CNN going after Militias and Patriots?
By lilwonders
@lilwonders456 (8214)
United States
November 16, 2009 2:27pm CST
Anyone else see the story on Militias on the CNN site. It is suppost to be part of three part series on them. IT is asking "Patriot or Extremists?".
What is up with this? Militias are not a new thing in this country. They have been here sence the birth of our nation. Heck I have known about them sense the 1980s.
They are also doing a piece on the "Patriots Movement". Heck there have also been Patriots in this country sence our birth as a nation. Without them we would still be a colony of England. What is sooo bad about loving your country and the constitution? Sence when is that an "extremist" view? I would think most people in this country could be called "Patriots". They love their country and their freedom right?
I will be interested to read all these reports. Although I am not looking for it be anything but propagenda. What do you think of Militias? How do you feel about the "Patriot Movement"?
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4 responses
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
17 Nov 09
LIL, not all of these militias are like the ones that you are talking about. I live close to Michigan, and the Michigan militia does scare many people in this area. They have very extreme views, and in some parts of the state, power in local governments. They also are heavily armed.
I do find it funny how they are quite when republicans are in office, but come out when we have Democrats in office.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
17 Nov 09
Actually they were not quite during Bush's year. They got ticked off about the patriot act and let everyone know it too. They were not big fans of Bush at all.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
17 Nov 09
You do understand a militia is a completely legal and valid institution don't you? Or do you believe police and U.S. military should be the only standing defense forces? Also if you would, define "extreme views".
"I do find it funny how they are quite when republicans are in office, but come out when we have Democrats in office."
That is not only obsurdly untrue, it's laughable. Though, I find it quite funny no one worries about militias until a democrat is in office.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
17 Nov 09
Oh debator, just a quick note that might interest you. If you consider militia's to be terrorist or extremist groups, then you better go and turn yourself in. Just by being a citizen of the state of Ohio and between the age of 17 and 67, you are a militia member.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
19 Nov 09
There was that militia here back in 1775 that was accused of terrorist actions against the crown. I just can't seem to remember the name of it, but that group even got together and wrote some document saying something about bearing arms in a militia being a right. Man, why can't I remember who those terrorists were?
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
18 Nov 09
I can't name one. But I know the one most people will use....the OK bombing.
Although that was not militia related at all.

@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
17 Nov 09
Is CNN trying to connect the Militias with Patriots? Many people have claimed that the those who attend TEA Parties are Patriots. Therefore TEA Party participants are extremist like the Militia Members. With many in the Left Stream Media putting forth the Fort Hoot Terrorist as a victim, will the Militia (TEA party goers) become the villains? After all this administration has hinted at this and needs to have a new Villain.

@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
19 Nov 09
He WAS a victim! He had PRE traumatic stress disorder. I heard he caught it from soldiers who had actually been in Iraq. Besides, Chris Matthews made it clear that there's nothing wrong with an Army Major emailing back and forth 20 times with an al Quada recruiter.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
18 Nov 09
That is exactly what is going on. THey are trying to say that tea party goers and militias are dangerous and crazy. Basically anyone who does not agree with the government and loves the constitution.
Looks like loving your country now makes you a villian.

@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
17 Nov 09
Had a few more thoughts on this Lil. An article I read on this stated that CNN went to 10 different Militias before they found one to accept being covered. I'm calling MAJOR bullshytte on that. There is a reason they chose the Michigin Militia, to invoke oklahoma city memories. It wasn't because they were the only one's who agread. Even though it was quickly debunked that it Ok. City had anything at all to do with the Michigin Militia, most people in this country are pretty ignorant of that fact and already have a completely bass-ackwards view of these defense forces. This is going to be a total hit piece from the get go.

@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
17 Nov 09
Well they're pretty brave in Missouri as they've already been accused of being right wing extremists and potential domestic terrorists. I just don't know why more people don't realize the disturbing trend going on with how these groups are being targeted.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
18 Nov 09
I agree that Missouri is really brave to do it. Especially after homeland security tried to label them "domestic terrorists" and anyone who supported Ron Paul or third party candidates. That right there would stop most of them from wanting any kind of pubility.
Most people don't understand militias and the press only tells them how bad and crazy they are. That is why the public thinks so badly of them. Don't know what we can do about fair press coverage. We all know the press reports things how htey want them to be...not how they really are.