Are you vegetarian?`

@carmelbg (519)
November 15, 2009 2:19am CST
I am a meat eater and really enjoy all the different meals I can make with various meats. I often think of vegetarian food as bland and not may varieties. Are you vegetarian? What sorts of meals can you make for yourself? What made you make the choice to be vegetarian? Do you take any supplements to compensate for the lack of meat in your diet?
6 responses
@zkapfo123 (319)
• India
15 Nov 09
Hi carmelbg, i'm not a vegetarian, but a meat lover. I also think that a vegetarian diet lacks variety or enough nutrients and proteins, but i make it a habit to have a vegetable dish along with the main dish. The benefits of vegetable are enormous, so non-vegetarians should try to include some sort of vegetables in their everyday diet. Thank you.
@carmelbg (519)
15 Nov 09
I do enjoy eating vegetables and have them with most meals. I just ca't imagine not eating meat.
@spinna54 (79)
• United States
15 Nov 09
I'm a meat eater as well,I love all kinds of meat,I can't live without a carne adovada burrito,beef jerkey,hamburger,and church's chicket,I swear me and my family eat church's at least twice or once a week on Monday and/or Wednesday,that's when they have the deal 8 pieces for 5 dollars. Also love pork chops anything pork really,I prefer pork then beef,if I had to pick. And bacon. Man I'm starting to get hungry,oh and I make a real good "hill billie stew". That's what my dad calls it,it's a stew with potatos,hamburger mean or stew meat,with corn,green beans,and peas and of course red chili powder,I might make that tomorrow actually,haven't had that in a while.
@carmelbg (519)
15 Nov 09
Wow the stew sounds good I will have to try that. I love spicy food I make a really good chicken tikka and Madras. Mmmmm Bacon I know what I am having for lunch.
@kunizzul (1066)
• Malaysia
15 Nov 09
i'm not a vegeterian too. i just don't like to eat vegetables.
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@carmelbg (519)
15 Nov 09
I love vegetables too but I like to have meat with them.
• Indonesia
15 Nov 09
hi carmelbg, I am not vegetarian. i eat meat, chicken, egg and i drink milk. But sometimes i became a vegetarian when i am on diet alone. i became a vegetarian for 3 months. hen i returned to my normal life. Happy mylotting
15 Nov 09
Im not vegetarian, i eat any kinds of meals which can not be poison.. :) and i dont take any health supplements too.. Im lucky to be healthy at the moment.. ;)
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• China
15 Nov 09
I'm a crazy meat eater actually,aha! My grandpa is a vegetarian for more than 30 years. It's amazing that he can have meals without any meat.I can make different kinds of meals for myself and I feel cooking is a pretty cool stuff for human beings. What do you think of it?
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@carmelbg (519)
15 Nov 09
I love cooking, the smells of the food cooking really get me in the mood for a good meal!