Can you say NO?
By mimpi
@mimpi1911 (25464)
November 13, 2009 3:33am CST
Saying No has been a hard thing for me. Even though, I have improved I am still working on it. Sometimes you really have to put your foot down and say NO. Its to prove a point or to avoid the company that you do not like or even when you want do not want to go into a mess.
Is saying NO a hard thing for you? Do you feel bad when someone NO you?
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49 responses
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
13 Nov 09
Hi dear!
It is really an uphill task for me to say ‘No’ to someone, who is closely known to me. If someone presses me for accompanying him for some work, specially friends, I find it difficult to say ‘No’ to them. I apprehend that they might take it otherwise. I feel that this could be one of the negative traits in me, which others take undue advantage of. On the spur of the moment, I would say ‘No’ if I do not want to be part of something, however, on the second thought, sometimes, I change my decision. Likewise, I also feel really bad, when someone says ‘No’ to me on my request. When in their hour of need, I come to their rescue, I expect the same treatment from them. Once I read few chapters of a book titled ‘How to say No’, to strengthen my will power, however, it worked for few days only, then I forgot the tips given in the book………LOL!
How are you doing ?

@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
13 Nov 09
I think we all go through this more or less from time to time. I had been burdened with double work, more responsibility and a decent share of the blame game all because I couldn't say NO! Now not only I try to say no decently, may be not so blatantly but also learned to take it. When someone says no, I give benefit of doubt to him/her. People have their reasons which I should appreciate. 

@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
13 Nov 09
You mean to say that more or less we are alike
. It is not fair that you have assigned others work also, because you could not say 'No' the authorities concerned. I can understand that your responsibilities and liabilities would have increased considerably and it is always difficult to cope up with double the normal pressure. You are right that people may have their own reasons to say 'No', however, we feel bad, when we do not expect them to say 'No', when we ourselves are not sure, whether they are going to come out with a negative or positive answer, in that case, we can digest a 'No'.
Have a great day!

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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
13 Nov 09
Previously, I was badly affected by these things. even now I do but I have learned to find happiness in an un called for NO an in an expected YES. Life is too short and we must live it. 

@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
14 Nov 09
I don't feel bad. In fact, whenever someone says no to me, I'll take it as it is and try to understand that perhaps that person couldn't really fulfill the wish or request at all. As for me, I don't have a problem saying no too, because I'll just be honest with why I can't fulfill that request and wish.
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@drannhh (15219)
• United States
14 Nov 09
I am very good at saying no. And when people look at me like they cannot believe I said no, I am also capable of asking "What Part of NO Don't You Understand?"
I would rather somebody say "No" if that is what they mean than beating around the bush, or saying "Yes" when they don't want to and then acting resentful about it do doing the thing half-way which is often worse than not at all.
But if the request that I have to turn down is something I feel bad about having to decline, I am sure to say that I am terribly sorry to have to say NO. One can be polite and still say NO.
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
13 Nov 09
Exactly. People have played with my emotion to the point that i nearly broke down!
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
14 Nov 09
That's a motivator. Thanks jd. I have improved since but still a lot has to be done. People just cannot take advantage just like that!
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
13 Nov 09
We need to look out for no.1 before we can look out for anyone else. If you are hurting your self by doing what they ask then its something that should not be done. I know some people that are more like parisites than human. They would feel no guilt about taking advantage to make thing better for them. These are people who know all the freebe stuff, all the handouts in town. like i said you need to look out for no.1 thats you.

@sweetie1026 (1718)
• Philippines
13 Nov 09
I do not feel bad when someone says No to me about something. But i do have the problem of saying No to people. Like when a friend or at work , a co-worker asks me to do a something for them, i can't say no even if it means that i have to work a little late or have to sacrifice my own schedule. Even when i am approached and offered goods i have a hard time turning them down. So, often than not i end up with things that i do not plan to buy at all. I know it's wrong but i really find it hard to say NO. I am trying to practice saying No, now a days and it makes me feel good.Hopefully i could keep it up.

@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
13 Nov 09
You too sweetie! And do tell me and send me the snap when you find one. BTW, how's your diary going?
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
13 Nov 09
Someway you like being helping your friends and no harm in doing it for them. I do that as well. But many times people tend to take advantage of this. this I hate but cannot quite handle. People use me as long as I can afford to let them. Many times I do stuffs knowing that they are using me. It feels sad at those times.
And sweetie, I am sure you will succeed in stuffs you believe in always. Any new tattoo!? 

@sweetie1026 (1718)
• Philippines
13 Nov 09
Yes, some people are so manipulative that they take advantage of other people even hurting them in the process. Thank you, my friend but no, i do not have a new tattoo right now. But still have a plan to have one still looking for a good artist to do it. Have a wonderful weekend, my friend.

@chaitra001 (3278)
• Bangalore, India
13 Nov 09
Hi mimpi.. For me its very hard to say no for my near and dear ones.. but in some times we have to be more diplomatic to say no.. otherwise we should force ourself to do some work which we really dont like at all.. So now a days I am trying to say no for the things which I dont like at all..
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
13 Nov 09
That's good Chaitra. trust me, it wold give you so much peace. When it comes to my family I go out of the way to get things done for them and even if I do not like certain things the smile on their face makes me happy. 

@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
13 Nov 09
It is good you are learning how to be diplomatic.

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@chaitra001 (3278)
• Bangalore, India
13 Nov 09
yes mimpi for my family members I cant say no because I want them to be happy..
Deepak otherwise its very difficult to survive in Jobs and all.. So have to learn..

@alokn99 (5717)
• India
13 Nov 09
I would be pretty sensitive to the word "NO" either saying or having had to hear it. I would pretty lousy after having said it. But after having learnt a few lessons in life i'm learning to put my foot down and stick to it when required. I'm started doing this at work, where people were trying to take undue advantage, and by refusing to accept further responsibilites it helped in people being more careful. It did confuse people for sometime, as i was not someone who would easily say No.
I too have a long way to go on this Mimpi. At times it's better to block out or control our emotions in this regard then having to regret it later.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
13 Nov 09
I am glad that you are working on it and have been quite successful so far. I used to find it extremely difficult to say NO to my friends and colleagues, which meant extra work load and be present on the days when I was not if a mood to hang out with an exuberant company. Then tried excuses. But then I realised why excuses, I must be clear with my intention and there's no harm expressing what I like and what I do not. My boss says that we are not slaves to others thoughts. Yes we are not!. However, having sad this, I would not say NO to my very closed ones, my parents, sisters. 

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@alokn99 (5717)
• India
13 Nov 09
Your boss is very right. And it's better to practise it with so called friends or aquaintances and colleagues. Some try to take undue advantage and some just want you to do things with them that you do not like. In the beginning one tends to feel bad a lot, but then after sometime you realise that it was for your own good.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
13 Nov 09
Saying 'No" could be hard but then if you know that is what you need to do, I think we have a peace of mind. This is most important.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
14 Nov 09
Same here. I cannot tackle conflicts and untoward things much. But sometimes a no helps us from so many gross things. 

@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
13 Nov 09
That's a great response!
You have made an important point Muelitz. Its better than saying YES when you do not even mean it! Saying yes just to save your skin or dodge the situation and not even living it is not right. But then I can understand the hard part of saying it. I am glad that you can say NO. 

@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
14 Nov 09
Oh yes Cjay. I have felt that we must follow our hearts and even if it hurts you but you know that you have taken the right decision. No is sadly, mistaken as a rude ting but we can be amiable and congenial, explaining , if required and be decent with a NO as well. 

@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
13 Nov 09
Me too especially when it someone so close to me .However you will find that if you dont learn to say no people will take advantage of your kindness and will always come asking you to do things for you even when you may have to go out of your way to accomodate them.Consequently like you I have to start learning to say no even if I may feel bad afterwards ,granted I try to weigh the circumstance to find out how they need the favour vs the cost to me in terms of effort
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
14 Nov 09
So true! It sometimes feels bad but we have to say NO when we feel it is the right thing to do. And I really appreciate the way you weigh it. 

@nheansocheath (308)
• Cambodia
13 Nov 09
It seems to be very hard to say NO to someone especially the loved one or the most powerful one. For me, it's not so hard to say NO to someone because if I want to say No, I will prepare some reasons to support my No-saying.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
14 Nov 09
That's a good way. I think for our close ones like family and friends we need to justify our YES or NO. We expect the same from them , don't we? 

@lichee_china (506)
• China
14 Nov 09
It's a art of refuse.when somebody prefer go to shopping mall with me which I dislike,but it is so hard to refuse.I'm a freshman for saying no.sometimes,i usually refuse them by a coming stuff,of course it never happened.
@starsailover (7829)
• Mexico
14 Nov 09
Hi lichee: i agree with you when you say that refusing an invitation can be considering as an art. I think it's difficult and i say this because i don't have the ability to say NO and at the same time don't make that some people feel bad for that. The point is, some of us would like to say NO but at the same time that nobody feels offended with our opinion. Thanks for your answer. Interesting point of view.
@nirafriends (13)
• India
13 Nov 09
saying no is a 50 50 process sometimes make it extremely difficult but sometimes to be freed from the situation...
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
13 Nov 09
I kind of agree. We have to be balanced in our thoughts and NO should be justified.
@missbdoll (1165)
• Australia
13 Nov 09
I relise I'm still working on being able to say no.
I still find it hard when freinds want me to do something that I'm realy not interested in doing.I keep telling myself that i can choose not too.Just 'cause tey are freind I don't have to always say yes.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
13 Nov 09
Hi missbdoll, I can relate to that because it all started with friends first. My friends, a party kind, always having fun at weekends, which, lately, I was not enjoying. after a long week, I certainly preferred a relaxed weekend evening to a lat night party! My No was bitter to some but my true friends love me no matter what. 

@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
13 Nov 09
adoremay, that's my problem as well. I am working on it. i think we can be congenial and yet say a no. that's something we should try and do. good luck!
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
13 Nov 09
My belief is that you can ask anything of anyone as long as you come to terms with the fact that the other person has the right to say no. I have been afflicted with the ‘disease to please’ for as long as I can remember and for a long time I hated my lack of assertion skills. I am learning, though that, as I get older there is only so much I will tolerate and I have finally learnt that my time is very, very precious and I don’t have that much of it and if I don’t learn to say no I will waste it away doing things I don’t particularly want to do!
I have learnt the hard way, believe me and at first I became quite aggressive in my way of saying no but I eventually learnt to find a happy medium. It’s interesting to note that when you are the type of person who doesn’t often assert herself and suddenly you do, people really don’t like the ‘new you’ and try very hard to give you a guilt complex in order to manipulate you like they used to.
I say, stand your ground!
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
13 Nov 09
Great! That is quite my story Paula. Saying something that people do not want to hear is a hard task and saying no when they are expecting us to say yes is way too bad. When I say no I must learn to take a no as well. It tough but I am trying. And of course there is a difference between a blatant NO and a amicable one.
Life is short and in my endeavor to live it in my own terms I have collected some censures. But my loved ones have always been with me. I trust them and so do they. 

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@sexy_jessica (105)
• Philippines
13 Nov 09
I say no if I believe it is right. "believe for what you believe is right and don't let other destroy your own freedom" viva freedom.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
13 Nov 09
Same here. Saying NO wen I believe in it is a nice way live life. I have been trying to do that.
@aachen (26)
• Germany
13 Nov 09
Ya true saying No gets very difficult... but few just say it upfront on the face...But its good to say no when you cant say NO. If its a yes in place of NO, it just putting ourselves into a tough situation and making ourselves struggle.
Its just that one gotta cultivate the habit of saying NO when it has to be said... else life would become tough
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
13 Nov 09
I agree aachen. Life becomes really tough if we cannot believe in ourselves. 

@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
13 Nov 09
I know what you mean but I am sure that you would understand if you be explained the 'no'.