Fellow MyLotters...NEED YOUR HELP A.S.A.P.! PLEASE!

United States
November 15, 2009 7:24pm CST
Hello everyone! This is really short notice and I need your help. I have to prepare a statistics report for a class I am teaching this week. In order to get a proper rate, I really need at least 100 replies. This is about religion. If you would please take the time to answer the questions below (COMPLETELY HONEST PLEASE) before Wednesday. (It is now sunday night in USA) I would greatly, greatly appreciate it!!! Thank you all so much, I knew exactly where to go for this need!! Blessings ! Brooke 1) What country do you live in? 2) What religion are you? (Please include atheist, agnostic or pagan) 3) Why are you this religion? (I.e. parents are, raised in this religion, etc...) 4) What book of faith (if any) do you follow? (Holy bible, Catholic Bible, Watchtower, etc... If you don't read any please write N/A) 5) How often to you attend your place of worship? 6) How often do you publically share your belief/religion with others? Why or why not? 7) Approximately, how often would you say your base your decisions making upon your religion/ beliefs? Thank you again for taking the time to answers these for me! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE BE COMPLETELY HONEST TO GIVE AN ACCURATE REPORT!!
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15 responses
• United States
17 Nov 09
1. USA 2. Agnostic 3. Because proof of any deity, or ominous being, does not exist, however I am willing to devote myself to a god if given proof of his existence. I want burning bushes, I want parted seas. Proof was supposedly given after the crucifixion, wheres the proof for me? 4. Playboy :) 5. My bathroom, and at least 3 times a day. 6. Whenever questions like these come along. 7. Everyday :) I do not have a "religion" but I do believe in the Buddhist way of life.. Do unto others as you'd have done to yourself. Karma is a wonderful thing. Ive been told I'm going to "hell" because of my lack of faith in "god", but just because I do not have faith in your god does not make me a bad person. I am more civil and kind hearted than some Christians like to think they are. So if you have any problem with my opinion, go find a brick wall, and tell it your problems because I don't care. I dont tell you that your religion is wrong. So don't tell me that not having one is wrong either.
@cannibal (650)
• India
17 Nov 09
I reckon yours answers 4 and 5 should be the highlights of the report.
• United States
17 Nov 09
Thanks for your detailed answer, I really appreciate it.
• United States
20 Nov 09
haha thank you. I was actually expecting to be beaten with stones and burned at the stake by an angry mob for that one lol
@cannibal (650)
• India
16 Nov 09
1) India 2) Hindu (Monist) 3) I was born a Hindu and although I do not follow what my parents do, I found monism and mysticism highly appealing and sensible. 4) I do not follow any book per se; but I love to read the experiences of mystics in different parts of the world. 5) N/A 6) Often, but only when asked to. I do not like blowing my own (religion's) trumpet and claiming that I have the absolute truth with me and that all others are wrong. 7) My decisions are generally independent of my beliefs. And my beliefs are such that I do not follow any rigid rituals or anything; so it does not affect the decisions. In other words my beliefs are highly flexible. Hope it goes well with a great report!
• United States
16 Nov 09
Flexibility is not something we see much of anymore, is it? I appreciate your answers so much, thank you!
• United States
17 Nov 09
This is a response to questions of religion that I can respect.
@max1950 (2306)
• United States
16 Nov 09
united states---catholic---parents,catholic school--the bible--25% i think it;s a personal thing---50% just do the next right thing
• United States
16 Nov 09
Thanks Max! I need every response I can get at this point! Thanks for helping me!
@rosepedal64 (4188)
• United States
16 Nov 09
Okay I will try to do this for you. Im not sure if it is what you are looking for but hopefully I can help out some. United States Church of Christ Holy Bible Twice a Year Never Im not sure why Never Good luck and take care. Keep Smiling
• United States
16 Nov 09
Thank you sooooo much!!
• United States
16 Nov 09
I see that you are getting some good responses. I hope that you get what you need and in time too. Good luck and keep smiling.
• United States
16 Nov 09
1) United States of America 2)Catholic (non-practicing) 3)Parents choice 4)King James and catholic bibles also do read watchtower and such publications 5)I do not attend any place of worship.. My place of worship is a silent corner inside or outside where I talk to God at least 15 min. every day 6)share my beliefs every time the subject comes up which could be daily for weeks and then not at all for a week. 7)I base my decisions everyday based on my beliefs. Good luck with your report..
• United States
16 Nov 09
I really appreciate your contribution. Thank you.
@kashers (649)
• Jamaica
17 Nov 09
1)jamaica in the caribbean an island in the tropics,(2)the eckankar religion the light and sound of god soul travel teachings,i am an eckist,(3)because it deals with the aspect of souls the origin of where its from where its created why is it here,the true spiritual meaniness.(4)the shariyat ki sugmad is the holy scriptures of eckankar there are 15 books of them but only books1&2 are in the physical world,the others are in the spiritual golden temples in the spiritual worlds u have to know the art of soul travel to go visit the temples to see them,(5)always(6)always(7)every move i make its always for the benefit of soul and the higher and the higher teachings of it,every thing i say is always for the benefit of it for it,i live only for this teachings and none other thank you,may the blessings be.
• United States
17 Nov 09
Thank you for your reply. I need as many as I can get, and everyone is being so helpful! I am grateful!
• United States
16 Nov 09
I will answer this and it will be different than most. Read on.... 1) What country do you live in? USA 2) What religion are you? (Please include atheist, agnostic or pagan) Truth, which is not in any of the religions available, businesses don't deal in truth. 3) Why are you this religion? (I.e. parents are, raised in this religion, etc...) Truth is the only way to live. I have nothing to explain, always say it straight. 4) What book of faith (if any) do you follow? (Holy bible, Catholic Bible, Watchtower, etc... If you don't read any please write N/A) I read them all for history, some have guidance, all together as one, you can find good things to help you through a day. 5) How often to you attend your place of worship? I feel each of us is a church within ourself if we truly believe in our own faith. So the answer would be constantly. 6) How often do you publically share your belief/religion with others? Why or why not? Anytime I can, not many like my idea that most religions are a business and only deal in their truth to keep you within their fold. Condeming others if they don't belong, that isn't right, we all were born the same to this earth, no one person is greater than another. We all are built the same, it is our choices in life, that brings circumstance that we live and learn. 7) Approximately, how often would you say your base your decisions making upon your religion/ beliefs? Always I hope this helps
• United States
16 Nov 09
YES, it helps me tremondously! I am thoroughly enjoy the diversity of the answers so far. Thank you very much for your response!
@irene66 (1669)
• Philippines
16 Nov 09
Ok I understand the urgency of your study so i will be the first one to reply. 1. I'm from the Philippines 2. Roman catholic 3. I grew in this religion 4. Holy bible 5. Often time, In a month, 3 times,sometimes 2 and yet other times 4 6. Sometimes only if the situation permits For some reason I don't have audience, honestly I dont give time for it when it is supposed to be shared. and I'm not well versed of the bible teachings and the bible itself. 7. many times. say out of 10 8-9 I hope this helps.
• United States
16 Nov 09
Thank you!!!
@marguicha (225508)
• Chile
16 Nov 09
I hope this helps 1. Chile 2. Agnostic 3. Being agnostic means I don´t belong to any religion. My parents were atheists and my grandmother was catholic. 4. N/A 5. N/A 6. Only when prompted or when speaking about religions with other people 7. Never I´m not sure whether this kind of poll is against mylot´s rules. I answered only because it was for a class. But if it´s against the rules you will have your post deleted and you won´t earn from it. Still you will have the statistics. Happy posting!
• United States
16 Nov 09
Thank you for your answers! Honestly, I didn't even check MyLot rules about this. Nor was I concerned about the "payout" on this discussion. LOL....I honestly didn't think about it, until your post... :-0 I'm so desperate to pull this all together in 3 days, I didn't even think about those issues. I sure hope they don't delete. Cuz I need several more answers to get my stats report compiled! PLEASE DON'T MYLOT!!
@calai618 (1773)
• Philippines
16 Nov 09
Hello brooke! No problem. here's mine: 1 Philippines 2 Roman Catholic 3 Family (since my great,great, great,great grandparents on both sides) 4 Bible 5 Sundays but misses sometimes (There's also a Saturday mass on our village's gym so it's where we attend sometimes) 6 I share my belief when asked, when making a group decision can be solved with it, or when teaching young children. Why? Because i believe that people have their own choices and that no matter how much you want them to believe your religion and your God, it's only them who can decide.) 7 As often as posible. I know my religion doesn't harm anyone so living my life in accordance to its beliefs won't harm me. Especially if the situation is answerable by the 10 commandments, then I follow the commandments.
• United States
16 Nov 09
I appreciate you answers and time spent helping me out! thanks a bunch!!
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
16 Nov 09
Hi Brooke, I hope this helps, below are my answers; 1. I live in the Philippines. 2. My religion is Roman Catholic 3. I was born and raised as a Roman Catholic 4. Holy Bible. 5. I seldom attend mass 6. I seldom share because discussions related to religion only end up in debate and don't have any resolution. 7. I always believe that my religion has taught me on what's right or wrong. I often consider god's pleasure when I decide but there are instances that it's purely for selfish reasons. Hope this helps. Cheers!
• United States
16 Nov 09
It helps alot! Thank you for helping me!!
@yan_blue8 (1437)
• Philippines
16 Nov 09
Hi there! Well, here's for my answers. 1. I live in the Philippines 2. I am an agnostic 3. I was born to be a Roman Catholic but changed to being agnostic 4. I don't read book like the bible. -- I don't follow religions because its makes me more confuse about God.
• United States
16 Nov 09
Thanks for taking the time to help me with this!!!
@jewels49 (1776)
• United States
16 Nov 09
I thought I was done with stat questions when my son finished that class. Glad to help, here you go. 1. the united states 2. no specific religion, I believe in God 3. Because I am not a big fan of organized religion 4. I read many spiritual books and journals, don't follow just any one 5. seldom 6. only when asked or having that disussion already. Because it's a loaded subject that rarely ends well. 7. Every day Good Luck, hope you get it all done in time to write a great report.
• United States
16 Nov 09
LOL... I can totally understand!! Thank you for your participation, I really do appreciate it!
• United States
16 Nov 09
1. I live in the United States of America 2. I am agnostic 3. I am agnostic because my mother tried raising me as a Jehovah's Witness, and I didn't like all of the rules I had to follow. I didn't want to switch religions, I just didn't want THAT religion. I also still believed in God, and Jesus. So I became agnostic. 4. N/A 5. N/A 6. Whenever someone asks me what I religion is. I don't go around declaring it to the public, but if someone new I meet wants to know I answer truthfully. 7. Since being agnostic means you really don't believe in any certain religion, but you believe in God, I don't really base my decisions on any religion-based rules. I follow my head and my heart, and do what I think is right. I hope I could help you out, and good luck with your report!
• United States
16 Nov 09
Perfect! It helps tremondously! Thank you!
@Harley009 (1416)
• India
22 Nov 09
I think you already submitted your report :) 1. I am an Indian, sometime works abroad 2. I am a Muslim 3. I got the label 'Muslim' when I was born in Muslim family, but later I realized the truth from books, speeches, internet etc.. Now I'm a confident and practicing Muslim. Any truth seeker who read Quran can identify that it is not work of human. And it has many scientific and historic signs, which was detected by the science very lately, while Quran says it back 1400 years ago. Quran never contradict with established facts of science but goes hand in hand with established facts of science. So I believe in Quran.. the Last testament .. The last edition of the manual for humans from the creator of humans through the last prophet of God .. Prophet Mohammad. 4. Quran the basic proof, the practical demonstration and advices are given by prophet Mohammad, which are recorded as narrations, and it is called as 'Hadith' collections, which is the secondary proof. I read it with meanings frequently and I'm attending Quran learning classes weekly. 5. For the Congregational prayer, once in a Week, every Friday at the noon time. For daily prayer try to attend to nearby mosques five times a day, or I will pray from where I am, i.e from house or office etc. 6. I used to share it in internet sites like Mylot, also with friends when such a situation comes and to those who ask about it. 7. I always try to adhere to my belief in most aspects of my life. May Almighty God guide us all to the right path. Peace.