Have You Ever Paid a Stranger a Compliment?

@browneyed (2522)
United Kingdom
November 16, 2009 7:31pm CST
I did. Yesterday. I saw a woman on my way to the supermarket. I thought she looked nice, so I told her. She seemed slightly surprised but pleased to hear it. She returned the compliment. It felt good doing that and it took no money or time at all. Just humanity and the desire to connect with another, albeit briefly. Who knows what day she'd had. So, have you ever paid a stranger a compliment? Would you ever?
2 responses
@walijo2008 (4644)
• United States
17 Nov 09
That was nice of you, you probably made her day better, and you made her feel good. I've never done it before but its not a bad idea, sometimes we don't know what kind of day people may be having and just a few kind words may cheer them up. I know there have been a few days when I could of used some cheering up..Good for you.
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@browneyed (2522)
• United Kingdom
18 Nov 09
Hi walijo2008, It's a win-win situation. Most people take it well. And you end up feeling good for doing it. Try doing it once a month and see how it goes. In regards to cheering yourself up, this is what one of my friends did - she asked me to write 3 compliments on 3 separate sheets of paper and fold them up. She didn't read them but put them in a box. She then read them when she really needed cheering up. Take care
@browneyed (2522)
• United Kingdom
19 Nov 09
You're welcome
• United States
18 Nov 09
Hey thats a good idea..I might try it..Thanks..
1 person likes this
• United States
17 Nov 09
It's been awhile since I've paid a stranger a compliment, but it was normal for me to compliment a lady on a nice pair of shoes, or nice hair cut or a man on a sharp jacket. Doing it makes you feel really good about yourself for some reason, doesn't it?
@browneyed (2522)
• United Kingdom
17 Nov 09
Yeah, it did make me feel good. She seemed happy about it and it took nothing at all, but gave something. Do you plan on paying someone a compliment this week? :-)