More than a Religion: A lie that heals is worth more than truth that hurts?
By debrakcarey
@debrakcarey (19887)
United States
November 13, 2009 9:42am CST
Taken from the website: Answering Islam: A Christian - Muslim Dialog
The author of this article has lived in Islamic countries
"A lie that heals is better than the truth that hurts." Personally, I’d rather hear "the truth that hurts" than a lie which superficially and temporarily "heals."
Since September 11th, much has been written about Islam, some of it true and some false. What many Muslims and non-Muslims alike fail to realize is that Islam is not a religion in the same way "religion" is understood in the West. Philip Hitti, the late Lebanese-American scholar who taught at Princeton University for nearly fifty years, was a leading expert on the history of Arabs and Islam. One of his books has three parts: Islam as Religion, (what is believed and taught about God) Islam as State, (laws and justice) and Islam as Culture. (how you interact with each other) Whether Muslims are aware of it or not, orthodox Islam is a threefold system—a religious-political-cultural ideology—with the goal to subjugate the world to itself.
While the Qur’an does say, "There shall be no compulsion in religion" (2:256), many Qur’anic scholars insist that, in its context, this verse has nothing to do with not forcing non-Muslims to submit to the rule of Islam. Many also teach that this "no compulsion" verse was abrogated (2:106) and replaced by the later and more numerous verses that say things like: "Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and hypocrites and deal rigorously with them." (9:73) "Make war on them until idolatry shall cease and God’s religion shall reign supreme." (8:39) "Fight against such of those ... who ... do not embrace the true Faith, until they pay tribute out of hand and are utterly subdued." (9:29)
In Muhammad’s day, conquered Jews and Christians who did not convert to Islam were allowed to live, provided they paid jizya, a "protection" tax. Pagans were only given the choice to convert or die.
This was the "peace" offered by 7th century Islam. To this day, in every country where Islamic law (Shari’a) is embraced, non-Muslims (and, yes, women) are treated as second-class citizens. Freedom of religion is forbidden. For a Muslim to "apostatize" means, at the very least: severe harassment, or worse: imprisonment, torture and death.
If you doubt any of this or want positive documentation, see my longer article Does Islam Promote Peace? and/or feel free to contact me. ( Better yet, do your own careful research on the web or at a local library. See if you can find a satisfying answer to the following question: In what Islamic nation is this "beautiful, peaceful, and tolerant religion of Islam" (as it is presented in the West) practiced in such a way that it might prompt you to move there for the rest of your life?
To read more of this author's research on the true nature of Islam please go to this link:
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4 responses
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
13 Nov 09
Islam is not merely a religion... it is a complete culture, way of life, political and legal system , and religion rolled into one neat little package, whose single overriding goal is to control the entire world under Islam.
Islam is not a religion of peace... it is a religion of submission to Islam... and anyone who gets in the way is fair game.
I suggest everyone become familiar with it's goals and learn what it is really about.
Only then will we defeat it's insidious goals.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
13 Nov 09
There is alot of rhetoric out there about Islam. That is why I posted the link to the website Answering Islam. And I do encourage all to go there and read the entire site. I feel it is balanced and not reactionary. We DO NOT need more hatred and division. We need truth. We need to wake up to the fact that we have been targeted and militant radical jihadist want to destroy our way of life. This massacre at Ft. Hood should not inspire us to hate all Muslims, it should inspire us to get educated as to what we are up against.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
13 Nov 09
I must are correct in that Islam means submission to Allah. It is a basic tennent of Islam that Allah expects all Muslims to submit, and to speed along the submission of the entire world to Allah. How individual Muslims interpret this may be different from each other. But the fact remains that there is a large portion of them, and they are growing...that interpret it as war against and killing of...the infidel...anyone not a Muslim.
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@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
15 Nov 09
In what Islamic nation is this "beautiful, peaceful, and tolerant religion of Islam" (as it is presented in the West) practiced in such a way that it might prompt you to move there for the rest of your life?
The unanswerable question! Unless of course people can live in their imagination.
There are Muslims living here in Australia, and I am sure in other Western countries, who would not support the "official" Muslim teaching. They have decried the "radicals" and are living as good, law-abiding citizens in their adopted countries, not demanding any special rules or changes in our way of life. Many have taken Australian citizenship.
In the Christian faith, there are Christians who are such in name only and who have no allegiance to the faith. There are also nominal Christians who are religious and probably are connected with a Church. Then there are Christians according to the true meaning of the word: followers of Jesus Christ, having a personal relationship with God and united with Him in Christ.
Is the same true of Muslims?
Or is their religion such as that should things come to a head, the "good" Muslims will succumb to their teachings?

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
14 Jun 11

@Harley009 (1416)
• India
16 Nov 09
This website is notorious for Misquoting and Mistranslating Quran. Put the verses out of context and explain the way what they want. They blindly accuse and mixing dirty politics and Islam together.
It is easy to blame Muslims by translating Quran as they want, very easy!
There is a website
You can see many rebuttals for the claim you made. Many are truth, but sometime harsh.
DISCLAIMER: I do not support both of the sites, both are using harsh languages.
So if you are a real truth seeker, Read Quran from trusted sites from cover to cover, if you know Arabic read it in the Original language of Quran.
May Almighty God guide us to the right path.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
16 Nov 09
I will take a look at the site Harley.
May I say though, that if the Quran is being misinterpreted by anyone, it is the radical jihadists who use it as an excuse to kill and maim those who are not Muslim, or for political reasons?
I am merely pointing out with this discussion that SOMEHOW, by SOMEONE...the teachings are responsible for the bloodshed we are seeing all over the world.
I am not the one who is waging this jihad. But someone is. Who are the ones responsible? The ones who use Quran as an excuse to kill?
The debate here is whether Quran is being used as an excuse for war and killing. And I don't believe you can deny that.
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@Harley009 (1416)
• India
21 Nov 09
If one who really know Quran, he cannot use Quran to justify evils, because Quran is against to evil and terrorism.
Criticizing is fine, but with proper proof.
I do not pass an information to others until I know it is truth.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
14 Nov 09
There is nothing about Islam that would make me want to move to a country where it is practiced as the dominant religion. Their laws are meant to subjugate, not govern. It is an oppressive religion and way of life where men dominate and all others are the equivalent of slaves. I know there are many Muslims here in the U.S. that don't live that way but that's because they don't practice Islam as they do in the Middle East.
Some say Christianity used to be that way--convert or die. That was true hundreds of years ago when a few evil men were in control but no longer.
I do not understand, and never will, why the few promoters of a religion (priests, imams, etc.) have the power to control millions.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
14 Nov 09
Because they are only believers outwardly in name only...for whatever reason, be it emotional or political. When someone REALLY believes that they are Created by God and that He is a God of love and mercy...they do not act that way. There IS a battle between good and evil....some believe that it exists only because mankind has both natures within do good or bad. Whether it is just human nature or a battle between Creator God and is a real battle, and those who would subjugate another are not going to be on the winning matter what name or title they give themselves.