how can i be romantic without spending money lots?

November 15, 2009 10:10am CST
hi all mylotters. i am looking for ways to be romantic and not spend a whole lot of money, as younger guys who are dating often like me dont have a whole lot of extra money to spend.i just want to be a romantic partner or at least feel the need to be romantic. can you all help me? thanks^^
8 responses
• United States
3 Dec 09
Being romantic usually depends on how you do things, your gestures, not necessarily what you have or what you buy, but it would help to buy a little something here and there every once in a while to show your girl that you still care in a different manner. One thing that you could do without spending too much, is instead of eating out at restaurants, find a nice quiet place, whether it can be at your house or some place outside in your city, and have dinner there. You can bring food that you cooked or prepared together to that place and have a meal there. You can do this at home too. Afterwards, or even at any other time of the day, you two can take a nice walk in the park, hand in hand, and just have a conversation. There are a lot of things you can do that doesn't require a lot of money to spend, but hopefully this helped =]
@Godmother (476)
• Indonesia
20 Nov 09
send lovely sms to her every morning to brighten her day. pick her up when you can. Hold her hand when walking together. Tell her that she's lovely, and she makes you happy. And send an sms too before going to bed. A plain "I love you. sweet dreams" would already be touching.
• Philippines
16 Nov 09
cook for your partner the cheapest food he likes.. and spend some time with him
@rg0205 (2636)
• Hong Kong
15 Nov 09
You can write a poem, write a love letter or even do an ecard. You can find a way to make paper roses online or little handicrafts that don't cost much, too. Alternately, if you can't really write, you can combine a playlist of love songs and burn them onto a CD and give it to your girlfriend.
• India
15 Nov 09
its not necessary that you have to spen a lot of money , for being romantic , one can be romantic , either if he is not able to spend much money on his / her love , all you ahve to do is , just gradually , take the confidence of a woman , you can take this , step by step , firstly from a nice conversation , and than , helping her out in her problems , these are all the ways to show your love towards some one , so its perfectly can do all this even without spending much money okie........... hope it will help you
16 Nov 09
making someone happy doesn't mean that giving them luxuries in life.. i can be romantic by sending love cards to a loved one..or simply surprising him/her in my simplest way without spending a lot..hugging and kissing him/her in 30 seconds is somewhat really sweet..and oh saying the three romantic words everyday really that counts=)
@ilyzium (1197)
• Canada
15 Nov 09
Ok well this is advice coming from a married woman who's had lots of dating experience before she got married. Let's see, well when you think of it romance is really all these tender gestures between couples. Everything from holding hands when you're walking somewhere, lots of kisses and affection. You could make her a really nice dinner followed by massage and some "action" afterward. Every day between my partner and I is romantic, because we're always like that with each other as we don't want to wake up one day being this old, boring married couple with no fizzle. You can also go for picnics, somewhere romantic. Pack together some foodie items and a blanket and take it somewhere nice where you can have your picnic. Go somewhere with her in the evening with a blanket and watch the stars outside. My partner also wrote me poetry when we were dating as well, though he hasn't written any since we've been married. :( Good luck to you.
@MJay101 (710)
15 Nov 09
It's incredibly easy to be romantic without spending much money. Why not: Write a poem, or letter, or story, Pick wildflowers, instead of shop-bought roses (or whatever), Cook a delicious meal for no money, rather than go to a restaurant, Or - just tell your partner how you feel! Express yourself, in whichever form suits you best.