you'll never know what waiting for you ahead but are you prepared for it or not?
@stormriders (104)
November 13, 2009 8:52am CST
none of us knows what fate have for you in the future. Excluded the fortune teller, no one will tell you what, where, when or why this thing took place at the very moment of your life!
I'm not touching the matter of life after death, but generally to the surface of life itself. we were born as champion, everybody knows that, simple biology subject discussion. You know when millions of 'swimmer' seeking the one and only! this is not actually the subject matter here. As for further discussion, what I'm trying to highlight here is, are you prepare with what lies ahead (in future)?
In terms of finances, social, and perhaps self satisfaction, one should consider between those points raise up.
Let me open up your mind a little, did you plan your life? NO? YES?
future? is a mystery of the universe. are you planning well/right for yourself?
This is what I mean, plan anything circulating inside your mind and you won't get hurt or disappointed with whatever happens.
If you plan, the chances of getting well prepared to face the outcome is high and if you fail to do so, you are reserving a disaster in the making!
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