I hate screaming kids!

United States
November 16, 2009 2:55pm CST
I really hate when kids are constantly screaming!Some parents can't shout them up or just ignore it! It is rude,annoying and makes you wonder what is wrong with the parents! I had to put up with a screaming little boy at the laundry mat on Saturday! Every time he screamed his mom just would say in a low voice to be quiet! That surely didn't work! So he keep on doing it! Luckily when I was drying my clothes the mom finally left with the scremming brat! I never would of gotten away with that growing up! Parents don't disiplining their kids at all or very little! It is disturbing! Kids need and want disipline! other wise we are raising a world of brats!
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28 responses
@jewels49 (1776)
• United States
16 Nov 09
That's sounds like it could be one of those damned if you do and damned if you don't scenarios. Had she spanked him or grabbed ahold of him, 15 people would have been on their cell phones and she would have been on you tube before the day was done. I envy the person that can say that at least one of their kids hasn't has a melt down, thrown a tantrum, or embarassed them in public. Sometimes taking the child home is an option, but if you have laundry in machines that can be harder to do. Hopefully next time she will remember to grab something to distract him. The laundry mat is a good place to take along some colors,toys and snacks when you go. In all fairness, you don't know he was a brat..only that he was a little boy having a bad day. I do agree with you that more parents should be adamant about discipline, especally in public places, but I also think fear of you tube and the nightly news might be interfering with their willingness to do it.
• United States
18 Nov 09
I see alot of parents bring along toys or whatever to keep their kids busy while the they are doing laundry! I don't know why this mom didn't! Anyway thanks for the repsonse!
@jugsjugs (12967)
16 Nov 09
I am a parent of 6 children and one out of all of my 6 children has ADHD so he has reasons why he CAN NOT be a quiet child let alone sit still for long.The child you said about may have had a problem like ADHD and therefor no matter what the parent says or do to that child it will not make any difference.I tend not to judge as you do not know the parent of that child let alone that child.
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• United States
17 Nov 09
So, I just wonder what is ADHD stands for? It is some sort of symptom for a sick kid? So, if a kid has this symptom, he tends to scream a lot and more active than other kids around? I just want to know more about this.
@jugsjugs (12967)
17 Nov 09
A is foe attention ie he got the boy got your attention as well as his mums attention.D is Deficit H is Hyperactivity and Dis Disorder.Children can have problems like they fidgit,find it hard to sit still,find it hard to listen and take in anything that is being told to them.They also find it hard to settle down to anything and find that they move about in a very busy way.The children who have this find it hard to get on with children as well as adults,family members and this can also make them feel sad.They can be treated with medication,but like with all medication it takes time to get the right medication and the dosage right for that child.My son smashed up class rooms,kicked,kit,spat and threw chairs at the teachers at his school as well as the helpers he is now only 7 and this started at 6 years old.He has to have one to one teaching as well as small groups in a team event.It has stopped his learning and none of this is his fault.None of this is my fault either.A hospital doctor has diagnosed him with the ADHD.
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• China
17 Nov 09
I know to it is difficult to be parent, especially good parents.YOU have to try your best to gain your children better food, better living background, better education and other things. I am a young girl who have not married.Now I live myself i can understand my mother's hardship clearly.
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@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
17 Nov 09
l,ol. You think its easy on the parent!!?? Imagine you are out with a kid screaming because they didn't get a toy. Not only that you have all the Tom and Mary I don't have kids but still think I know how to tell you how to raise yours Smiths scowling at you. We have it ten times as bad. That type of behavior should be ignored. The mom in the laundry mat was doing wrong to say anything to her boy. She should have completely ignored him of course keeping a subtle eye on him just incase. Why do I say this? Because small children like that are usually looking for attention. They need taught that this behavior is not the way to get what they want. That is how I did my children once. I got a few looks and glares from people who don't understand what its like to raise kids but that was the first and the last time my kids ever threw a screaming fit in a public place
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@liquorice (3887)
17 Nov 09
Well said. People (without kids!) judge you if you do nothing when your kid has a tantrum, but also judge you if you tell them off in public. A parent's job is a hard one to start with, and then made harder still by all the strangers who judge us.
1 person likes this
• United States
18 Nov 09
Well put! thanks for the response!
@clorissa123 (4926)
• United States
17 Nov 09
I won't shout at my kid, and I just couldn't do it myself. My wife would do a better job than me on this. She can raise her voice on my son if she thinks that he is not at a behavoiral mode. I won't allow to interfere even though my son asking for help on this. Maybe he needs discipline for sure, but he would shut up after he saw my wife's angry face.
• United States
16 Nov 09
I can't stand screaming, some parents just don't know how the disipline the kids. Its alway when they are out in public.
• United States
17 Nov 09
I like kids be active, but I don't like them to scream neither. I just want them to be running around, but not destroying things. It will be fine with me. Because kids are simply active, and they can't stand sitting around. I would accept that.
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• Indonesia
17 Nov 09
sometimes a child crying because he probably can not reveal anything in the form of words. He/she finally cried. I can tolerate a crying child.
• United States
18 Nov 09
I go shopping and I hear alot of screaming kids! Parents should know better!
@lidiam84 (151)
• Netherlands
17 Nov 09
I can't stand screaming kids either! I get a lot of loud young girls in the train and I just get so pissed! Everytime it's OMGAWD! Did you see her??? LIKE OMG... LIKE LIKE LIKE... UGHHH.... And at the supermarket... "MOOOOM, I WAAAANT THIS!! WHAAAA" UGHHH Gives me a headache just to think of it!!
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@emarie (5441)
• United States
17 Nov 09
Well..do you have kids? I understand fully what you're saying but also being a mom I can understand the other side as well. My kids don't scream...whine and pout is another story but they don't go around screaming their heads off...in public at least. that i did teach them from when they were younger. but you have to feel for these parents sometimes. parenting is hard and just raising kids in general is hard. when my kids and nephews get excited and play they do tend to scream, talk and laugh out loud...thats how kids are. but think about it to with the mother you met. would you feel better if the mother was yelling too at the top of her voice for the kid to "SHUT UP!"? I've seen those kids and thought the parent can handle that differently. every kid, every parent, every situation is different and when you become a parent you can see those things and it makes you think differently. when i was a teen and didn't have kids i think i thought the same thing about kids who are loud. but now i can just see it in a different way.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
19 Nov 09
I had a screamer even tho my other 3 kids were not. You know what really actually worked sometimes for her? A stranger walking up and asking her to please quiet down.
@max1950 (2306)
• United States
17 Nov 09
that's why it's great being a grandparent, when the screaming starts pops goes home. i havent had that problem in 30 years, thank god, but people who let their kids scream and bother other people shouldnt have had them if they cant control them, my daughter has a son with a.d.d. and when he started acting up she got up and took him outside for a walk not let him sit there in a restaurant or store constantly screaming annoying the other patrons and causing a scene, you people with your screaming brats need to wake up and stop the excuses, if you dont know how to be a parent buy a book and learn or go to classes
• United States
18 Nov 09
You said max! parents need to wake up and stop the excuses! Reading a book or taking a class on child rearing! Some parents didn't learn anything in that department from thier parents! They also listen to people who have no idea what they are talking about when it comes to kids and think they do! I hate people like that!
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
19 Nov 09
I know that kids screaming is not something anyone really wants to listen to. Many times it is lack of discipline but there are kids that will whine and scream to get their way even when they are not given their way for screaming. I had one child that was like that when she was younger. I'm not sure why but I think her father did give in to her just to shut her up. We were divorced and my other 3 kids were not like that. In most situations, not only did she not get her way but we would up and leave wherever we were. Sometimes that isn't possible. In the laundrymat....that would not be possible or practical. When you have a kid like that there is very little you can do to shut them up. I'm not sure what this women's situation with her child was, I'm just saying that it may not have been entirely her fault.
• United States
20 Nov 09
Disipline I know usually is the biggest prblem with screaamimg kids! I don't know the whole situation with the woman at the laundry mat. It is possible it wasn't all her fault! Thanks for the response!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Nov 09
hi blue65packer oh yes I sure do agree, around two or three little kids can really pierce your poor head with their screams and it looks like parents now days do not even care. we watched from our apartment once this little girl fall down. nobody was around so she just sat there rubbing her knee, but when she saw some people coming she screamed at the top of her lungs cause her mom was among them. before she had not uttered a sound.once her mom got to her she stopped like someone had turned her off. so sometimes they do this just t o get attention. l
• United States
18 Nov 09
Thanks for the response! i know there are alot of kids who scream just to get attention! To many parents don't care or to busy with everything else! People shouldn't have kids if they don't have the time or aren't going to care about them! Enough said!
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
20 Nov 09
Hi, blue.. That silent talk will not work with my kids. I have to get down and ugly with them when I have to. I can't pet them up. I have to be strict as possible on them. I want them to take me seriously as I talk to them. I don't play baby games with them. I don't know why some parents talk softly. At first you can do this, but once they start being hard headed then you will have to let them have it!
• United States
21 Nov 09
Thanks for your response! I hate when people do the silent thing and it does work on their kids! I wish more parents would get down and dirty with their kids,like you!
• United States
17 Nov 09
Welcome to the new age! The liberals have made it so we can not spank, hit or really punish our children. It can also be a phase. I know my duaghter would throw the worst tempertantrums! I am talking the hollywood kicking and screaming on the floor. You know why? She wanted what she wanted. It could have been candy late at night or to watch a particular show or to go home. Guess what her doctor told me to do. IGNORE HER! I am sorry but giving a child what they want is how you create brats. If I need something done, I am going to do it. I do have other obligations in my life as I am sure you do too. I will do it if my child screames or not. I do not give into my children when I say no. They have to learn that no is no and beating them and punishing them for trying to communicate how they feel. How else is the child going to let you know. They also have to lear patients. There are ways of teaching this and punishing them is not the way to do it.
@mariposaman (2959)
• Canada
17 Nov 09
Apparently teaching discipline a self control has gone out of fashion. Then the kids spend the rest of their lives annoying others with their antics and bad manners and in some cases in and out of jail because of their anti-social activities that they should have learned to control while young. There seems to be an epidemic of ADHD which seems to be in some cases an excuse for bad parenting. I noticed an article where one woman teaching impossible teenagers had them exercise for a half hour every morning. This ran off their excess engergies and they settled down afterwards. I sometimes think kids do not get outside and run around anymore, at least around here where I live.
• United States
17 Nov 09
I hate situations like that and it annoys me even more at how little parents discipline their children. I know when I was little, my mom or dad would have never tolerated me being loud and annoying. And it surprises me at how parents bring their children on the subway and they just ignore how loud and obnoxious they can be, as if it's just "children being children," and as if it's adorable. I figure parents get used to that since they have to put up with it so often but they shouldn't assume we all think the same.
• United States
18 Nov 09
I hate people like that! They must of gone deaf listening to their kids scream and that is why they ignore them! Anyway thanks for the response!
• United States
19 Nov 09
Me too! It's so inconsiderate and it's annoying, especially when you're on a train coming back from work... you definitely don't need to hear that right after!
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
17 Nov 09
Amen to that. Some of the parents are worse than what the children are. No wander some of the kids act the way they do at times. It gets on my very last nerve too when a kid is misbehaving and will not listen. I believe in discipline. I agree with you on that!
• United States
18 Nov 09
Thank you very much for your response! Some parents are worse then their kids sometimes! Very good point! It is right on the money!
@boogerman (1544)
• Philippines
17 Nov 09
Yes, that would be annoying when they are in public. It can also bring shame to their parents because it reflects on how they are being disciplined. I listen to music with growling and screaming voice but not on screaming children. Usually, they do it because they can't get what they want or just to get attention. Parents must not bring their kids to work especially when they know that they will not behave properly. But if they are disciplined well, there is nothing to worry and you can bring them anywhere without getting ashamed because of them. Have a nice day!
• United States
18 Nov 09
You are right! Kids usually are screaming because they want something or attention! It is a shame parents let their kids do that! Thanks for the response! Happy Mylotting!
• United States
16 Nov 09
Me too thats another reason sometimes i don't like going to school. because all i hear all day is loud kids and talking back so annoying. why can't they all just be respectful and sit down if we did maybe we could actually go on field trips or get to do more stuff. and screaming kids in general suck too i have a twin brother and sister i still call them babies because they scream and cry and yell when they don't get what they want. Thats why i'm not a teacher i don't really like kids anymore their so ungrateful and their not respectful and their always wining and crying but yet i think my kid would be different haha i still want to have one then i'm done hopefully that wish comes true.
• United States
18 Nov 09
Thanks for the response! I hope when you have kids it will be diifferent then with your brother and sister!
@lindiebiz (1006)
• Canada
17 Nov 09
I hope I am not sensing that you dislike children but in a way, I don't think the mother is entirely to blame. Children will always throw tantrums and if the mother hits him or shouts at him, she would be accused of being abusive. Children especially at a little age are very difficult to deal with.
• United States
18 Nov 09
I like kids I just don't like when parents don't disipline their children! I know shouting or hitting could be child abuse. I just think parents today don't take the time to disipine their kids or don't believe in it! That is my opinion.
@earndeep (168)
• India
16 Nov 09
Screaming childes are really annoying and just increasing our temper. This mostly occurs while travelling in crowd, already there will more external noises from vehicles and murmurings etc., If a child screams at this situation... Oh... god I cannot even imagine it. Its really hard to be in that place...
• United States
18 Nov 09
My temper was ready to explode on saturday listening to that kid! Thanks for the response!
@getbrowser (1708)
• China
17 Nov 09
screaming kids - Meeting some screaming kids is really an annoying thing and the parents of these children should take the responsibility to help children get rid of such a bad habit.
I hate screaming and I can't stand it completely, expecially when there are some children are screaming. Sometimes, when I am busy with my work, then I get into such a bad situation, which is really annoying. Everytime when I meet such kids, then I find it is difficult to concertrate on my current job, even if I try my best to pay no attention to them, my mind has been confused completely. In my eyes, for these uneducated actions, the parents of these children should take the responsibility to help children get rid of the bad habits.
• United States
18 Nov 09
That is a very good point which I totally agree on! Thanks for the response!