I need to ask this now

By Gabs
@gabs8513 (48686)
United Kingdom
November 15, 2009 4:52pm CST
Before I go to bed will someone enlighten me here I have lately started to go through the Top Discussions and getting more confused Why are there so many Discussions about the world ending in 2012? What has the Film 2012 to do with it? Why watch the Film it scares you? I remember the big carry on that the world was ending in 2000 it scared me and I did not know what was going to happen, now I am coming across these Discussions and I mean there are loads being started I am not going to think about it because at the end of the Day if it is going to happen it will whether I worry about it now or not But one thing for sure I will never watch this Film 2012 with reading here what it is doing to People Call me ignorant, blond, stupid, but I am just wondering where this has all come from
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25 responses
@MJay101 (710)
15 Nov 09
A lot of people with very little imagination (or rather, an over-active imagination) have apparently seen a mediocre money-making exercise - I mean, film - which appeals to the nihilist in all of us and have thus concluded that the world will end. I suspect it might become a self-fulfilling prophecy: if enough people believe the world will end, there's probably not a great deal that the sane can do about it.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
16 Nov 09
Well I guess not I remember it being a big thing coming towards year 2000 as well Thanks for this response
15 Nov 09
Hi, all this caos are coming from the May calendar and theyr profecyes, they think that on 21 december 2012 the earth will end, but isn't so. With the new film and the documentary that we have see in this days, some people think it's all true, but the science say that at the 2012 it will be a special day but not the end of the earth, and also if you read the Bible, you can see that it's all false. I have seen the film and if you like to see it you must only think it's all false...
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
16 Nov 09
Hi Pamela I will not believe it as the same was said about year 2000 I have seen a few Films about the earth going to end and that and it has not bothered me but the way these People are going on about it I don't think I want to see it lol Thank you for your reply
@jeanena (2198)
• Bucklin, Kansas
16 Nov 09
Hi Ya Gabs, I watched the previews for 2012 I think there is going to be a lot of action in this one. I will see it as soon as I can because I like movies like that. There is always a whole lot of hype done to make people want to go see them.. More money to be made. Just like the big to do over the Blair witch. No one can really say for sure when the world will end or even if it will end. And if it does none of us will be left to wonder why , so why worry before hand. Hehehe I have too much stuff else to worry about now days with out being worried about something I can't change. Hugs ~~Jodi
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
16 Nov 09
Hi Jodi I agree with you I am not going to worry about it because if it happens we are not going to know about it Is everything ok ???? Big Hugs
@ElicBxn (63792)
• United States
16 Nov 09
the Mayan calendar ends this cycle in Dec of 2012, the "end of the world" "fearests" say the world is going to end then, because the calendar ends then. Yes, they have done a movie about it, same kind of movie as the "day after tomorrow" type movies. Don't buy it for a minute. Personally, I'll believe the world is going to end when they "bring the boxes" (when I see it.)
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
16 Nov 09
Well I am not going to ponder over it I was just curious as I saw so many Discussions about it and I thought I had missed something lol
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
16 Nov 09
I think people are worrying because of all the so-called prophecies about 2012. Personally, I'm not worrying. I've been through enough "end of the world's" and we're still here so.... And, if the world does end in 2012, so what? We'll all be gone... poof! No worrying! I'd kinda like to know when the time gets closer if it's really going to happen because I won't bother getting out the Christmas decorations that year and won't bother buying all the gifts.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
16 Nov 09
Lol yep I agree there lol
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
16 Nov 09
Lol Mentalward I never even thought of that and you are so right I mean I could just spend the money on me instead lol You have certainly hit the Nail on the Head there so on the 21 December 2012 People will be running round buying Gifts and putting their Decorations up because they woke up to another Day lol
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
16 Nov 09
What a way to go out, huh? Out shopping and spending all our money on ourselves! I can't think of any other way I'd rather go!
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• China
15 Nov 09
what i am saying amigo is i will go to sleep immediately after this response,huh. in my life,i never think about the ending of world,extraterrestrial or something like that. my friend if these things sare u and make you insomnia,pls stay away from them and you say someone people show you bad words,pls leave them alone,don't take them to ur heart where this come from,i think most of them from the image of Hollywood's directors Good sleep:)
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
19 Nov 09
Awwwww well ya know that these nuts out there has once a gain picked a year for the world to end. I am not goin gto worry about it if it does end then we will all be gone no more owrry!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
19 Nov 09
I agree totally and I am certainly not going to worry if it happens we will not even know
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
20 Nov 09
thats for sure
• Australia
15 Nov 09
Gaby, don't worry about it - just ignore it. It is primarily a money-making thing, and it appears to be quite successful. It is a top discussion not only here, but on the streets and everywhere. No doubt the fil and books will earn some people lots of money. The idea originated from the Mayan calendar (wrongly) but you know some people: jump on anything and of course, it is always bad news or impending disaster that will engage peoples' attention. Just ignore the whole thing.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
16 Nov 09
I will do Cloud I got worked up the last time, not this time because f there was any truth in it we can't stop it and that is how I look at it now
@AmbiePam (96293)
• United States
15 Nov 09
There was a thing in a magazine about the movie 2012. But they said if one really looked into this whole thing about the world ending in 2012 according to the Mayan calendar they would know they were wrong. I'm quoting straight from the magazine here. According to Harvard anthropologist Marc Zender, the idea of the world ending in 2012 originated from the 1960s New Age mystics. He says, "The Mayan calendar is a cycle, and it doesn't end in 2012." I was turned off by the trailer for the movie 2012. I feel like it preys on people's fears. Now before any fan of the movie jumps on my case, that is just my opinion. Besides all that, it looks boring to me. Just another disaster movie.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
16 Nov 09
Well I certainly will not take any notice of it When the Film comes on TV I will more then likely watch it but I will not go out of my Way to watch it if you know what I mean
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
16 Nov 09
I noticed that too. I just am not going to buy into it. There is always some end of world prediction going on and has been for as long as I can remember. The whole 2012 thing comes from the Mayan calendar. Seems they have been keeping calendars and predictions and then suddenly stopped in the year 2012 so people think that is when the world will end. I could be wrong on this...it's what I've heard. I'm not going to get all scared. We should live our lives as if tomorrow might not come anyway. I remember the whole 2000 scare. I did actually think that the computers could crash and cause a lot of problems...end of the world?...never really believed that one. I remember getting out of work at 10pm that night and coming home to ring in the New Year with my daughters who were young at the time. They had a couple of friends over. I brought home snacks and we had the tv on to watch the ball drop. Just as the ball dropped....local fireworks went off. My, then 12 year old, went into hysterics thinking we were being bombed. it was a good laugh. Worrying about the world ending is just a waste of time better spent enjoying it while it lasts.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
16 Nov 09
Totally agree Sid and I have no intentions of worrying over it But it seems to hit the younger ones which is understandable and it is sad that so much fear is going their way, I do hope that this will die down I am not going to worry as you say it has been said so often
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
16 Nov 09
I know. That's how I looked at it too. I remember living here before all the computers. I just couldn't imagine it being all that bad except for the businesses and whatnot. It should have taught everyone that it would be wise to keep a paper trail.
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• United States
16 Nov 09
LOL...I never understood the whole year 200 end of the world thing either...i mean the world existed BEFORE computers didnt it? So even if every computer in the world went down why would that mean the end of the world? I mean yeah it would be bad...everything runs on computers any more...all the electric grids would go out etc...but the world actually existed BEFORE electricity too didnt it? People may have to go back to doing things for themselves if the computers go down but the end of the world??? geez
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
16 Nov 09
You are certainly not stupid.. LOL.. I do not believe about this 2012 saga too. To me, it's just going to be another year and the date will just pass by. Perhaps it's going to rain, or shine and etc.. . I know the movie is out, but I'm not going to watch it. I thought of watching it just to catch what it's all about, but my friend had watched already and I don't think I want to..
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
16 Nov 09
Lol well thank you Zed I just wondered what it was all about I have no intentions of believing it as I have heard it so many times in the past If it happens we will not know about it The thing is the People who made the Movie don't even know how it will end when it does no one does
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
19 Nov 09
You are welcome, Gabs. Well, my online friend has watched it and she said the movie was 3 hours long..
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Nov 09
hi gags sometimes I think little Gissi has us all beat, he only gets upset over little things,here a lot of people are scaring themselves silly over some saying that will in all probability not come true, as for as long as i can remember people have predicted different times for the earth to end, and we are still going strong. so I wish we would all forget the movie and the silly superstitious crap and get back to real life again. I know I am not going to watch the film2012 as I think its just silliness.There are so many better topics to pick now.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
16 Nov 09
lol Hatley do not worry when you make a typo with me lol as I know it is a typo And I will say I totally agree with you on this Hugs
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Nov 09
oh my gosh gabs I am sorry I did not see my typo in time it should be hi gabs not gags how dreadful.
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16 Nov 09
Hi Gabs, I think is it so stupid really,I have seen so many discussion about and I just skip it to me that is scare mongering, look no one when it is the end of the whoe if there is and just because this stupin film everyone is going daft about it, what is the matter with people? they are just like sheep following each other over this stupid thing about 2012, well there is something is happening and I am sure of that it the Olympics held here, wheeee heeee!!!. love and hugs. Tamara xxxx
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
16 Nov 09
I agree with you I have to be honest when it was predicted for 2000 I was wondering if there would be a world but never spoke about it to anyone and well the world was still here now I am not letting it bother me because if it happens we won't know as we will all be gone Like Mentalward above you said the only thing is do we buy Christmas Presents and put our decorations up I mean it would save messing about lol
• Philippines
16 Nov 09
I don't pay much attention about that too... I don't want to worry and stress myself about that anyway it is only God who can tell when will the World will end really... Year 2012 is very near and I want to spend more time with my baby! No I am not going to entertain that thought! Why will I stress myself anyway???
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
16 Nov 09
Hi there Lovelyn I totally agree with you and if it should end we would not know about it But no don't stress about it and enjoy your Baby as they do grow up to fast believe me Thank you for responding
@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
16 Nov 09
Okay, you probably have lots of responses, but I will add my voice. December 20, 2012 is the end of a cycle of the Mayan Calendar. They do not claim it is the end of the world but some superstitious folk are making out like they do.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
16 Nov 09
Well I will not even think about it GG as there is nothing that can be done about it I guess it is just money making and of course succeeds in scaring People
• United States
16 Nov 09
Whelp...heres my theory on the whole thing... I have heard all the earth is ending stories too since as long as i can remember...the date just always gets pushed up some and then we fret and stew for a few more years worrying that the world is ending...then we start at step and and keep doing the whole thing over and over... What i think it that the world is going to come to an end at the wxact precise moment it is supposed to do so and not one second sooner or later and unfortunately for us none of us GETS to know exactly when that is or IF it ever is... you know the earth has been around for billions of years akready....and i have a feeling it is goint to be around for billions more....just maybe not the way we know it right now....but it wasnt always this way before so why shouldnt it change again.... Now something may happen ON earth that wipoes out most or all of humanity but if that does happen why waste time worrying about it or hoarding canned goods and water...i mean we cant prevent it from happening and the odds are you wont live through it so the water wont do you any good and even if you do manage to be the 1 in a million that lives so what is left?? how long can your food and water keep you alive? so to spend time worrying about that now is like wasting the time we have now....because whatever IS going to happen IS going to happen and we have NO comtrol over it!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
16 Nov 09
And I totally agree because when it happens we are not even going to know
@savypat (20216)
• United States
16 Nov 09
I think that there is some evil thing within humans that enjoys being terrified. My feeling it that when the world ends it will and there is nothing I can do so why even consider it?
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
16 Nov 09
Exactly that is how I feel we would not even know
@sunnycool (12714)
• India
16 Nov 09
if you are dare enough to keep aside that every thing is going to end by 2012 nd live ur normal life without caring it.then y u think that watching the movie would freak you my friend.may be it has been based on some historical evdences but no ones life is in anybodys hands so u can go ahead nd watch it. I think watching those gore english movies where people kill them selves mercilessly nd cutting off every part of humans is worser when compared to these kind of movies.gdu day.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
16 Nov 09
I am not dreading seeing it and I do not like gory Movies either it is not something I watch I am saying I will not go to the Cinema to see it I will wait till it comes on TV What I am saying is that no matter what movie or not if it happens it happens whether we worry about it or not I have heard it so many times now it was suppose to end in 2000 and it didn't Thank you for your response
• Philippines
16 Nov 09
only God knows when the world ends. just trust God and you will never be afraid. take care..
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
16 Nov 09
Very true Thanks Alex
• Philippines
16 Nov 09
Don't bother yourself with the myth. Yes, end of the world is true but no one knows when it will be happen. GOD only knows. Don't let them deceive you... For me, those who write the story of that controversial film are the real ignorant. Sorry, but this is just my own opinion. They release that in public and everyone have the right to gives opinion.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
16 Nov 09
I agree with you and no need to be sorry There is no point in worrying about it to be honest as we will not be here to see it and we can't change it Thank you for responding