Religion and Murder...And you want me to believe?

United States
November 15, 2009 5:01am CST
There is no question that over the centuries, people have been killing each other all in the name of god. The crusades, the inquisition, even the early christian church, when it took over the void left by the downfall of Rome, killed the people in conquered territories if they did not believe in god (the christian way). The list goes on and on. Almost every religion, especially the Judeo-Christian-Islam based religions, all have this idea that theirs is the only true religion, and by god, they will kill you to prove it! It just seems to me ridiculus to say that there is a good god, or a just god, or a loving god, when we continue to kill each other in god's name. Another interesting point is that most religions want you to believe based on "faith". I have more faith in the local used car salesman than I do of any religion. Your thoughts and comments....
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14 responses
@MJay101 (710)
15 Nov 09
I quite agree with the sentiments expressed in your post. However, I would point out that there has been plenty of killing NOT in the name of God - it does appear to be a human condition, rather than anything specifically to do with God, or Gods. The trouble with reliigion - and with strong political ideologies (such as Soviet Communism, Nazism, etc.) - is that they are, by their nature, fundamentalist. Christianity cannot tolerate the presence of non-Christians, just as the Nazis could not tolerate the presence of "lesser races". I don't believe in God for this reason.
• United States
15 Nov 09
Excellent point Mjay101... I did not want to talk about non-religious killings, but I probably should have brought that up. Killing is a human condition. Thanks
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• United States
15 Nov 09
i think you are looking at it the wrong way. its not god himself who kills the people. its the actual people who believe in the other so called messengers from god that tells you to kill them. if you think about it, anyone can be a fake messenger and fool people to believe almost anything. i for one believe that there must be a higher being because of all the miracles i recieved in life. people today's time are too naive to actually sit down and think about what they are doing instead blindly taking a life in the sake of god. a preacher/priest can have a disagreement with another person and can spread lies about how this person doesn't belive in god or any religion and trick the people at his/her church to commit crimes for sake of god but really its for the sake of himself
• India
16 Nov 09
Yes, all religions have used the ‘supremacy’ and ‘faith’ and ‘conversion’ cards to increase their own followings. To me, it all boils down to power and money. More followers mean more people, more money, more land, more territories and therefore more power for the religious leaders or sects or headquarters of worship. Maybe that is why so many people these days are actually questioning the authenticity of the prevalent religions and looking for alternate options or for those religious beliefs where were there long time back but were overwhelmed by the Abrahamic religions.
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
17 Nov 09
Humanity and our so called civilized societies have been pretty good at finding reasons to kill each other even without using religion as a pretext for the power hungry and rich to gain more power and riches at the expense of the poor majority. I think if you studied those religions you would also find that each has text speaking against killing but often people are misguided because they take someones word on the meaning instead of reading it for themselves.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
15 Nov 09
You make some very good points. Aren't you deciding if God exists based on the descriptions from these religions??? God does exist! I don't want you to believe or have faith. I challenge you to go search for God. Since your idea of God is based on what religion has taught you, you must forget all that you have learned in the past. All the secrets of the universe stare us in the face. Knowledge is never just given. It must be earned. Wisdom is gained through the struggle to attain knowledge.The truth is out there but not easily discovered. As with everything in life. It is a test of intelligence.
@vandana7 (101473)
• India
16 Nov 09
Wow. This is what I agree with 100 percent! I could never put it so briefly. :)
17 Nov 09
if you respect and value your religion you would show goodness the essence of its religion will reveal upon its followers. if you follow a blind leader then you probably falling into hell's trap.
@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
16 Nov 09
Making an incendiary thread sure is a good way to get responses. I have an idea you know that you're making stupid generalizations.
• India
15 Nov 09
Yes these kind of things happened not only a long time back, but even today there are people who kill each other for the sake of religion. One cannot blame the religion, for the followers attrocities. it is up to the elders of the religion to make the hot heads see the reason, and make people of all religions to live a peaceful life.
@May2k8 (18478)
• Indonesia
15 Nov 09
it has nothing to do with religion, because religion is used to unite all people in this world does not want solved even though we have different religions. This is because humans have a sense of resentment and anger that are not controlled, and there was civil war resulted in the loss of moral and morality as a rational creature.
@bryanwmc (1051)
• Malaysia
15 Nov 09
People kill people,its stems from the basest of human nature to destroy or remove what may be perceived as a threat and with humans its done in the name of religion but using religion to cover or justify the evil deeds.,just like the new dominant male lion will kill off the offspring of the previous male just to ensure his lineage lives on,somehow i am given to believe that no religion in the world teaches followers to kill nor inflict suffering on living things especially fellow humans , which will be a terrible sin in GOD's eyes.Religions basically tell people to do good and be gracious to others,but its still people who interpret the teachings and abuse or twist it to their own dark perverted interpretation,and wont hetitate to condenm anyone to hell for not sharing their beliefs but the most scary thing about it all is that some of these purportedly religious zealots are so convinced they possess the truth that they are willing to kill or die violently for it to demonstrate their faith to their GOD. If there was a GOD,would be a very exasperated GOD!
@bryanwmc (1051)
• Malaysia
15 Nov 09
I also think that the violence we do unto others stem from a lack of understanding ,tolerance and arrogance about ones own beliefs within their religion. If you are not with me then you are against me,and i almost certainly or my religion in this case is the one true religion ,all others all false thereby punishable for being GODless,all condenming each other for being not in possesion of the almighty truth. Reminds me of the story of the elephant in a dark house and 5 blind men who dont know what it looks like,each goes into the house individually and feel the animal and then tell people what he thinks an elephant looks like.Needless to say,the blind man who felt the ears will say elephant is like a fan,but the one who felt the legs will disagree and say "NO,it looks like a tree" and so on with the one who felt the tail and one who touched the body. If only they put their pride aside and combine their stories ,they will learn ,everyone merely has a portion of the true shape,and they ll have a idea on what the animal looks like if all combine their description. Like religion,all paths lead to one truth. No one religion has a monopoly of the whole truth but major religions are different paths that ultimately converges into one destination.Truth of GOD
@bentoyhk (202)
• Hong Kong
16 Nov 09
I don't have any religion. I believe myself. People use the name of the god and doing some wrong thing because they are greedy and selfish. They want to put their guilty on others. They can't response for it. So don't ever be that kind of person. Trust yourself and do right thing!
15 Nov 09
There is absolutely no way god would want people to kill each other. It is just an excuse.
15 Nov 09
this things using religion is nonsense if they really believe in their true god they would haven't killed innocent people just for the sake of believing if its the true work of the lord it would be opposite to what they had been acting for the safe of pagans to believe the lord.