without a definite answer to "whodunnit?" I am an incurable romantic so I prefer a "happy ever after" ending on a love story (I have been very happily married for almost 50 years myself, so it is real life for me)
• Indonesia
13 Nov 09
I also hate those movies that leaves us wondering how the story end because the movie stops suddenly with no clear explanation. I often regret myself watching those movies..
@youless (112877)
• Guangzhou, China
13 Nov 09
I prefer to watch the happy ending movies. As I will cry badly when there is a sad ending. But I must admit that the sad ending movies are much more impressive and usually they are regarded to good movies. I love China
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• Indonesia
13 Nov 09
I do cry too when the sad ending goes. i really feel sad.. This is kinda embarrassing, though.. LOL!
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
13 Nov 09
I hate sad movie endings, I just feel like i was robbed. For me watching a movie is a way for me to be entertained and I expect to be feel good about it in the end. Although I don't blame the people behind it since they have to come up some with something different including sad endings i just don't like it because what sticks to my mind is the ending, if it's sad it tends to ruin the whole movie experience. Cheers!
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• Indonesia
13 Nov 09
Sometimes I feel like you too. Sad ending movies tend to disappoint me rather than being a source of entertainment :)
• United States
13 Nov 09
i like both,happy ending are allways great because things go the way you thibk they should.happilie ever after.farietales princessess and unicorns.not only the kid movies but a freat happy ending life time movies is allways a thriller.but i also love the sad ending ones,they are more realistic and make the movie draw more attention, for some reason people just love those chick flix that make you
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• China
13 Nov 09
i like happy ending movies, happy ending movies can bring us a good mod, so it can let us feel better.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
12 Nov 09
I guess it would depend on the movie really...if its a movie that NEEDS a sad ending for example something based on real life or a true story then as much as it is sad its how the movie needs to end ya know..Besides life isnt bout happy endings all the time...thats just life..and film
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• Indonesia
13 Nov 09
Yes I don't mind as long as the sad ending movies are based on real stories because I can understand that life can turn out to be like that. What I don't always like is the fiction stories that have sad endings..
• Philippines
10 Feb 12
Hi nooveggies! Of course I would prefer a happy ending. However, I think that whether it be happy or sad ending, as long as the story is nice, then it wouldn't matter. As long as the ending makes sense, then it wouldn't really matter if the ending is happy or sad. As long as the ending is realistic, that, I believe, is what matters.
• United States
12 Nov 09
I like the kind of movies where you dont know who did it and all through the movie your thinking it is a certain person but at the end you find out it was really someone else I dont know what kind of ending that would be considered?
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• Indonesia
13 Nov 09
That's the best ending which I like. you mean like in the end there's a twist in the story, right? the one that we least expected. I love those movies that have many twists!
• Malaysia
12 Nov 09
I think only the movie producers of film makers like sad ending! Most of the audience would love to see happy ending and leave the cinema or switch off the TV or DVD without feeling depressed. Yeah, sad ending can really make someone really depressed. To me, I prefer happy ending, but with lots of tensions and suspense, but in the end everything is well... However, sometimes in a movie, one or two good people have to be sacrificed. So, even though the hero and heroin are alive, but still it's kind of sad though.
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• Indonesia
13 Nov 09
Those sacrifices are exactly the ones that I hate.. Why does it have to be that way.. LOL!
• Thailand
12 Nov 09
I prefer happy endings. When I watch a movie, it is solely for entertainment, I wouldn't want to watch a movie and finish it with abuses and bad feelings for the movie. Though there are some good movies that has sad endings I'll always prefer the happy ones.
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• Indonesia
12 Nov 09
Yes I think happy ending movies don't give you a bad feeling afterwards, while sad ones do..
@EdTv00 (298)
• United States
12 Nov 09
I prefer a ending that is not predictable, so I would go with the sad ending.
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• United States
13 Nov 09
Happy ending! I dislike sad endings, because I just sit there after the credits roll and think to myself of a happier ending. For example, if the movie is about two people who love each other but can't be together because of family, and the movie ends with them not being together, I sit there and say "Well after they went across country from each other one realized they couldn't be without the other and went to join them..." Because I can't stand sad endings. I just feel like the movie is incomplete. Unless I'm watching a horror movie. Then I can handle sad endings.
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@artee13 (125)
• Philippines
18 Feb 10
I really don't like sad ending movies because it makes we wanna cry and at the same time it kinda teaches me about life. I love happy endings movies and sometimes the ending was so beautiful that I shed a tear without knowing.
@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
14 Nov 09
[b]Well, I have enjoyed sad ones, when they're really well done, but that's so rare. Anyway, you asked what I preferred. Doesn't everyone prefer happiness to sadness? Put me down for happy endings! Maggiepie IMPEACH HIM![/b]
@alottodo (3056)
• Australia
14 Nov 09
It depends on the movie really and what is about but in all I like a happy ending and this is because when I sit to watch a movie I like to get away from every day life, and have fun and feel good, so a movie with a happy ending is a favourite with me, we have enough bad endings in real life so why look for more in the entertaining world?
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
16 Nov 09
As the song says "give me a happy ending every time." That is not to say that movies that make you cry can't still be good ones.
• China
14 Nov 09
maybe the happy ending. but in fact we care for the process more. usually the process attract us a lot. but only when the sad ending, i'll cry and sometimes with bad mood in the heart for a long time. while if the happy ending, i also sometimes will cry because of happiness. so bad, i'm such a easily moved girl.
• United States
15 Nov 09
I prefer movies with happy endings. When I watch a movie, I want to escape into a "fantasy world." I think we all know too well that happy endings are rare in real life. If a movie is based on a true story, then obviously a sad ending is fine (i.e. Titanic, United 93), but if I know that a movie is fiction, I expect happy endings, even though they are predictable.
• Indonesia
23 Nov 09
well, i have to say i choose a both sad and happy ending because it's depend a story movie.