Are you an absent-minded person?

@saizo6 (2199)
United States
November 17, 2009 12:05am CST
I'm just wondering because I find myself being a bit more absent-minded lately than usual. I've never been bad at it before but I've been zoning out a lot the last few days. I'd be doing one thing and the next moment I'm zoned out and don't notice things until someone gets my attention to mention it to me. Like today for example, I was going to brew some coffee so I got everything ready and just drifted off. I didn't even realize that I didn't put the coffee pot in until someone mentioned it to me. This actually happened to me yesterday too. Hopefully it doesn't happen tomorrow.
3 responses
@peace001 (726)
• China
17 Nov 09
maybe you are tired,you'd better have a totally rest,then you will fell better.when i cannot concentrate my attention on my job or study,then i will do somthing to release myself totally,find a good ways to release yourself.take care~
@saizo6 (2199)
• United States
17 Nov 09
I figured that was my problem too. I was working more than usual before that, 11-12 hours is pushing it for me.
@rg0205 (2636)
• Hong Kong
17 Nov 09
I wouldn't say that I am most of the time but I do admit that when something is bothering me, I tend to zone out every now and then when things are bothering me or when I'm too tired. Otherwise, I am usually pretty sharp.
@szlhff (10)
• China
17 Nov 09
I am always absent-minded ....