do you believe that everything in earth will come to an end in december 2012?

November 14, 2009 7:36am CST
Only God knows when it will happen...We must pray.. Different calamities are coming to earth, there is storm, earthquake,flood etc. But do we ask ourselves why this things happened or why it will happen? People abuse the earth and most of us had made a mistakes .Even throwing candies wrapper in the streets contribute to the destruction of our home, how far throwing bulk of garbage anywhere? Illegal logging, dynamite fishing and a lot more. Who we must blame when that times come that the earth will end? It's no other than us, we people who live in earth. But we can still save the earth right?
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31 responses
• United States
15 Nov 09
No I do not believe that the world will come to some disasterous or apocalyptic end on December 21, 2012. If anything is known for certain about why the Maya Calendar seems to end abruptly on that date, it is that the Maya themselves had unresolved speculations as to if their system of tracking time was in error somewhat. (Although not as drastically as the Roman Calendar with Leap Years, but off by a few seconds every 365 years) The Maya were generally very precise about their methods and leaving detailed information about their Calendar up to the complete abandonment of the project that had taken a millenia to conduct, and despite doomsday prophetic interpretations by modern mankind - the fact is that the Maya did not know how they should interpret this data themselves. They only suggested (and I use the term loosely) that perhaps the Earth would be changed in such a way by that point in history, so as to make the old Calendar obsolete. The Maya equivalent to Y2K? Besides, their own prophecies predicted the fall of their own civilization a thousand or more years before 2012 even occurred. End of the world, I think not...end of the stoneage man and the old way of looking at the world, perhaps. Let us not make self fullfilling propecies out of our need to be led to enlightenment. Life goes on if we choose to live another day.
• Pamplona, Spain
15 Nov 09
Hi shutupandbuyit, It seems that not only the Mayans knew something about the end of the world thing. I don´t think there is an end of the world as such maybe and hopefully a new way of seeing and doing things is just around the corner or maybe it´s a chance we are all being given to live on a better level. In spite of all what is going on around us. Heres to a better year for everyone take care all. Sue.
• United States
21 Nov 09
I couldn't agree more...thanks for the response.
• Philippines
15 Nov 09
I don't believe in 2012 issues because only human stated that. God is the only one who knows when to end everything in this earth. Calamities were happened because that was destined.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
15 Nov 09
Hi there rahshel, I don't buy into that 2012 theory although it could happen. I am not going to worry about it. So many times it has been predicted the world will come to an end and we are. Can we save the earth? I don't know. We can become and I think we have become more aware of how we pollute the earth and the harm it causes. I do believe that when and if we come to an end, it will be entirely our own fault.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
15 Nov 09
OOPS! I wanted to add.....Welcome to mylot! It's a pretty cool place and a lot of really great people. Looking forward to seeing you in other discussions.
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
15 Nov 09
No i do not believe that. I believe what the Holy Bible says concerning that: God's purpsoe for the earth is to be a paradise for perfect humans. Ge.1:28; 2:8-15. God's purpose is certain. Isa.55:11; 46:10,11. The earth is to be filled with peacful perfect men. Ps.72:7; Isa.9:6-7. Paradise to be restored by the Kingdom. Mt.6:9,10; Re.21:3-5. Earth will never be destroyed or depopulated. Literal earth to be permanent. Ec.1:4; Ps.104:5. Mankind in Noah's time was destroyed, not the earth. 2Pe.3:5-7; Ge.7:23. Example gives hope of surviving in our time. Mt.24:34, 37-39. Wicked destroyed: "great crowd" survive. 2Th.1:6-9; Re.7:9,14. Know the truth and the truth will set you free. John.8:32
@K46620 (1986)
• United States
18 Nov 09
No it is a myth.
• United States
15 Nov 09
NOPE its a crock- just another excuse for a blow everything up movie - shades of the 2000 what nonsense
@liquorice (3887)
15 Nov 09
No, I don't think that will happen. I haven't seen the film that some people are refering to, but when the world ends will probably depend on how much damage we do to it, and that's not an easy thing to predict to the nearest year - at least I wouldn't have thought. And if it's a religious prediction, then I would tend to believe it even less. I do hope that we can save the earth. People are doing more and more to live greener lives, and we have to carry on doing all we can to save resources, but we're talking about a whole planet here - how do we know if it's enough?
• China
15 Nov 09
wishes in the world is always peaceful
@codris (781)
• Italy
15 Nov 09
no i don't believe in this thing, i'm sure that earth will not be destroyed by strange things, i think is only a idea beacause scientist have predicted that will be a big sun storm, the only thing can do is to disturbe our comunications and maybe destroy some electronic items like mobile phones or computers, so menkind will be there in the 2013 too.
• India
15 Nov 09
The whole thing is based on the fact that the Mayan calendar appears to abruptly end on that date. However the calendar was based entirely on movement of the stars and has virtually nothing predicted for the last thousand years or so. Also, the calendar ends on the Mayan date 13.0.0 which is similar to the 31st December in the Mayan date system and so it is simply the logical point to stop writing. every begining has ending!! end of earth is confirm but not in 2012
• Pakistan
15 Nov 09
i dont belive bcoz god know better
@Natrina (37)
• Portugal
15 Nov 09
Nop, not really. The Mayan surely did know much about astronomic events and something interesting for astronomers is bound to happen, but The End? That's unlikely. Specially for Christians, the date should mean nothing to you, it's a Mayan concept (the end of their caleendar).
@raja1980 (12)
15 Nov 09
certainly not. if talking about the particular calabder likee greek or romans they might have taken so many considerations when designing thei calender. for instance the caladers in india are different to each and every state. according their belief they design the calender example Chennai has different calender when compared with Andhra Pradesh. and not many festival fall on the same day of a year except christmas and soo. so this misconceptions are raised by selfish numerologists to get famous overnight. and recently i habve seen the movie 2012.this is nice. we have to look at it in cinema point of view. and should not consider that there is an end to earth in 2012.
@yourpal (10)
• Sri Lanka
15 Nov 09
no i do not believe on that statement. I believe that God Created this world and only he can bring it to an end (which will take place on His second coming) 2012 is something that humans brought up, there are evidence that it will happen so. anyway if there is someone with a clear evidence pls reply to this post. God Bless
@flagella08 (5065)
• Philippines
15 Nov 09
i like the movie but i don't believe that the world will end that soon.Jesus is the beginning and end, not 2012. i dont care if its true or not,really i was scared but im not if it happens it happens i dont think everyone should be scared.
@elokps (138)
• Indonesia
15 Nov 09
Only God knows when the earth will be end , even Jesus Christ His son doesn't know when the earth will be end. Only Father knows. So we must continue our lives now and keep on praying and also to make us realize how is our relationship with God now. are we close with God or even far away with God now. Take care of our earth, stop abuse our earth and remember about how our generation will live if we abuse and destruct our own living land,earth.
• Boston, Massachusetts
15 Nov 09
Hi Rahshel, ... No way. this will not happen. it's only God who can say this and make this happen. He is an awesome and loving God and if this will happen, God will be with us. I trust in Him, in His promise that he will always be there for us!
• Australia
15 Nov 09
Hi rahshel,NASA has said that December 2012 will not be the end for dont worry.all are responsible for this.but no need to blame any one.we can enjoy our present moments :-)
@gayu27 (28)
• India
15 Nov 09
you are saying about 2012 movie it is in imagination but across the knowledge of human.suddenly the earth not come to an end ,slowly it goes to an end position.
• India
15 Nov 09
I personlly feel its not going to happen.but iam not sure,one day it may haappen.which for sure only god can tell.Yes for sure our world is under serious threat.all laughed as algore said about global warming.the effects of which are clearly seen on uor planet.if it goes that way and we do not stop globalwarming...the end is not so far...let wait till 2012.I saw the trailer of the movie .it for sure is a high fi movie but can it say the truth is it a prediction