Do Holy Books Really come from God????

@bird123 (10658)
United States
November 13, 2009 9:23pm CST
Every religion has their holy books. They will tell you that they have the only true religion from God. They will tell you that their holy book is the word of God. These books will tell you how to live life and all the rules God wants you to follow. Let's not forget the punishment they threaten if you don't follow the rules. Do holy books really come from God???? They can't! Let me tell you why. If God is to hold us accountable for what is in holy books, then He must guaranty everyone on Earth a copy. He must also guaranty that everyone born must get a copy as well. This wouldn't be that hard a task to do. If God were to tell me to get everyone a copy of a certain holy book then tell me how to fund the project, then everyone would get their copy. GOD DOES NOT DO THIS!!!! If holy books don't come from God, then just what is God doing??? Wisdom is acquired through the struggle to attain knowledge. This is in everything from science,math, argriculture, God, and even nature. All the secrets of the universe stare us in the face. Who can see?? Who can discover??? Every religion wants to tell you how to live. There is knowledge to gain from the actions of others. So what are the rules of God???? This is where God's genius comes into play. THERE ARE NO RULES!!!!! Be who you must! It's a part of the plan! God works around us all to teach each and every one of us. How can we ever learn if we aren't free to choose without the hate, threats, and control to determine our choices??? With this freedom comes some bad choices. Do you destroy children who make bad choices or do you teach them???? God will teach! Everything you do in life will come back to you in time. This is not to punish. This is to teach. It merely shows you what your choices mean. This will teach us what the right choices are. It will also do one more important thing. It teaches us all to love unconditionally. After all, that is what we all want back. We are all eternal so no child is left behind. Some might take more lessons but time is meaningless. The more I study this world, the people, the science, and nature; the more I see the genius of God. The adventure continues.
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21 responses
• United States
14 Nov 09
if you really like a book, you can think it is inspired by god. even a book simple as a literary classic can inspire you.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
14 Nov 09
Very good point. God is in all of us and in everything. I guess the real problem is filtering out man's additions. Some believe so hard in their holy books that they stop thinking and refuse to look anywhere for God except in that box. Interaction is key to learning. Maybe I can get everyone to do some thinking out of the box. God is so much more than you can find in all the books of the world combined. He is a good source for education. Thanks for your comments!!
• United States
16 Nov 09
We might know instinctively right from wrong, but there is another force that is working hard to convince us that what we know as truly can't possibly be the truth. Do you remember how the serpent deceived Eve? God inspired men to put His will in writing so we'd know the truth and so we could not claim ignorance of the law. So, how does one know which holy scripture is the inspired word of God? Which one can back up its claims with proven evidence?
• United States
19 Nov 09
Whether or not everyone in the world gets to read any or all of the holy writings, I think they're still important. Think of all the inspiration people have gotten from the Bible.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
20 Nov 09
There is a lot in the bible which simply isn't true. On the other hand, there is goodness there as well. Example: when it talks of Love of God and neighbor, who could argue with that. There is knowledge to be found in everything for those who search for it.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
17 Nov 09
What would we ever do without the devil?? People would have no one to blame but themselves for their bad choices. Regardless of which holy book you claim to be right, God doesn't value it enough to get everyone a copy. There are people on Earth who haven't read anyone's holy book. Really read your holy book. Ask yourself. IS THIS REALLY GOD??? I have found man has his hand deep into all religions. God is beyond the hate and intimidation in so many. God is not going to fry His kids for eternity. Don't let such things alter your view. Thanks for the comments!!
@Harley009 (1416)
• India
14 Nov 09
Hi, In the initial section your idea about what God should be done about Holy Book is great But it not the way of God. God created all the universes, water, air, plants, human beings, animals etc. God gave humans with an option to choose what they want or do what they want. Also God revealed what is the aim of mankind he created, what they are supposed to do, and what will happen to them after their life in earth. The inner lusts of humans and the Satan provoke humans to do things that goes against the advice of our creator, But God explain what is to be done, who ever follow it clearly won't go against the advices of God. God created humans and choose some people among the humans who are truthful and assigned as Prophets to receive the message from God and to guide the people by showing the practical way. God has assigned prophets in all nations, and God revealed some special messages to them the collection of their message is known as Holy Books. There was about 124000 prophets assigned by God. Quran mentions 4 holy books by name and 25 prophets by name. HOLY SCRIPTURE NAME(Biblical name) TO PROPHET(Biblical name) --------------------------------------------- Zabur (Psalms) - Dawud (David) Taurat (Torah) - Musa (Moses) Injeel (Gospel) - Iesa (Jesus) Quran - Mohammad. (Comforter/Spirit of truth) Each of those revelations were meant for the people of that time and it gave a news of a coming prophet next to them and to follow in that prophet when they come, each prophet had miracles to show that they are the prophet of God, Miracles are shown through the prophets but did by God. Prophet Mohammad was the last prophet through him revealed the Last edition of the revelations from God. Holy book was not a book dropped from the sky. The angel 'Gabriel'/Gibreel known as 'spirit' conveys the message from God to prophets as revelations in different times depending on their development and situation. Details of those revelations also will be conveyed, The prophet then will teach it to his people and will be practically implemented. Those exact words from God were conveyed as it is and Those messages together is Called Holy Scriptures. Peace.
@Harley009 (1416)
• India
15 Nov 09
All holy books are not equal and parallel as you said, I'm not just claiming it is the word of God just because I born in a Muslim family, But there are enough proofs, But all people are no seriously looking to it. Many people find happiness in bashing without actually knowing it. Quran is guiding man in such a way that he will not do the evil things, and develop them to such a level. There will not be a real justice in this world, for that there is an after life to evaluate and attain the results for what we made here. However the peace of mind up to a level can be acquired by the real belief even though there are violence. Quran is the ultimate proof, if you just want to evaluate Quran in the same way Christian think about their Bible will be wrong. I could give you the proofs, if you really want them. Quran always stand as a miracle for those who think and understand, there is no doubt, guidance for those who are truthful. Peace.
• Malaysia
15 Nov 09
All holy books are parallel and equal, in the sense that they may not meet but their followers give the strength. If you ask the Christian what is the holiest book, his reply will be the Bible nothing else. You see this is a case of egocentricity, where the mind is led by what it wants itself to be led. Those who worship Satan, will claim that theirs is the way of life. So let it be. As long as man is not led by evil to do the things he does we should rest in peace. No doubt there is no real peace or justice in this world with wars, crime, abuse, corruption, injustice etc... but with the little we have now, we should thank God and the holy books for the guidance.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
14 Nov 09
Aren't you depending on the words of man claiming that they are a prophet. I know the sound of miracles makes some want to believe but a miracle to one person might not be a miracle to another. Holy books have way too much of man in them to ever close your eyes to reality. thanks for your comments!!
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@murderistic (2278)
• United States
14 Nov 09
Actually, in Christianity, Jesus is the Word of God. The Bible is only inspired by God.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
14 Nov 09
I thought you said earlier that Jesus was God. Word or God??? Where do you get this information? From the bible???? You say it is inspired by God but doesn't that information come from those who write it??? Thanks for your commments!!
@asfiona (174)
• India
14 Nov 09
Want to add comment on this..... God created everything including you, me, everyone. Jesus is the Son of God. Bible is the word of God. Bible written thru' the help of prophets and diciples of Jesus through the inspiration of God.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
14 Nov 09
Welcome asfiona, Jesus is the son of God. I can agree with that. God has lots and lots of sons and daughters. We are all children of God and therefore very special. Children of God can do some really wonderful things. Some can make choices that will make the angels cry so to speak. In time we all learn and grow. You say your holy book was written by prophets and inspired by God. A few comments down, I was told the koran was done the same way. Writers of these holy books have to make these claims for if they did not, you couldn't value them so. You are still depending on man. Thanks for your comments!!
@cannibal (650)
• India
15 Nov 09
No, I think Gods come from holy books. Gods have no other significance.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
15 Nov 09
So you are saying that first there came holy books, then people manufactured God?????? Hmmm?? Don't ideas come first and then someone writes them down????? Of course, once the book got started, the story can grow and grow. Deep down, we all already know God. Holy books are man's attempt in understanding. It is man's controlling nature that shapes such books and demands they have the only true copy. Everybody does want to rule the world. In time, God's children will outgrow such petty things. We do have a long way to go. Thanks for all your comments!!!
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
16 Nov 09
God is not a belief. He can be found. If I were to say that God does not exist, then I would have to say cannibal does not exist either. If I start to ignore the real facts, how can I ever gain wisdom??? I know both you wonderful Beings exist. I know this because of all that wonderful interaction I am getting from both of You.
@cannibal (650)
• India
16 Nov 09
Deep down, it also seems that you yourself know what you're talking is balderdash, in my humble opinion. Yes, ideas do come first and then books are written. That's what I was saying; a personal god is merely an idea, no other significance. And if I recall well, we've discussed this before. And no prizes for guessing that you were as adamant as you are now. So I do not expect you to believe me.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
16 Nov 09
Why do you think he must guaranty everyone on Earth a copy? Second, what kind of God wouldn't tell us anything, yet expect us to figure it out on our own? Third, what does he do about people who figure things out like killing infidels is good? Fourth, if a God who doesn't care enough to tell us his plan, really a good God?
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
18 Nov 09
Lots of good comments. thanks. yes, the bible is getting around but it is not everywhere and there are those still who can not read. People do have knowledge other than the bible. In conclusion, the bible is not what a person is accountable for. Now for stalin, murders, and educated serial killers, I'm going to bunch them all in one for there isn't much difference. We all have free choices. People choose evil simply because they do not understand the consequences of their actions. Everything you do in life will come back to you in time. In stalin's case that doesn't mean this lifetime. There is so much to experience and learn that it will take eternity. Stalin and other murders will learn hard lessons in the future. They will understand what their choices meant. Example. could you ever murder anyone if the one you loved most was murdered???? No, because you would understand. There are great souls in this world who go through great adversity in order that others will see. These souls volunteer to help in ways no one voluteers for.Everyone will know God's unconditional love that heals all hurt but there is always more to learn. Eternal bliss though sounds nice is doing nothing. Try doing nothing. See how long you are able. The adventure continues.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
17 Nov 09
First, the Bible says that even those who have never received the Bible, have a knowledge of right and wrong. In other words, any man that does what they know is wrong, is still judged by it, even if they do not have the Bible to say it is wrong. Do you really need the Bible to tell you that murder is wrong, in order to know that God is against murder? That said, do you realize that nearly everyone in every country, has access to the Bible? Even the Bible says itself, that it will be translated into every language before the end times. We are well on our way there even now. Second, if wisdom is the end all be all, why are there so many highly educated killers, and serial murders? Third, if everything in life will come back to you in time, how did Joseph Stalin, who slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people, possibly many millions, able to live out his entire life in the lap of luxury? Finally if we are all eternal and God's children, are you suggesting that Fort Hood killer Hasan, was acting for God, by slaughtering his fellow unarmed soldiers, and will be in Heaven when we all get there? That sounds a bit like hell.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
18 Nov 09
But see, that's circular logic. You can't say that what so and so did was evil, unless they are accountable to such and such a book. Muslims for example believe that the killing of non-Muslims isn't murder. Under that system, Muslims have killed non-Muslims for more than 1400 years, and they could continue to kill non-Muslims for another 10,000 years without every learning anything except that killing non-Muslims is fine. And how would you convince them otherwise? You would have to peg it on some book somewhere. You can't just say "I think what you are doing is 'evil'" without having a reason, or they'd ignore you. In short, if what you say is right, and there is no holy book of what God says is right and wrong, who are you to tell anyone anywhere what is right and wrong? You say Stalin and murders will learn in the after life? How do you know? What is they are having a party? What if what they did was really good, and we're the ones that are wrong about murder being evil? What is your basis for good and evil, and how do you know your specific view is the correct one? You don't even have a book to claim backs you up!
• India
14 Nov 09
All religions are man made…they have laws and dictums and guidelines to make the world a better place and God is just a concept to keep us on the straight path and benefit society. And just because all religion and religious books are written by man, you will invariably find all of them referring to women as subservient to men LOL…even God, who is formless and omnipresent, is referred in all religions as HE. Many religions have female Gods too, but the male God is always dominant.
• Malaysia
14 Nov 09
I too completely agree with you. Women have had to fight social injustice the world over just because certain religions classify them lesser to men as human beings. This fact is now bringing me to think that other forms of life too have to be respected. No living thing should be unfairly or unjustly condemned. Some religious denominations consider certain animals as untouchables yet use them if they benefit mankind. This is a case of religious belief conflicting with what is in practice
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
14 Nov 09
You are right that most all religions have women subservient to men. Very very good point. This is very wrong. It is just man's way of trying to control women. They have been trying to do this since the beginning of time. As far as God goes, God does exist. He can be found. God is neither He nor She. I use He only because it is the accepted way. It, just doesn't sound right. Gender is a parameter of a physical body. If we weren't in our physical bodies, it would mean nothing. God is a Spiritual being as well. Gender means nothing. Thanks for the great comments!!
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
14 Nov 09
Animals indeed have a spirit. Respect is due as well.
• Quezon, Philippines
14 Nov 09
I know the Bible is the only holy book in the world. Many believes in it. I am for one believes in it.
• Malaysia
14 Nov 09
Do not be narrowed in your outlook. Please broaden your outlook and read about other religions as well. It is people like you who make the world what it is today.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
14 Nov 09
I'm afraid we all have a much more narrow view than God.Holy books and religions do try to place God in a box. You notice I did say try. Reading every holy book from every religion will give you a much wider view. Since God is in all of them some, it might help you see. There is so much of religion that simply isn't true. Holy books should only make one want to discover what is the truth and to search for God. Thanks everyone for all the comments!!
@Harley009 (1416)
• India
16 Nov 09
ethanonthemoon, There are many Holy Books in the world, Not just Bible. If you read Bible, you can see there were holy scriptures revealed to previous prophets. Quran mentions four Holy Books by name. There are other holy texts in other different religions, they consider it to be sacred and containing words of God. eg. The Vedas (Rig Veda, Sama veda, Adharva Veda, Yajur Veda) We have to understand different beliefs and other people in the world, which will increase peace and tolerance among us. Peace.
• India
13 Dec 09
Books are not all necessary to find God. If at all some of them can be very great impediments in the path to God.God is equally accessible to All. He is One. He is indescribable in any language. The idea of saying that some Book is from God is to instill a sense of awe in the followers,so as to enable (or condition) them to make a beginning to move closer to God, instead of following the Natural tendency of moving away from Him. Holy Books are all an excellent Strategy to put people on the Path to God.Nothing More. Nothing Less.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
13 Dec 09
Holy books do have goodness in them. All speak of love in some form. Deep down, we all know God. In time without any help, we would be drawn to discover. Speaking of God or reading words about God will draw people toward God. I just worry of the innocent or very young being brainwashed into thinking the words of man are God's words. They teach not to question thereby keeping people from discovering what God is really all about. Somehow the truth always gets out. Sometimes not before people are brainwashed into not thinking on their own.Learning and growing as people becomes really hard when you take the thinking and questioning out of the equation. Thank goodness for infinite diversity. There will always be those who can never be blinded from the truth. Thanks for all your comments!!
• India
5 Dec 09
Bhagavad Geeta are words of Lord Krishna. Arjuna asks questions and the Lord provides answers. You would find it simple, interesting and different from other books. Bhagavad Geeta[/i] can be read by people of any religion. Once you understand you won't have any doubts.
• India
6 Dec 09
Perhaps yes, perhaps No. Perhaps reading will confirm your beliefs or add more information. Either way there is no harm in knowing more.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
6 Dec 09
Information from all sources is always welcome, thanks.God is actually Someone. I search for knowledge and understanding. Wisdom is gained through the struggle to attain knowledge. God does not just give it to me. It must be earned. God has confirmed alot of what I say. I challenge you to search for God without all the books.That will take man out of the search,well except for you. God can be found!
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
5 Dec 09
Thanks for the information. Hmmm??? Do you think I have doubts now???
@olepmis (840)
• Philippines
26 Nov 09
The Holy Bible is the anointed book given to men by God Himself. It is written by anointed/inspired people of God in the old and new testaments times. It has been proven many, many times that every words in the Holy Bible are correct and trustworthy. It does not even became obsolete, all are up-to-date in worldly events. God commanded the disciples to go into world and baptize them in the Name of the Holy Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach them the things I taught you in Mathew 28. We should obey what the Words of God tell us to do and not what we want to do.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
27 Nov 09
I am always open to what God says. I want the words to come from God, Himself rather than books written by man. Religion works on making you feel. People can move some emotionally and they will follow to the ends of the Earth. However, I lead with reason and thinking above feeling. God can supply an almost endless supply of thinking for all of us. Your terms born again or saved mean nothing to me. I have no need of either, however discover of knowledge changes everyone.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
26 Nov 09
Welcome, thanks for stopping by. Everyone claims their holy book comes from God. You say that the bible has been proven correct many times. I know of no proof. There are things in the bible that simply can not be right. Any Being with God capabilities could never create things to work like that. Also everyone who believes in holy books will claim theirs was inspired by God. It is the word of men that you have on this. How could you value it so unless they made this claim?? Why doesn't God get everyone a copy. Better yet scribe it in stone Himself with lightning. No,holy books are from man. THere might be some goodness in all of them but man has his hand in them as well.
@olepmis (840)
• Philippines
26 Nov 09
If anyone has not had a born again experience, you will not understand what the Holy Bible says because your spirit is not open in God's words.
@syaryel (155)
• Malaysia
14 Nov 09
hai bird, throughout the centuries the holy book or should I say the word of God had never been without the earthly intervention. personally, Holy books should never bound by time and will never be obsolete. I'm not a religious person nor a non believer, still if IT what it takes to keep the moral value in check, guess it shouldn't be any issue in the first place.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
14 Nov 09
Is it really the holy books keeping things in check????? There are lots of atheists who are good moral people. What really keeps people in check are the consequences. They have seen what their choices mean in the past and UNDERSTAND! Thanks for your comments!!
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
15 Nov 09
Actions have always spoke louder than words. Let people question for that is always better than blindly accepting. We all are touching and changing every life we contact. I never need the glory of knowing I changed someone. Move the grains of sand. Give truth. Everyone will end up in truth in time. We all might decide that God does not exist but that will not stop children from learning. God never lets go of His children. As far as the pope or prophets, they are people like everyone else. They should be questioned as well.
@syaryel (155)
• Malaysia
15 Nov 09
hai again, good point you have there, personally, I too believe that without the holy book people still can practice good moral value..but reality is MOST people just wouldn't LISTEN unless GOD is included in the equation..(funny how some may use the name of GOD to eradicate others) what I'm saying is that, unless you are a prophet or the pope, people will be questioning your matter how virtues or good your moral values are (without the GOD--thing) :)
• Pakistan
15 Nov 09
the holy book is real bible, Quran
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
15 Nov 09
Are we talking to ourselves??????? Everyone thinks their holy book is the true holy book but has anyone asked God??????? Now, you must be OPEN!!!! If God tells you they are all written by man, will you listen??????? Real truth doesn't always agree with you now does it???
• Pakistan
15 Nov 09
you are right the holy book quran is real
• Pakistan
15 Nov 09
100% correct
• Malaysia
2 Dec 09
Nature is God's Holy Book; no man needs write it for Him.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
4 Dec 09
Yes, there is wisdom out there!!!!Thanks!!!Actions always speak louder than words. All one has to do is look around and it's all there. It's so simple and yet it's so complex that there is so much that we can not see. All the secrets of the universe are all around us. People like having God in a box. Memorize the words of some holy books and that's God, but is it? How can anyone really understand or see with their head in a box???? Everyday I try to discover more. The more I understand the complexity of it all; the more genius I see behind things. If man could learn from nature, I know we would all at least breathe easier. Thanks for your great comment!!
• United States
14 Nov 09
I understand the point that you make about experiencing life and that it in itself is the teacher, through the choices we make and their repercussions. That being said.. I disagree with your stance on holy books. This isn't because I believe they were directly created by any deity. The only thing I know a deity actually created were the runes and the ten commandments. as for holy books.. those are written by the hand of man as a way to understand our universe. Most are allegorical stories handed down to teach, to inspire, and to help make those tough life decisions. Those books are divinely inspired by divinity, and as such pass the test of time. As to whether god, any deity really, would have to give every single person a copy.. I also disagree with that. Books can be shared. It's not the books themselves or even the words in them that matter, though. It is the lessons they impart and the wisdom therein that is divine. All religions are connected in some capacity, and so too are their holy books and workings.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
14 Nov 09
Yes, holy books do have alot in common. Also, everything in holy books isn't bad or evil. There are people in the world today that have never read one. God will teach all His children. Life is the school not the books. Perhaps, my biggest problem is seeing those who blindly follow holy books, never to think or question on their own. Such people will favor beliefs over facts. God does want His children to stand on their own to feet, to be able to think, discover and grow in all the knowledge possible. Thanks for the comments.
• India
14 Nov 09
I think I can write better stuff than these holy books. I dont understand why god has to threaten human beings. he seems to act like a goon in a redlight area. also it looks very stupid all his creations question his wisdom and he acts like a stupid when gets down to destroy those who question him. is that the way the wisest of all behave. i can say with certainty that these books were written by evil minded people over a period of time.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
14 Nov 09
The more a person hears something the more real it becomes whether it is true or not. People have heard their holy books since childhood. This is a powerful influence. It's plainly clear with objectivity to see holy books are not from God. God loves questions. The only ones who do not want questions are those who want to shield you from the truth.I like truth and that is why I place it out there for all to see. It might upset some but shouldn't the truth be out there somewhere?? Hey, thanks for all your great comments!!
• United States
23 Nov 09
we should get rid of the concept of god and love instead. but this won't happen. god is what we are. what we do. we can't get it out of us. it is also what makes us crazy. i don't believe in god. i also don't see the relevance in giving your life to him. oh i think that karma or whatever you talk of is dumb it's not real. and i only said it because i was pressured to say it. pressured by institution of religion, and just concepts of humanity. i am here, being a human. god is in the sky, in stories, he's a man that will blow your head off and then make you paranoid of the devil. i dont' understand. if i think about it i think that i will see god in my room reprimanding me. it requires you to be honest huh? well that's not right. that's wrong. a blind requirment of immoral fascination stagnates and pierces. i thought we were love things. a loose term. but obviously there's hatred. and i wonder why? oh keep your eye on god. but i don't believe this. it is brain washing. supposedly you won't find peace unless you conform and become this weird teller of all that sees an eye and big brother. but this is a paranoids stand point.! your supposed to say big brother because you'll get used to the term and therefor not be a part from it! because pain is the absence of the whole, i guess. and names are names. stupid.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
23 Nov 09
It doesn't matter what everyone else says or does. It's what you do that counts!!!! Forget all that you know or have been taught about God. There is too much of man in the stories. Realize that you are a wonderful work of art! There is no one in the universe exactly like you! You are special! You say that you would like to get rid of the concept of God and replace it with love instead. Very few really understand that God is Unconditional Love. How many really understand how to love unconditionally???? You really have no worries concerning God. He could never do without you. That is why He has made you eternal. Be who you must!!! It's a part of the plan!!! Share that which is special about you with others. You have more to offer than you realize. Teach those around you how to love unconditionally. You are closer to understanding God than most!!!
• Philippines
14 Nov 09
As a practicing Catholic, I must say that it really came from God. God may not be the one who wrote it but he assigned certain people to spread the word and that is through the bible
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
14 Nov 09
If the bible is so important to God, why doesn't He get everyone a copy??? Man is telling you it was inspired by God. God is in everything. Parts about love are pretty good but there is far too much of man's ideas in the bible. Thanks for your comments
• United States
14 Nov 09
God only holds us accountable for that which we know and do. If we know there is a "holy book" available to us then acquiring that knowledge is what we are accountable to do. Writing is one of the greatest gifts we have. Think where we would be without the collected wisdom of the great minds throughout the ages. Life would be like a giant game of "telephone" where everything gets confused. Books are invaluable to us as a society - especially holy books. My own journal is some what of a "holy book" to me. I record all of my experiences - spiritual and otherwise. I have been surprised how quickly I forget or how I often I repeat the same mistakes only to find that they were documented for me to learn from already. The "holy books" you speak of are kind of like the journals of the prophets. God spoke to them and they wrote it down - thus showing God that they valued the informaton - and allowing all of us to learn from His words and avoid learning everything from the school of hard knocks. It is amazing to me how similar many of the "holy books" are in their teachings. I am thinking specifically of the Old Testament, New Testament, Zohar, Book of Mormon, and Koran. Though used by various religions, they do not contradict as much as one might expect. In fact, I've found they build upon and strengthen each other. It is easy to say there are no rules. Yet, there they are in black & white. A loving parent gives his children boundaries because He loves us.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
14 Nov 09
I can not argue that writing and paper advanced knowledge greatly. The computer age will advance man even faster. Yes, holy books do have lots of things in common. They are not total evil but man does have his hand deep into them. Many give up reason for beliefs even to the point where people are hurt. As far as no rules, God does have a few boundaries for our own protection. This is clear with just the parameters each life carries. Another example is the distances between planets. We will have wisdom before man will be able to corrupt another world. By the time we are able, we will choose not to do it. Thanks for all your comments!!
• India
14 Nov 09
As per view, till date, such forum will always end with "IT IS NOT DEBATABLE". Whatever is the holy book it is written on events & happenings at the time and it is formulated according to the time & needs and passed on among the public in a cooked manner. Every one should accept without ignoring, there is some power which operates the entire world.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
14 Nov 09
Ah but discussions like this are good. They make people think. Thinking people may not see it all and agree but they will have better results. So you say holy books are in a cooked manner. Hmmm?? Cooked books. I like that. Everyone should realize God but believing isn't important to God because He knows when one gains enough knowledge and wisdom it will lead to God. Thanks for all your comments!!