Upbux down!!

@hatimyal (1516)
November 14, 2009 6:29am CST
Upbux is down due to what reason i dont knw. But i want to know is it just me or every1 facing the same problem. I really liked this site it was just as good as neobux. but i think not good enuf. anyways is it down for me only or every1 facing the same problem please reply.
5 responses
• United States
14 Nov 09
I am not et a member of this site and would love to join under you once it comes back up. Hopefully that will be soon.
@hatimyal (1516)
• India
14 Nov 09
Yaa its a good site just like neobux. i would really appreciate if u join under me. or if u want we can do referral exchange. i will pm you with the link thanks
• Canada
18 Feb 10
Yes, I'm so sad. I just transferred $5 from my paypal to my Upbux account. Now the only sites I'm doing are Neobux and Dailygpt.com. I've been doing upbux for a long time and in fact this is my first one to do online.
@shadow41 (2351)
• Philippines
14 Nov 09
It's down on my end too. Maybe they're performing maintenance. By the way have you been paid by them? I'm really intrigued with this site. I admit I love it because there's some games to play. But I always lose. Haha. shadow41
@hatimyal (1516)
• India
14 Nov 09
1 Good piece of Advice .. "PLEASE DONT PLAY THOSE GAMES".. the games are quite addicted. once you win you would think that you could win quite much in those games.. but thats not true. first i started with winning there and then i kept on lossin and lost my $1.5 there. errrrr i was so close to my first payout. now m starting all over again. njoy happy earning
@shadow41 (2351)
• Philippines
14 Nov 09
Ahaha. I already lose 50 cents too. I won 1 dollar and 20 cents but they took it back. I know it's never been good to play their games because they'll just take back your winning and more. But you're right. It's addicting. shadow41
@kittenclaus (1393)
• United States
14 Nov 09
I was able to get in yesterday morning but it's down for me as well today. I just hope it's something simple but it seems I read a discussion here the other day about some sites having problems with their scripts. Something about they didn't pay for them? I wish I could remember! For some reason I keep thinking I saw that upbux was on the list. I certainly hope not because I really like the site. Let's keep our fingers crossed that I'm wrong and it will be back up soon.
@vlws123 (65)
• Malaysia
25 Feb 10
I am also a member of Upbux.com, i just reached my cashout and they are down. Kinda disappointed though. It's due to 85% of their money is under Paypal and for some reasons, Paypal is limiting their account. I think they'd be back soon. They have been paying their members so I don't think they'd be down for long. Let's just hope they come back soon. :)
@tonysati (49)
• India
19 Feb 10
I hope it is down only for few days... I had high expectations from UPBUX... I am still positive, and I am sure if not paypal than some other pal... lol they will get the solution and they also don't want to loose so many members which they have made by their hard work in last 6 months. Cheers