And Im the evil one...
@chantalgiardina (2523)
United States
November 14, 2009 5:43pm CST
Well to start off let me give a little history. My step-sons have never really had a mother figure in their lives, They dont have much contact with their bio mom at all, (her choice). It is a lot for them to deal with and I realize that because I was in a similar situation when i was their age, but at the same time I dont feel it is a valid reason for them acting out.
My step sons are 8 and 9 and Lord do they give me a run for my money! I cant go a single day without the school calling me or them acting out here. Yes kids will be kids and they will show that at times, But everyday of them being in trouble.. IM TIRED OF IT. My husband doesnt really understand as he works alot so that normally leaves me here with all 3 kids.( we have a one year old daughter together) It drives me crazy sometimes. It is a fight every day to get them to clean their room. It literally takes 5 or 6 days for them to clean their room because they get back in their room and play instead of cleaning, but then Im the bad person because i set rules in their lives.
They have to clean their room and bathroom before they can go outside and play. Its simple as that. I dont really ask much from them expect to do that.. I cant give them chores because i cant even get them to do their room. When i was their age, i had chores. I knew to follow the rules, but gosh kids these days... its like they arent scared to be in trouble but yet they cry and throw a fit when they cant do what they want to do.
Why do i have to be the bad guy?
Are you in a similar situation?
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7 responses
@rg0205 (2636)
• Hong Kong
15 Nov 09
I am sorry to hear about what you're going through.
I think your husband has to put his foot down because those are HIS kids to begin with. Even if he's out working, that doesn't mean that she cannot and should not take an active role as a parent. Here, in this case, since you're the step mom, sometimes kids will not give you as much credit, unfortunately, because they're young and they think "you're not my real mom anyway". In this case, your husband has to be the one to make them understand that you ARE the parent and they should listen to you. It should start with your husband putting that in their thick heads so they'll look at YOU as a parent instead of someone that just does the cooking and cleaning for them.
I think you are doing what you can with what you have but again, your husband needs to be the one to lay down the law. The reason why it starts with him is because he is the biological father.
I am speaking from a child's point of view but I have seen similar situations with people close to me so I am just giving my two cents.
I hope things get better for you.
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@mommaj (23112)
• United States
15 Nov 09
I agree. The parenting has to start with the father. You need to have his support and he needs to be the one to lay down the law. Change things. It will be so hard because I am sure you are very loving and take care of them. If the husband doesn't have time to set with the kids and give them a list of rules and consequences, act like a babysitter. Don't do anything for the kids. Don't fix their food or pack their lunches. Be sure there is stuff they can warm up in the microwave or make sandwiches with. Don't specifically make food for them. Let them know if they aren't going to help you, you aren't going to help them. Keep febreeze on hand and just let them make their mess. These children are hurt because they see you giving so much time to a new baby and they don't have anyone to give them attention. Let them know you will start "taking care of them again" when they learn how to help out. Do fun things with them. We have movie night every Monday with our daughter after our son goes to bed. Maybe you can try something like that. Good luck. Step parents are always put in a bad situation and having a baby usually only makes matters worse.
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@allknowing (141894)
• India
15 Nov 09
Every step mother gets into these situations with their eyes wide open. I am sure you too must have done the same and so mentally prepared for this kind of situation. Dont worry about their rooms unless they are nurturing objects that are bad for health. If they can live in their messy rooms, why should you bother? I can visualise a scene where you would be ordering them about 'do this' 'dont do that' and may be with your voice slightly raised! (lol) No child will like it. Change your tactics. My mother had incentives for the best room. Try that and see if it works. And finally leave alone step childed even normal children of today are pain in the neck!!
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@chantalgiardina (2523)
• United States
15 Nov 09
well see if their room didnt smell so bad i would just leave it be.. hey thats on them, But they still urinate on them selves and they still poop on themselves. We have taken them to the Dr and the Dr says nothing is medically wrong with them,we even got a 2nd opinion,.. again nothing is wrong medically so it is a choice they choose to make. So i ahev to make them clean their room or else my whole house will smell.
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@allknowing (141894)
• India
15 Nov 09
Which quack has told you that there is nothing wrong with them. After reading your comments even a lay person, leave alone a doctor, will surely know something is seriously wrong with these kids. They sure need treatment. Let the authorities take care of them and forget about what the world thinks about you. They will always point a finger. You have a life to live and if it is in their destiny to be guided by the authorities so let it be.
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
15 Nov 09
You need to sit down with your husband and talk with him. Explain to him what is going on, and ask him how to handle the situation. You should not be dealing with this alone, but if they keep running over you now, they will really be a handful later. Make a plan together and together, sit the kids down and tell them how it is. We made a plan that we both stuck to and even though my husband was not home, if the kids complained to him, he asked them why it happened. He never put me down and stood behind the punishment. It took a couple of weeks of pure hatefullness, but after they figured out it would not change, and their things kept disappearing from them, including phone and tv privileges, they started coming around.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
15 Nov 09
Nope I am not in that situation but I was in one very similar with my ex quite a while back. He had two sons that came to live with us as soon as we moved in together. Our daughter was about 2 at the time and I had 3 girls from a previous marriage. his sons were early teens. They were respectful enough but they did things that were just inconsiderate and they just did not realize. There was no help at all from them and their rooms were sties. Their dad worked 3rd shift and slept all day so i was the one to deal with the school and rides etc. Heavy load. I found my problem really did not lie with them but with their dad. He did not help me to enforce any sort of rules. When He was up and actually got involved...he focused on my girls and their messy rooms while his kids rooms were overlooked.d This of course created a battle with the kids. Actually with 6 of them, I really didn't care about the messy rooms. I did care about them all picking up after themselves in the main parts of the house. I was very laid back...just a little consideration would have been nice. His oldest son who was a top athelete used to let dishes pile up in his room. Then when I would least expect it, he'd bring down a ton of gross dirty dishes and pile them on the counter for me or my girls to do. I would not let my girls do them...I would and the dad would complain that I'm not disciplining my girls enough. When I threw at him that they were his sons dishes , he said that he does not expect his son to do dishes. Hw was too tall and it gave him a backache. crazy..huh?

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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
15 Nov 09
Everybody wants to rule the world. Kids are smart. They do too. Aren't you the one who is letting them??? Choices and consequences. Let them make the choices but never forget the consequences. There is nothing worse than being wishy washy. They have learned there are no consequences. I'm sure you can find lots of tv, computer games or such to be the consequences. Everyone hates giving that stuff up. Even go to bed early is a killer for kids.
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
15 Nov 09
Hello Chantalgiardina. I wouldn't take it you by all means are their mother no matter if you didn't give birth to them you are the one that does all the mothering that a mother does. Stand up for your rights and they will learn to respect you in the long run. Your not the bad guy your the responsible one. You make them do what you think is right. When I was their age we had chores and it wasn't just cleaning our rooms we had to do a lot more then that. And since the dad is gone a lot you have to take control and make them understand that it is your home too and they will follow the rules. Somewhere in the bible it says to spare the rod and spoil the child, to me that means you have to be the one that makes them mind your rules. Your rules your home too! Don't back down on what you believe. Hope you have a great day!

@chantalgiardina (2523)
• United States
15 Nov 09
See when i was that age, I had a lot more chores as well.. my room was just something i knew to do, but i had to help around the house as well.
I have tried to give them chores but they never get done because i cant get them to even clean their room. I have really thought about sending them to a boot camp for children for a while. These kids are just way out of control and I really dont know what else to do with them.
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
15 Nov 09
Hello Chant. Well before you send them off to boot camp for kids where they might learn worse habits to bring home and use on you. I would separate them I would put one in the room to clean it then I would put the other one in the bathroom to clean it. You might want to keep them separated for a bit of time that way one can't enforce the bad side of these boys. When my mother would put us to chores she would separate us and give us each a place to clean we got it cleaned cause there was no one to play with. That might help with your problem. I hope you have a better day today!

@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
15 Nov 09
yeah being a step mom is hard. but i dont know about having step kids, but when my kids were growing up i was the bad parents for being the one who handed put puinshment to the kids.
yeah the should have chores to do, and if they dont i start taking things away from them. and if they want to threw fits then they can go in thier own room and threw a fit.
but the problme is you are the step mom, dad need to start stepping and hand out punishments for the kids.