It isn't just Political Correctnes....anymore.
By debrakcarey
@debrakcarey (19887)
United States
November 13, 2009 10:12am CST
I like to read the blog titled American Thinker.
I found this article by Pamela Geller today....and I must admit it made me think. I have also begun reading the website Answering Islam which is full of research on what Islam teaches and quotes many accepted Islamic interpretations of the Quaran. I believe it to be a balanced website, one of the links within Answering Islam contains writings of a person who has lived in Islamic countries for over twenty years, a man who admits to having a great burden on his heart for Muslims. His take on what Islam is and what it teaches is valuable to those of us who do not want to fear, or hate...Muslims.
Back to this discussion. I want to assure all who respond here that I am NOT promoting hatred. I fear for our country. We have enjoyed pluralism and liberty as a people for 233 years. We have laws protecting minorities and we for the most part are a tolerant society.
This is changing folks. Christian communities that have existed hundreds of years in places like Yemen and Ethiopia and in North Africa, Egypt..are being wiped out as we speak by radical Islamic jihadists, intent on subjugating the entire world to their religion and law. Do you think America is immune. 9/11 ought to have shown you we are not. The events at Ft. Hood should show you we are not. Our own elected President has said many things that ought to show you we are not. Am I being an alarmists, stirring up hate and discrimination. I don't believe I am...the writings and teachings of many militants around the world should convince any open minded, thinking person that we are in danger! Do I condone hatred and discrimination...I will quote from my scriptures which I try to live by: Matthew 5:44
But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.
I try to live by these words.
Political Correctness is gagging many. Look around you closely at the nations that have embraced Shariah law. Would you go live there freely and without reserve? I am not advocating hatred by saying that as a woman I would rather die than be under Shariah law. I think if you understood it, you would too. Especially those of you who enjoy the freedom to think for yourselves and who do not want others to impose their religion on you. Do not for one minute think that if America falls to jihadists you will be allowed to be a consciensous objecter. Is it a real possibility that we will fall....our President said that if the political winds should change, that he would stand with the Muslims. Does this not say it all?
I sincerely want to know what you think. I'm not above critisism but please do not come here with insults and name calling. Let's talk reasonabley about this. Thanks.
Taken from the blog American Thinker.
I have watched in abject horror the elites' stunning reaction to this act of war. The denial, the submission, the excuses, the dodging, the self-flagellation, the shame -- the deceiving of the American people by the media, the military, society, law enforcement, authorities and politicians, all the way up to and including the White House -- amounts to the enforcement of Shariah law.
Shariah law forbids criticism of Islam. And here we are.
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5 responses
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
13 Nov 09
I agree.
This is a good article and tells it like it is.
Our obsession with multiculturalism and diversity will be our undoing.
Political Correctness is destroying our country and our liberty.
Political Correctness is nothing more than a polite form of Fascism, with the core intent of controlling both thought and speech.
This is exactly what Shariah does as well.
People need to wake up.
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
13 Nov 09
Okay... this is the kind of thing that drives me insane...
We are supposed to all be Americans.
All Multiculturalism and diversity training does is accentuate our differences thus splintering our culture instead of making it stronger... when the fact is that our differences are our strength.
We all come from different backgrounds, and that goes without saying.
Multiculturalism and diversity are far different things then what you seem to think they are... they drive us apart.
We have a culture as Americans that is under attack... and multiculturalism is a major part of that attack.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
13 Nov 09
It is not different cultures or diversity that is the danger. Three of my grandparents were immigrants to this country and I am a ethnically diverse person, being Sicilian, Irish, German and Native American.
The danger to this land is our leaders and thinkers...policy makers...that insist we are not under attack. That all we need to do is be nice to our enemies and believe that they mean us no harm...and all will be well. That is not a product of diversity, it is a product of stupidity.
We've welcome and gave comfort to many immigrants over 230 years....our founding fathers were immigrants or sons of immigrants...but we have always stood up to those who would destroy us, until now.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
13 Nov 09
Perhaps we are saying the same thing using different terminology.
If you were to come to my family's Thanksgiving dinner, you would be served corn bread stuffing and a deep fried turkey. If I went up to Chicago and visited my relatives there....there would be more mediterranian fare served. If we visited my family on the east coast...depending on what'd be served ham and german potato salad...or seafood.
That is the cultural differences I speak of. I have taught my children and grandchildren the cultures of all four of our ancestoral peoples. I know some German, not much (ask Dawn) from listening to my dad (who was 1/2 Ojibwe Indian as well as German) recite the Declaration of Independence in German, which he learned from his dad. I can cook some mean venison stew....or some lasagna that would make you cry. And I've learned a little Italian...I can tell you all about the culture of the county in which my great grandmother lived her whole life in Ireland. Am I any less of an American? No...I don't think you'd say I was.
I do understand What you mean. It has been taken way to far. And my grandparents WANTED to learn German great grandmother did not ever feel comfortable with it...but she spoke it. They even changed their name to a more anglo form to fit in...because of WWI...from Schmidt to Smith. I think this is what we are NOT seeing now...a willingness to adapt to the predominant culture at least enough to function. It is what has made us a true melting pot.
Now, it is forced upon our schools and our Federal level workers to learn the language of the immigrant...and lots of money is spent so they won't have to 'melt in'. This, I agree is wrong.
I love the diversity of our land....but I do not agree that we should reject someone who is different based only on the fact that they are different. Otherwise, my family and yours most likely...would not have been successful here. Don't you agree?
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
13 Nov 09
Actually I base my feelings on Islam for having lived as a Christian for 4 years in North Africa. I even had to renounce Christianity (which my God knows I did not mean) and take the Arabic name of Jamila so I could get married to another Christian or I would have been deported. I still have all my original marriage documents in Arabic with the English translation.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
13 Nov 09
Shame, resentment and scared of being a worthless traitor in God's eyes. The one consolation I felt was that as I had to say the whole deal in Arabic was I could not understand what I was saying so it did not seem real. For the rest of the "ceremony" I had to sit at the back of the room with my female friend because the lawyer, my husband, the Sheik, the best man and all the other men were the only ones allowed to discuss the dowry etc. Of course the Muslims only regarded me as a worthless woman. I hated my time spent in that country (Libya). I was also amazed at the poverty there, they only have the rich and the poor No middle class - keep the people poor and ignorant so that they could never be a threat.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
13 Nov 09
You must have loved him very much to do such a difficult thing just so you could marry him. God knows your heart whiteheather.
I have been reading at wikipedia the teachings of Islam about women. And you are correct that they are viewed as not really having any rights or even of having feelings. It is so sad that many do not speak up, and are afraid to leave. I hope that your marriage is a happy one. I hope you are loved as much as you love, in return.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
13 Nov 09
How did that make you feel when you had to do that?
I am very interested in your experiences there. Tell us more. 

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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
14 Nov 09
I will honest. I am little sick of the PC bs. Political Correctness can be good for somethings, but many people are too far. Everyone calls White people: Caucasians. Face it folks, it's White. If you have fair-skin, chances are, you are White. As for Blacks, I am not being racists, so do not take this that way, but is it Black or is it African-America? Some people tell me it's Black and some people tell me that it's African-American, help me out here! People who are from the Middle East, I don't know how to approach this either, some people say Muslims or Islamic, some say Arabic (and don't this is right at all), seriously, I don't know what to say? Also, Native American, I am told to say Native Americans, yet when I watch the casino commercials, it's always Indian Casinos, but I do not call Native Americans "Indian" because what word would use for people from India? I am not promoting hated, racism, or discrimination, but come on people. How do we identify ourselves and others? What does everyone want to be called?
Look, can't we Americans just call ourselves "Americans"? I am mostly White, but I am also Black (I have two Black ancestors), Native American, Jewish, Asian, Latina, and well, you pretty much name it.
We, Americans, have a major identity crisis, we have had one for many generations. Everyone wants me to identify with a culture, but I cannot do that.
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
14 Nov 09
I am not going to criticize Islam because I know that I will probably be maimed for it, but I will say that this is how I see Islam right now, many of them are just like the Christian Crusaders. Think about this for a moment. Christians do this as well. Many Christians hate it when people speak ill of Christianity, yet we do it anyway.
Islam is a religion, Christianity is a religion, Judaism is a religion, Zoroastrianism is a religion, Hinduism is a religion, Buddhism is a religion, and this list can go on.
Anyway, each of these religious groups had to learn to get along and has to learn that they all have their flaws.
The people of Islam have to learn that their religion and their culture is no different from anyone else's. We only poke fun at them, or say things about them because they put on themselves. Now, I am not saying that all Muslims are bad people, but I asking this: Why should we be nice to you? Why should we not say anything bad about Islam?
The Christians, the Jews, the Hindus, the Buddhists, and so many other religions have had the fingers pointed at them, had jokes made about them and deities, and yet, we can't say anything about Islam?
Hey, if all the other religions are going to get dirt thrown at them, then make it equal opportunity.
Again, not trying to be racists, hateful, or discriminate, but I am just saying, it's not fair!
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
17 Nov 09
You are not the only one who is sick of political correctness. And you are not the only one, who when you try to be considerate and say the 'rigth' thing...who gets it wrong. This is because no one really knows WHAT is the right thing to say. I will tell you, many traditionalist of the native people want to be called by what they call themselves...their name that they've had for centuries. For instance, my ancestors are Anishanabee....or as the white man calls them, Ojibwe. See what I mean? Other natives don't mind being called Indians or Native American. Though some take exception to I find that they will correct you with good humor...if you make a 'mistake'.
With the Muslims, not all Muslims are Arab. So that is out. Islam is the name of their religion, Muslims is what the believers of Islam are called.
I just TRY to be respectful...and hope for the best. lol
As for your statement, that the Christians had the Crusades. Yes, they did. But why? Because the Muslims repeatedly attacked the west and conquered whole towns and cities and countries. The Muslims took Jerusalem. A very holy city to the Christians as being where Jesus was crucified. They were not friendly rulers. And the Jews still there and the Christians there were often killed and abused. The Pope....asked for help and different groups came to help. It was not a state operation within any country. They were religious wars...but ones the Muslims provoked with killing of Christians. Many kings did get involved, but this was because they feared the Muslims coming into their countries and conquering them. And like now, the Muslims did have the hope of making the whole world (Christiandom) submit to Islam. Now, the Christians are getting bad press (sic) for these wars..but they were not the aggressors. JUST like today? Our own country later in history had a run in with Muslims, the Barbary Pirates kept taking our ships and stealing our goods and we fought them.
This political correctness is a way to make Americans argue, fight and hate each other....and it is working. Most whose families have been here for any length of time...have many different ethnic groups in their bloodlines....and up until this PC crap, we were managing to get along pretty good. We had ironed out civil rights and had a chance at racial understanding. Enter the ACLU and others like them and we have tension and hatred brewing again. I'm not saying America was perfect, but when differing people share a country, it can never be perfect. Heck, when ALL THE SAME religion or ethnic groups live together it's not perfect!
I am not familiar with Zionism as I should be. I will try to rectify that soon. But I do know people who live in Israel...and they are anxious about the state of affairs in America. Most have family here, most are from here. Most are folks just like you and me. Do we want America viewed as if all of us were radicals and working intimately with our government to destroy and kill others.? Not all Israelis are bad either. Most only want to live peaceably with the rest of the world. It's an attitude adjustment, to genuinely love our neighbors...that Americans need to hold on to. See what is wrong, but love the individual. I hope this explains further what I believe. I do not hate anyone, I recognize that each INDIVIDUAL is capable of both good and bad....and often times governments and religions can interfer with the good or foster the bad. Of course I believe my faith is truth, why else would I believe it? But I also believe that each individual has the right to think for themselves. Thanks for responding rouge13xmen13.
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@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
17 Nov 09
I agree with this piece almost to its entirety. However, deep research into 9/11 shows that there's more than meets the eye, to solely blame (American-financed and created)Muslim extremists for 9/11 is ignoring obvious Israeli Mossad and U.S. inside involvement--and I can give you the evidence if you want it. Also, Muslim extremism is too often being used to justify Zionist (another ideology equally as dangerous as radical Islam, currently destroying Christian and U.S. culture) Israeli attacks on Palestineans and subjugating the Palestinean people to what amounts to concentration camps.
Although being said, I agree with the majority of your piece, but I always suspect there's more than meets the eye--all of this being a part of a divide and conquer strategy--one utilized by Vatican/Freemasonic-Illuminati/Zionist elitists. Have you researched Khazaria yet?
No, I don't want Shariah law either--but guess what? Those who blindly support U.S. policy, Israel, and other enemies to Islam actually only strengthen the belief and intensity of fundamental radicals. Do you think for one second that you're going to make friends with a people you carpet bomb? (And, no on the other hand, I do not suggest we roll over for these people or these ideologies. We've got ourselves stuck by this "multi-cultural" politically correct bullcrap--mostly created by those who are Zionist and/or Jesuit, btw. And now what?)

@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
19 Nov 09
Whoa! Whoa! Time-out! You just lumped me into a whole group of people I do not belong to. I'm not completely ignorant about Shariah law or Islam. I only point out that there are two sides to every store, two sides to this conflict, and a lot that remains unnoticed/unreported. I have no sympathy or affinity with Muslim extremism or with Shariah law.
However, Israel, if you'd only do the research is as much as corrupt and say our country, and Zionism, is a radical and racist ideology promoted by many Israelis--people who by the way, if you'd research Khazaria--are not descendents of Biblical Hebrews.
What is happening is the oldest game in the book. The creation and manipulation of ideologies and those who would willingly take sides of either one, as if 2 is some kind of magic number in which this guy or that guy must be right--it's only Coke or Pepsi, Democrat or Republican, Israeli Jew or Sharia-style Islam.
You and I, both know better. Zionism, the Jesuits, radical Islam--all have their roots in ancient days in the height of the "Illumined" Freemasons. And we don't have to go even that far back or to the esoteric or conspiracy-ridden either. Do the research on the many suspicious connections with Israel on and around 9-11. Look into the number of top officials who have dual U.S.-Israeli citizenship. Research the U.S. creation of Al Quaida, and the probability that the U.S. and Pakistani intelligence jointly created the Taliban.
Okay, forget all that. Let us agree that Sharia law is downright evil and oppressive to say the least. There we agree 100%. But to justify what is going on in Palestine is outright offensive and disgusting. Even the U.N. which never speaks against Israel spoke out against their atrocities, even the Vatican spoke out against their recent slaughter of about 3,000 men, women, and children, and their blatant targeting of schools, hospitals, and "U.N. safe zones." The Palestineans are treated like animals, my turn to stereotype and classify you, You people who non-chalantly excuse the treatment of Palestineans (the rightful dwellers of that land) as animals seem so mystified that they'd act like cornered animals. How does that feel, by the way, to be lumped and classified with a group that you may or may not belong to? It doesn't feel good, does it?
Radical Islam is a sickness, I'll call it a cancer. But in the U.S. and Britain, it is our own elites, lawmakers, and liberal apologists who are bending over to its acceptance and encouragement, while the rightwing (and by its silence the liberals as well) encouragement the warfare, the autocratic tyrants, the subjugation of Palestine, the illegal invasion of Iraq, military occupation of the middle-east et cetera, both of these supposed extreme points of view, i.e. liberal tolerance and rightwing warmongering are, in fact, encouraging, rationalizing, and justifying Islamic extremism.
There is no simply answer here, but you're smarter than the "Coke or Pepsi" paradigm, so quit defending Israel, do your homework, and recognize that we're talking about two evils with a lot of innocent civilians in the mix, combating and being fostered by our own evil elitists. Think about it. Sans your constant justification of Israel, and (falsely as a research of Khazaria would show you)using the bible to do so... I agree with you 100% on the evils of Radical Islam, Sharia law (which most Muslims abhor, btw), and the entirety of that religious system whose basis is "submit"--something I'll never do.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
17 Nov 09
David...there is hatred on both sides of the camp in Israel. And I see it a little differently. Though Israel HAS taken the offensive recently....Palastinians have in the past done their share of hating and killing of Israelis and lying about it. I have friends who are Israeli...I hear their side often. You offered to send me info...I would like to see it. There IS often more than meets the eye. I will also research Khazaria...I have not had time yet.
I would add this...about Shariah law.
I cannot believe any American woman would support Islam when they fully understand and appreciate Islam's laws concerning women. Those of you who blindly say they are a peaceful religion...research shariah law. Take a close hard look at what it is like to live in a country that has shariah law. And don't just read one source. Go to the websites that are not biased towards Islam. Things like honor killing, female circumcison....beatings and what rights women have in divorce and child custody. Don't be fooled.
Our world is in a turmoil of hatred. It didn't get this way by accident. There are powerful insulated people who are doing all they can to cause we all cry out for a savior, a messiah to save us. A man who will make it all better. And then the real horror starts. Many will read that and laugh at me...I don't care. If it causes one person to wake up and do something to keep from being deceived...I have done what I set out to do.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
19 Nov 09
It is I who must ask fogiveness my friend. I typed 'you' in the most general of meaning. I should have typed...those people.
I know that the government of Israel is capable of evil, just as anyother secular government. I do not use the Bible to justify the plight of the Palestinians. I do, however, question what other governments say about Israel's motives and policies concerning the Palestinians.
Perhaps it is my keen awareness of possible anti semitism..(not in you btw) that makes me suspect of any bad press I hear or read about Israel. My mother's step father was Jewish. I lived around and in Jewish communities in Chicago as a young child. I read just about everything relating to the Jewish religion and WWII I could get my hands on as a young girl. Even thought of escape the Catholicism I grew up in at one time. I know something of the mind set of these regular people, their hopes, their dreams and their way of looking at the world.
I do use the Bible for one tells me in the last days there will be much persecution of Israel...for the world (governments) hates Israel and seeks to destroy her. This is part of the reason I suspect much of what I hear from the press. I have friends who are Israeli. NOt sometimes friends, but good friends I talk to daily. They are not evil. They do not want this crap going on. They too, want to live their lives in peace and are sick of the hatred of the Palestinians who constently attack them just for being there. I do abhor what is going on, and I realize that it goes very far back into history, the reasons for this conflict. And it is hard to sort out, who did what to who. Like I's the govenments that keep it going not the citizens of either group. I have also heard of great things happening between the individual peoples...Israeli's saving Palestinians. Palestinians working with Israeli's to keep more deaths from taking place. It is BOTH sides, David. Don't fall into the same trap you described me as being in...and make a villian out of all Israelis.
Love is a choice. I hope you choose to love me regardless of this misunderstanding. When I people....I should have said...those people. My fault. 

@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
13 Nov 09
Somehow, I missed where the POTUS said he would side with the Muslims if push comes to shove. I'm not being sarcastic! I try to keep up with things and I've heard and seen references to this but never heard the original source.
I'm very afraid for my country. We are destroying ourselves with PC, endangering our national security by bending over backward to warp and stretch our laws to accommodate cultures that want to take over neighborhoods, cities and even the whole country, we no longer embrace the melting-pot culture we've had for so long but gladly throw it under the bus for the decisiveness of "tolerance".
We need to stand up for our country and remove the doormat from our collective back.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
13 Nov 09
It is in one of his books...I'll look it up.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
13 Nov 09
It is in Audacity of Hope.
The actual quote from the book is from page 261 and is as follows: "Of course, not all my conversations in immigrant communities follow this easy pattern. In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific reassurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction." sounds good. I mean, we don't want to be discriminatory against those who come here for truly peaceable reasons. But should we then turn a blind eye to the obvious? When someone is most assuredly here to do violence against our way of life, our safety and our laws...what then?
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
13 Nov 09
From what we know of him now, that statement is ominous. But I, too, would stand up against people shipped off to interment camps as I think you and most people would.
I think that if we don't get our heads out of the sand soon, we won't have a country left. PC is the perfect way to subvert a country's loyalty, divide the citizens and conquer them bloodlessly.